Thread: Solid Earth Geodynamics at PASC21 - Call for Papers

Started: 2020-10-23 16:07:24
Last activity: 2020-10-23 16:07:24
Topics: Other Meetings
Monica Maceira
2020-10-23 16:07:24
Dear colleagues,

Do you work with HPC resources? Do you use the cloud for your scientific work? Are you into edge computing? Please consider participation in the next PASC21 (Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing) meeting by submitting a paper for consideration. There is a specific topic on SOLID EARTH GEODYNAMICS as well as others. Details of the meeting as well as guidelines for papers and other specifics are provided below. Do not hesitate to contact us if questions arise.

Looking forward to meeting you next July 2021 in Geneva!
Monica Maceira and Andreas Fichtner


Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing

University of Geneva
Geneva - Switzerland
5-8 Jul 2021

Deadline: 13 Dec 2020 (no extensions)


The Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing (PASC) invites research paper submissions for PASC21, co-sponsored by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and SIGHPC, which will be held at the University of Geneva, Switzerland, from July 5 to 8, 2021. The guidelines for submissions are published at

The PASC Conference series is an international and interdisciplinary platform for the exchange of knowledge in scientific computing and computational science with a strong focus on methods, tools, algorithms, application challenges, and novel techniques and usage of high performance computing.

As in previous years, the technical program of PASC21 is organized around eight scientific domains:

* Chemistry and Materials
* Life Sciences (incl. but not limited to biophysics, genomics, bioinformatics, systems biology, neuroscience and computational biology, ...)
* Physics (incl. but not limited to astrophysics, cosmology, plasma modelling, QCD, ...)
* Climate and Weather
* Solid Earth Dynamics
* Engineering (incl. but not limited to CFD, computational mechanics, computational engineering materials, turbulent flow, ...)
* Computer Science and Applied Mathematics
* Emerging Application Domains (incl. but not limited to social sciences, finance, ...)

PASC21 solicits high-quality contributions of original research related to scientific computing in all of these domains. Papers that engage with the theme of PASC21 – New Challenges, New Computing Paradigms – are particularly welcome.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

* Extreme scalable methods in computational science and engineering, such as algorithms and software for scalable multi-scale, multi-physics, and high-fidelity computational science and engineering problems.
* Numerical methods, algorithms, or large-scale simulations in computational fluid dynamics, computational mechanics, computational engineering materials, turbulent flow, and computational cosmology.
* Effective use of advanced computing systems for large-scale scientific applications, including modern multi- and many-core CPUs and accelerators with deep memory hierarchies, and energy-efficient architectures.
* Best practices and tools for productive and sustainable scientific and engineering software development.
* The integration of large-scale experimental and observational scientific data and high-performance data analytics and computing.
* Reproducibility for computational science and engineering.
* Verification, validation, and uncertainty quantification.
* Domain specific languages; toolchains for source-to-source translation/adaption.
* Runtime systems and middleware, such as task- and data-driven computation on heterogeneous architectures.
* Algorithms and strategies for effective use of machine learning, deep learning or AI to accelerate computational science.
* Unstructured vs structured meshes for computational science applications at exascale
* Numerical algorithm development for exascale computing, including, but not limited to, communication avoiding algorithms, use of reduced or mixed precision, and integration of scalable numerical libraries in application software.
* Computational approaches for social sciences such as finance, urban planning, mobility or disaster response.

Papers accepted for PASC21 will be presented as talks, and published in the Proceedings of the PASC Conference, accessible via the ACM Digital Library. A selection of the highest quality papers may be given the opportunity of a plenary presentation. In selecting papers for plenary presentation, the Papers Committee will place particular weight on impact, interdisciplinarity and interest to a broad audience.

The goal of the PASC Conference Papers Program is to advance the quality of scientific communication between the various disciplines of computational science and engineering in the context of high performance computing. The program was built from an observation that the computer science community traditionally publishes in the proceedings of major international conferences, while domain science communities publish primarily in disciplinary journals – and neither of which is read regularly by the other. The PASC Conference provides a unique venue that enables interdisciplinary exchange in a manner that bridges the two scientific publishing cultures.

