Thread: AGU Session OS033: New Opportunities in Ocean and Earth Observing at The Seafloor Interface

Started: 2018-07-17 03:05:12
Last activity: 2018-07-17 03:05:12
Topics: AGU Meetings
Dear colleagues,
Please consider submitting an abstract to the following session of the upcoming 2018 AGU fall meeting:

OS033: New Opportunities in Ocean and Earth Observing at The Seafloor Interface

Session Description:
Real-time information on a global scale about the ocean above and the earth below their shared interface can be obtained from sensors (e.g., temperature, pressure, and acceleration) deployed in conjunction with efficient data relays. One important example is sensors embedded in submarine telecommunications cables. Such a deployment addresses two critical needs for science and society: 1) improved resolution and rapidity in global tsunami warning and seismic monitoring, and 2) sustained, cost-effective ocean circulation, sea level and climate data. This session solicits abstracts on efficient interfacing and integration of sensors, improving sensor accuracy (e.g., drift free absolute pressure) and transfer functions, modeling studies to quantify the expected benefits of the improved sampling, and results from existing ocean-bottom systems.

Charlotte Rowe (Los Alamos National Lab)
Susan Bilek (New Mexico Tech)
Jerome Aucan (Laboratoire d'Etudes en Géophysique et Océanographie Spatiale - LEGOS)
Bruce Howe (University of Hawaii at Manoa)

Abstract Submission Deadline: August 1, 2018 11:59 PM EDT
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