Thread: Multiple USGS Postdoc Fellowships (Mendenhall)

Started: 2021-11-10 01:18:21
Last activity: 2021-11-10 01:18:21
Sarah Minson
2021-11-10 01:18:21
Institution: U.S. Geological Survey
Open Until: 2022-01-06

Multiple USGS Postdoc Fellowships (Mendenhall):


The USGS Earthquake Science Center invites applications to the Mendenhall Research Fellowship Program on a variety of research topics. Why is it great to work for USGS? We serve the Nation by providing reliable scientific information while valuing differences, encouraging each other, and collaborating to make new discoveries. Fellowships provide 2 years of salary and benefits, as well as funding to support the proposed research project. Interested candidates can view position descriptions related to each topic at the sites below. Positions are based out of one or more of our offices in California and Washington State. Candidates are encouraged to discuss their proposal(s) and/or the application process with the USGS scientists listed on each opportunity. The deadline to apply is 6 January 2022.

All Opportunities.

20-25 Elliott 20-25. Imaging northern California faults and their connectivity in 3D

20-26 Grant 20-26. Geotechnical and geomorphic investigations of submarine slope stability and seascape evolution in the Cascadia Subduction Zone

20-27 Nevitt 20-27. Fault processes and mechanics near Earth’s surface during coseismic and aseismic slip

20-28 Minson 20-28. Cascadia subduction zone transient deformation: Implications for earthquake hazard

20-29 Gomberg 20-29. Machine learning/artificial intelligence for seafloor geodesy

20-30 Kaven 20-30. Seismic hazard analyses in geologic carbon sequestration

20-17 Shelly 20-17. Optimizing the characterization of small earthquakes for seismic forecasting

20-18 Moschetti 20-18. Towards non-ergodic ground-motion models in the National Seismic Hazard Model

20-19 Kean 20-19. Advanced scientific computing to improve assessment of post-fire debris-flow hazards

20-20 DuRoss 20–20. Advancing seismic hazard characterization using lacustrine paleoseismology

20-21 Pratt 20-21. Analysis of active tectonics and fault systems in Puerto Rico

20-22 Yeck 20-22. Leveraging machine learning for next-generation global earthquake monitoring

20-23 Field 20-23. Forging next generation earthquake forecast models

20-24 Boyd 20-24. Applications of full-waveform inversion for high-resolution seismic velocity models and site response in support of earthquake ground motion investigations
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