The Proceedings of the PASC Conference (PASC21) are published in the Association for Computing Machinery's (ACM's) Digital Library. In recognition of the high quality of the PASC Conference papers track, the ACM continues to provide the proceedings as an Open Table of Contents (OpenTOC). This means that the definitive versions of PASC Conference papers are available to everyone at no charge to the author and without any pay-wall constraints for readers.


The PASC21 Papers Program Committee ( is responsible for the paper evaluation process. The committee is chaired by Kate Evans (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) and Damian Rouson (Sourcery Institute) and is comprised of Domain Chairs who are specialists in their scientific fields. Papers will be evaluated on their significance, technical soundness, originality, and quality of communication.

We employ a rigorous academic peer-review process: most notably, we allow the possibility for provisional acceptance (revision and author rebuttal), and specialized reviewers are solicited for each submission (there is no pre-selected standing committee of reviewers). The paper selection process thus combines the strengths of conference and journal publication schemes to provide an effective, high-impact publication venue in large-scale computational science.

Contributions must be submitted through the PASC Conference online submission portal ( Submissions should include the following:

* Title: Maximum 20 words.
* Scientific Domain: Select a primary and optionally secondary scientific domain(s).
* Author details: Full names and contact details of author(s).
* Short Abstract: Maximum 200 words.
* Paper: Maximum 10 pages including figures, tables, and appendices.

As submissions are evaluated double blind, authors should not be named in the paper itself (nor should their affiliations or funding bodies), and references to previous own work should be made in the third person. Papers must be submitted in the current ACM Article Template (sigconf proceedings) format [1].


The deadline for submissions for PASC21 is December 13, 2020 at 11:59 pm anywhere on earth ('AoE' or 'UTC-12').

* 13 December 2020: Deadline for paper submissions (no extensions!)
* 8 February 2021: Review notifications
* 1 March 2021: Deadline for paper revisions
* 5 April 2021: Acceptance notifications


Authors of papers that are accepted for PASC21 will be given 20-30 minute presentation slots at the conference, grouped in topically-focused parallel sessions. A selection of the highest quality papers may be given the opportunity of a plenary presentation. Papers that are presented at PASC21 will be published in the Proceedings of the PASC Conference, accessible via the ACM Digital Library. Please note that speakers must register for the conference and are subject to the corresponding registration fee.


Following the conference, authors will have the opportunity to develop their papers, and, where appropriate, associated open-source software, for publication in a relevant, computationally focused, domain-specific journal. The journal paper should be an expanded version of the conference paper (consistent with the ACM policy for major revisions [2]) presenting a more complete description of the work – a fuller introduction, deeper project description, additional results, etc. and may be accompanied by associated open-source software.

To facilitate post-conference journal publications, the PASC Conference has formed collaborative partnerships with a number of high-quality scientific journals, including Computer Physics Communications (CPC) [3], the Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems (JAMES) [4], and ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (ACM TOMS) [5]. Members of the journals' editorial boards will work with the Scientific Committee in reviewing PASC papers and in identifying papers to be extended and submitted to partner journals. Authors should communicate their interest in publishing with a partner journal during the submission process.


General Chairs
* Kate Evans (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, US)
* Damian Rouson (Sourcery Institute, US)

Chemistry and Materials
* Stephan Irle (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, US)
* Clemence Corminboeuf (EPFL, Switzerland)

Climate and Weather
* Oliver Fuhrer (Vulcan Inc., US)
* Samantha Adams (Met Office, UK)

Computer Science and Applied Mathematics
* Laura Grigori (INRIA Paris, France)
* Sameer Shende (University of Oregon, US)

Emerging Application Domains
* Yan Liu (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, US)
* WenWen Li (Arizona State University, US)

* Alvaro Coutinho (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
* Rachel Slaybaugh (UC Berkeley, US)

Life Sciences
* Anotida Madzvamuse (University of Sussex, UK)
* Suzanne Lenhart (University of Tennessee, US)

* Katrin Heitmann (Argonne National Laboratory, US)
* Axel Huebl (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, US)

Solid Earth Dynamics
* Monica Maceira (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, US)
* Andreas Fichtner (ETH Zurich, Switzerland))

If you have any questions regarding the submission or reviewing process please email info<at>


[1]:; see section "LaTex Authors" for the link to download the template
[2]: To distinguish between a new derivative work and a minor revision, ACM uses, respectively, a rule of greater than or less than 25 percent changed

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