Thread: AGU Session T018. Transform Fault Zones and their Complex Tectonics

Started: 2021-07-08 00:08:41
Last activity: 2021-07-08 00:08:41
Topics: AGU Meetings
Dear colleagues,

We wish to invite you to consider contributing your AGU Fall Meeting abstract to the following virtual-only session focusing on transform fault zones:

Session Title: T018. Initiation, Evolution, Structure, and Dynamics of Transform Fault Zones and their Complex Tectonics

View Session Details:


Transform plate boundaries accommodate lateral plate motion and link the other two types of plate boundaries, generally juxtaposing lithospheres of different compositions and ages. These sites can generate major earthquakes and thus pose serious hazards. Oceanic transform faults are key elements in seafloor spreading whose behavior can be influenced by hydrothermal circulation and magma. Continental transforms are complex fault zones composed of multiple subparallel active strands. Fault bends, step-overs, and oblique plate motion result in transpression or transtension deformation. We welcome studies that advance our understanding of the initiation and evolution, structure, and dynamics of transform zones, including seismic and aseismic deformation, and especially encourage multidisciplinary studies that integrate seismology, geodesy, gravity, structural geology, geomorphology, geochemistry, rock physics, and/or geodynamics.

Also, please note that AGU now allows first authors to submit two abstracts We are looking forward to seeing you virtually in December!

The abstract submission deadline is 4 August at 23:59 EDT/03:59 +1 GMT.


Session Conveners:

Sarah Jaye C Oliva (University of British Columbia)

Yajing Liu (McGill University)

Phaedra Upton (GNS Science)

Carolina Pagli (Università di Pisa)


Sarah Jaye Oliva, PhD

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences

University of British Columbia



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