August 1-2, 2018
National Conservation Training Center - USFWS
The NSF Aerial Center for Transformative Environmental Monitoring Programs (AirCTEMPs) will offer a one and a quarter day-short course on the applications of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS’s) in earth sciences. The workshop will present diverse remote sensing applications in earth sciences addressing UAS platform and sensor selection, mission planning, and operational questions such as safety, planning, and geo-referencing.
Timing: August 1: 4-6 pm, August 2: 8:30 am - 12 pm, 1 pm - 5 pm
Participation: Limited to 20 participants; by order of registration
Instructor: Scott Tyler (styler<at>, Foundation Professor, University of Nevada, Reno
CTEMPs, through the National Science Foundation EAR Instrumentation and Facilities Program
Oregon State University; University of Nevada Reno