Thread: Post-doc Opportunity in Machine Learning and Seafloor Geodesy

Started: 2021-10-31 01:33:49
Last activity: 2021-10-31 01:33:49
USGS Mendenhall post-doctoral opportunity in seafloor geodesy, machine learning and artificial intelligence

We are seeking a Mendenhall Post-doctoral Fellow to develop and/or apply novel machine learning and artificial intelligence (ML/AI) algorithms to enhance the potential of seafloor geodesy for detection and characterization of tectonic deformation, particularly in subduction zones. Just a few of the many key questions that proposals may address include: 1) How can sensor network design be optimized? 2) What methods and measurements may be most effective for discriminating between ocean circulation-generated and smaller tectonic deformation signals? 3) To what extent can models of both ocean circulation (noise) and tectonic deformation be used to address the preceding questions? 4) Can ML/AI algorithms reveal causal connections between ocean circulation pressures and tectonic defor mation? Example well-suited data include geodetic measurements (e.g., pressures, strains, tilts, GPS-A, etc.) from the Alaska Amphibious Community Seismic Experiment and the Cascadia Initiative, and cabled seafloor networks, as well as complementary data (e.g., satellite sea surface height and temperature, bathymetric, and seismic imagery data) and regionally-specific model predictions of tectonic deformation and ocean circulation.

Proposals need not specify particular ML/AI algorithms, and the Fellow would collaborate closely with mentor Kutz and his team at the University of Washington (UW), who have pioneered algorithms and workflows that are ideally suited to questions relevant to seafloor geodesy. The probable duty station for this opportunity is the USGS field station at the UW, but we anticipate regular interactions with all mentors.

For more information about this Mendenhall post-doctoral fellowship opportunity and to discuss proposal ideas please see: and/or reach out to any of the advisors: Joan Gomberg, 206-941-7498, gomberg<at>; Ben Brooks, bbrooks<at><bbrooks<at>>, 650-439-2436; Todd Ericksen, tericksen<at><tericksen<at>>, 808-956-8760; Janet Watt, jwatt<at><jwatt<at>>, 831-460-7565; Nathan Kutz,206-685-3029, kutz<at>; S. Hautala, 206-543-0596, hautala<at><hautala<at>>, W. Wilcock, 206-543-6043, wilcock<at><wilcock<at>>; H.P. Johnson, 206-543-8474, paulj<at>; A.J. Hermann, 206-526-6495, albert.j.hermann<at>

Applications, including a research proposal, are due by January 6, 2022.

Learn more about the Mendenhall fellowship program here:
and a full listing of research opportunities is available here:

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