Thread: Alaska EarthScope and Beyond Seminar Series and Synthesis Workshop

Started: 2021-01-14 17:09:11
Last activity: 2021-01-14 17:09:11
Topics: Other Meetings
Dear Colleagues,

We are organizing a weekly seminar series this semester, “Alaska EarthScope and Beyond”, which will be part of efforts leading up to an Alaska EarthScope synthesis workshop this summer. Seminars will be held each Monday at 3pm eastern (2pm central, 1pm mountain, noon Pacific, 11am Alaska), for one hour.

Registration is required for the seminars, with the registration link for the first being:

We will decide by early February whether to plan for a purely virtual workshop in the May-June timeframe, or a late summer in-person workshop with additional virtual components. Either way, we will have weekly seminars on science related to the broad EarthScope science goals, especially those using EarthScope, GeoPRISMS, and Alaska Amphibious Community Seismic Experiment data and projects in Alaska and adjacent regions of Canada. As the semester goes on, we will aim to stimulate some active working groups leading up to the summer workshop event(s).

The speakers for the first three seminars have been set, and we are issuing a general call for volunteers and/or nominations for additional speakers. If you are a volunteer or have a nomination, send those to Julie Elliott (julieelliott<at><julieelliott<at>>). Talks may be full length or 30 minutes, depending on the number of suggestions.

We have a specific mailing list set up for this series – broad announcements will be sent out only during the first few weeks. If you want to be on the mailing list for the whole semester and all synthesis events, send an email request to Sarah Roeske (smroeske<at><smroeske<at>>).

Jan 25. Introduction to the series, and overview of EarthScope and ongoing data
Introduction (Jeff Freymueller, Michigan State University)
Geodesy, PBO/NOTA (Julie Elliott, Purdue University)
Seismology, USArray (Mike West, University of Alaska Fairbanks)
Registration link:

Feb 1. Titles TBD
Vera Schulte-Pelkum, University of Colorado
Derek Schutt, Colorado State University

Feb 8. Titles TBD
Thorne Lay, University of California, Santa Cruz
Carl Tape, University of Alaska Fairbanks

We hope many of you will enjoy participating in the seminar series and synthesis workshop, and we apologize in advance for the duplicate emails that many of you will receive.

Rick Aster
Julie Elliott
Jeff Freymueller
Sarah Roeske

Professor of Geophysics and Department Head
Geosciences Department
322E NR Building
Warner College of Natural Resources
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1482
(970) 491-7606 (Office)
(970) 491-7826 (Department Office)
(505) 459-4596 (Cell)
(970) 491-6307 (Fax)

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