2021-11-01 21:52:02
The USGS Mendenhall program has a post-doctoral opportunity (#20-18) for recent graduates interested in non-ergodic ground motions and earthquake hazards entitled "Towards non-ergodic ground-motion models in the National Seismic Hazard Model".
The National Seismic Hazard Model (NSHM) is an important product of the U.S. Geological Survey and forms the basis for the seismic provisions of U.S. building codes, as well as other engineering-design requirements, risk assessments, and planning decisions. The NSHM currently uses ergodic ground-motion models (GMMs). These models are ergodic in the sense that they are empirically derived from data across many regions for a given seismotectonic region, such as for shallow crustal, stable, and subduction regions. There is an increasing need for seismic hazard analysis to incorporate regional variations in ground motion characteristics that arises from variations in geologic processes and structures.
The Research Opportunity seeks a candidate to conduct research on earthquake ground-motions and probabilistic seismic hazard analyses that may be used to improve the National Seismic Hazard Model. Priority regions for study include Los Angeles, California; San Francisco Bay Area, California; Seattle, Washington; and Salt Lake City, Utah. Multiple approaches to advancing probabilistic seismic hazard analysis through non-ergodic ground-motion models may be employed, including through machine learning approaches such as artificial neural networks, in combination with 3-D ground-motion simulations, as well as modifying empirical ground-motion models with observations or simulated ground-motion data, physically-plausible extrapolations or other novel means. Example research directions that may be addressed by the Fellow are provided at:
20-18. Towards non-ergodic ground-motion models in the National Seismic Hazard Modelhttps://www.usgs.gov/centers/mendenhall/20-18-towards-non-ergodic-ground-motion-models-national-seismic-hazard-model
How to ApplyApply Here----------
but other research efforts to improve ground motion characterizations in seismic hazard products are also encouraged.
Applications are due January 6th, 2022, and more information about the program, the opportunity, and how to apply can be found at https://www.usgs.gov/centers/mendenhall. Interested applicants are strongly encouraged to contact the Research Advisors early in the application process to discuss project ideas.
Proposed duty station: Golden, Colorado
Research advisors: Morgan Moschetti (mmoschetti<at>usgs.gov, Kyle Withers (kwithers<at>usgs.gov), Eric Thompson (emthompson<at>usgs.gov), Mark Petersen (mpetersen<at>usgs.gov), Brad Aagaard (baagaard<at>usgs.gov), Robert Graves (rwgraves<at>usgs.gov), and Annemarie Baltay (abaltay<at>usgs.gov)
Kyle B Withers, Ph.D.
Research Geophysicist
U.S. Geological Survey - Geologic Hazards Science Center
Email: kwithers<at>usgs.gov
The National Seismic Hazard Model (NSHM) is an important product of the U.S. Geological Survey and forms the basis for the seismic provisions of U.S. building codes, as well as other engineering-design requirements, risk assessments, and planning decisions. The NSHM currently uses ergodic ground-motion models (GMMs). These models are ergodic in the sense that they are empirically derived from data across many regions for a given seismotectonic region, such as for shallow crustal, stable, and subduction regions. There is an increasing need for seismic hazard analysis to incorporate regional variations in ground motion characteristics that arises from variations in geologic processes and structures.
The Research Opportunity seeks a candidate to conduct research on earthquake ground-motions and probabilistic seismic hazard analyses that may be used to improve the National Seismic Hazard Model. Priority regions for study include Los Angeles, California; San Francisco Bay Area, California; Seattle, Washington; and Salt Lake City, Utah. Multiple approaches to advancing probabilistic seismic hazard analysis through non-ergodic ground-motion models may be employed, including through machine learning approaches such as artificial neural networks, in combination with 3-D ground-motion simulations, as well as modifying empirical ground-motion models with observations or simulated ground-motion data, physically-plausible extrapolations or other novel means. Example research directions that may be addressed by the Fellow are provided at:
20-18. Towards non-ergodic ground-motion models in the National Seismic Hazard Modelhttps://www.usgs.gov/centers/mendenhall/20-18-towards-non-ergodic-ground-motion-models-national-seismic-hazard-model
How to ApplyApply Here----------
but other research efforts to improve ground motion characterizations in seismic hazard products are also encouraged.
Applications are due January 6th, 2022, and more information about the program, the opportunity, and how to apply can be found at https://www.usgs.gov/centers/mendenhall. Interested applicants are strongly encouraged to contact the Research Advisors early in the application process to discuss project ideas.
Proposed duty station: Golden, Colorado
Research advisors: Morgan Moschetti (mmoschetti<at>usgs.gov, Kyle Withers (kwithers<at>usgs.gov), Eric Thompson (emthompson<at>usgs.gov), Mark Petersen (mpetersen<at>usgs.gov), Brad Aagaard (baagaard<at>usgs.gov), Robert Graves (rwgraves<at>usgs.gov), and Annemarie Baltay (abaltay<at>usgs.gov)
Kyle B Withers, Ph.D.
Research Geophysicist
U.S. Geological Survey - Geologic Hazards Science Center
Email: kwithers<at>usgs.gov