Thread: Help judge the AWESOME student presentations in our AGU session!

Started: 2019-12-02 18:36:09
Last activity: 2019-12-02 18:36:09
Topics: AGU Meetings
Hi everyone,

We are organizing the AGU Tectonophysics session "Advances in Methods for Observing and Modeling Seismic and Aseismic Processes" this year, which has an oral and a poster session on the Monday. We have one student oral presentation (at 8:30 AM) and seven student poster presentations in the afternoon, and are looking for volunteers to evaluate these for the Outstanding Student Presentation Award. If you'd be interested in judging and would like to sign up, that would be fantastic. You can sign up at by logging in under "I am a Judge" with your AGU credentials, going to "Find Presentations," and searching under "Find all presentations in a specific session" for sessions T11A (oral) and T13D (poster), and the presentations should come up under those.

Thanks so much!
Chris Rollins, Kali Allison, Jessica Murray and Adriano Gualandi
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