Colleagues –
To celebrate 100 years of AGU, the 2019 Fall AGU meeting features unique Centennial sessions that have been group as a SWIRL. All first authors may submit one standard contributed abstract AND one abstract to a Centennial SWIRL session. Centennial SWIRL sessions in Seismology include:
S002 - Centennial: One Hundred Years of Seismology
Through this session the Seismology Section will mark AGU’s centennial by considering 100 years of seismology. We welcome contributions that are both retrospective and prospective. The goal of the session is to first summarize important achievements in seismology over the past century, since the founding of AGU. We will complement that with predictions for the future based on current research trends, or more speculative visions, of key directions in seismology during the next 100 years. For the prospective component of the session, we are particularly interested in the perspective of early career scientists, and scientists in disciplines allied to seismology.
S003 - Centennial Session: Forensic Seismology, Origins and Future
In honor of AGU’s centennial, this session focuses on historical, current and future geophysical contributions in the fields of forensic seismology and global security. We invite submissions detailing seismic, acoustic, hydroacoustic, and other multiphenomenological research relevant to explosion monitoring, forensics, and other global security topics. Submissions highlighting leading contributors and breakthrough discoveries within the verification regime are also of interest. Colleagues and/or former students of influential contributors are encouraged to submit abstracts to present historical context on the origins of forensic seismology, it’s influence in shaping public policy related to global security and the field’s contributions to a broader scientific understanding within the fields of seismology and tectonics.
S004 - Centennial: The Anisotropic Earth
Seismic anisotropy has proven to be a vital constraint in characterizing the dynamic and tectonic processes that have shaped the Earth. Because of the fundamental importance in fully characterizing the amount and orientation of anisotropy as it relates to dynamic processes, numerous seismic analysis techniques have been developed and implemented. Significant work in laboratory experiments has helped illuminate the relationship between deformation, mineralogy, and seismic anisotropy. This session aims to highlight the modern advances made in the application and methodology of the analysis of seismic anisotropy as a tool to better understand our planet by highlighting advancements in seismological techniques from full-waveform modeling, receiver functions, shear wave splitting, surface waves, normal modes, and more. We encourage contributions spanning all depths from the inner core to the crust. We will look back at the field of seismic anisotropy as well as consider the future by emphasizing novel methods and modern advancements.
Help us celebrate Seismology but if you don’t see one that suites your interests, there are many great Centennial SWIRL sessions hosted by other sections. Go explore! But please do so by July 31st, 2019.
To celebrate 100 years of AGU, the 2019 Fall AGU meeting features unique Centennial sessions that have been group as a SWIRL. All first authors may submit one standard contributed abstract AND one abstract to a Centennial SWIRL session. Centennial SWIRL sessions in Seismology include:
S002 - Centennial: One Hundred Years of Seismology
Through this session the Seismology Section will mark AGU’s centennial by considering 100 years of seismology. We welcome contributions that are both retrospective and prospective. The goal of the session is to first summarize important achievements in seismology over the past century, since the founding of AGU. We will complement that with predictions for the future based on current research trends, or more speculative visions, of key directions in seismology during the next 100 years. For the prospective component of the session, we are particularly interested in the perspective of early career scientists, and scientists in disciplines allied to seismology.
S003 - Centennial Session: Forensic Seismology, Origins and Future
In honor of AGU’s centennial, this session focuses on historical, current and future geophysical contributions in the fields of forensic seismology and global security. We invite submissions detailing seismic, acoustic, hydroacoustic, and other multiphenomenological research relevant to explosion monitoring, forensics, and other global security topics. Submissions highlighting leading contributors and breakthrough discoveries within the verification regime are also of interest. Colleagues and/or former students of influential contributors are encouraged to submit abstracts to present historical context on the origins of forensic seismology, it’s influence in shaping public policy related to global security and the field’s contributions to a broader scientific understanding within the fields of seismology and tectonics.
S004 - Centennial: The Anisotropic Earth
Seismic anisotropy has proven to be a vital constraint in characterizing the dynamic and tectonic processes that have shaped the Earth. Because of the fundamental importance in fully characterizing the amount and orientation of anisotropy as it relates to dynamic processes, numerous seismic analysis techniques have been developed and implemented. Significant work in laboratory experiments has helped illuminate the relationship between deformation, mineralogy, and seismic anisotropy. This session aims to highlight the modern advances made in the application and methodology of the analysis of seismic anisotropy as a tool to better understand our planet by highlighting advancements in seismological techniques from full-waveform modeling, receiver functions, shear wave splitting, surface waves, normal modes, and more. We encourage contributions spanning all depths from the inner core to the crust. We will look back at the field of seismic anisotropy as well as consider the future by emphasizing novel methods and modern advancements.
Help us celebrate Seismology but if you don’t see one that suites your interests, there are many great Centennial SWIRL sessions hosted by other sections. Go explore! But please do so by July 31st, 2019.