Thread: Marine Data Curation and Software development - LDEO of Columbia University

Started: 2021-09-07 13:50:55
Last activity: 2021-09-07 13:50:55
Marine Data Curation and Software development

Columbia University’s Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory invites applications for a marine data analyst/marine scientist and software specialist to join our small highly collaborative team of scientists and programmers in support of the NSF-funded Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program. The R2R program provides data curation services for the US oceanographic community with a focus on the multi-disciplinary marine sensor data acquired routinely on research expeditions of the US Academic Research Fleet. The research fleet supports coastal to deep ocean “blue water” oceanography as well as polar studies in the Arctic and Antarctica with diverse research objectives such as impacts of global change on ocean chemistry and ecosystems, ocean circulation, submarine volcanism and earthquakes, and glacial processes on continental margins. The position will entail development and implementation of software to support the quality assessment, curation, preservation and delivery of marine sensor data acquired with the research fleet each year. The successful candidate can expect to work with the broader marine science community in the solicitation of data and implementation of data services.

Minimum requirements are a Bachelor of Science or Engineering Degree in Computer or Data Science, Math, Earth or Marine Science plus a minimum of 3 years’ experience in relevant marine data acquisition and/or data analysis required as well as ability to manage and write code in a variety of languages including shell scripting, PHP and Python. Must have strong problem solving, organizational, communication and interpersonal skills.

For more information and to apply please see
Applications will be accepted until September 24.
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