Thread: AGU Session on Supershear Earthquakes (S026)

Started: 2020-07-27 00:04:35
Last activity: 2020-07-27 00:04:35
Topics: AGU Meetings
Haiyang Kehoe
2020-07-27 00:04:35
Dear colleagues,

The annual AGU Fall Meeting will be held virtually from 7-11 December 2020. We welcome those interested in supershear earthquakes to submit an abstract to the session below.

Session Title: Supershear Earthquakes: Recent Observational, Experimental, and Theoretical Developments
Section: Seismology (S026)
Session Link:
Conveners: Haiyang Kehoe (University of Arizona), Han Bao (University of California, Los Angeles), Kurama Okubo (Harvard University)

Session Description: Supershear earthquakes, rupturing faster than the earth’s shear wave velocity, have captivated seismologists for decades, in part due to their ability to transfer high-amplitude ground motion to far distances from the source location. Research efforts have focused on the physical mechanisms and fault properties that control supershear ruptures but are limited by the relative infrequency of supershear earthquakes. Advances in source-imaging techniques have improved our ability to routinely image earthquake ruptures in high spatiotemporal detail and have subsequently revealed previously unknown supershear earthquakes. Recent laboratory experiments and numerical models, benefitting from new techniques and emerging technologies, illuminate key earthquake rupture dynamics and provide further constraints on the conditions in which supershear earthquakes occur. This session aims to combine observations, laboratory experiments, numerical models, and seismic theory to further our understanding of supershear earthquake ruptures and their associated hazards.

Confirmed Invited Presenters:
David Oglesby (UC Riverside)
Vito Rubino (Caltech)

The abstract submission deadline is Wednesday, 29 July 2020 (23:59 EDT). Submit an abstract here: Please remember that the first author must be an AGU member.

We look forward to seeing your contributions! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us directly at the emails below.


Haiyang Kehoe (hlkehoe<at>
Han Bao (hbrandon<at>
Kurama Okubo (kurama_okubo<at>
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