2021-11-11 11:25:56
RESEARCH GRANT (renewable annual contract, max. 2 yrs) at INGV-Rome on:
Lithosphere and upper mantle structure in the southern Apennines by body-waveform modelling
We open a research grant for experienced researchers (post-doc) to conduct the following research activities:
- Analysis of P and S waveform complexities (i.e. waveform distortion, pulse broadening and amplitude decay) recorded at broadband seismic stations;
- Modelling regional and teleseismic body waves, to constrain the lithospheric and upper mantle structure in the southern Apennines;
- Applying forward modelling techniques (i.e., finite difference, spectral elements, etc) to validate available regional-scale travel-time tomography models, estimating the geometry, magnitude and contrast in the physical properties of the underlying structures.
The grant is funded by the project: “FURTHER - The role of fluids in the preparatory phase of earthquakes in southern Apennines”.
Deadline is on November 23rd.
Additional information on the salary and procedure can be found at:
(italian and english)
(only in italian)
In the application form candidates have to specify that they apply for Progetto di Ricerca/Profilo "FURTHER".
For additional information please contact: claudia.piromallo<at>ingv.it and/or francesca.diluccio<at>ingv.it
Lithosphere and upper mantle structure in the southern Apennines by body-waveform modelling
We open a research grant for experienced researchers (post-doc) to conduct the following research activities:
- Analysis of P and S waveform complexities (i.e. waveform distortion, pulse broadening and amplitude decay) recorded at broadband seismic stations;
- Modelling regional and teleseismic body waves, to constrain the lithospheric and upper mantle structure in the southern Apennines;
- Applying forward modelling techniques (i.e., finite difference, spectral elements, etc) to validate available regional-scale travel-time tomography models, estimating the geometry, magnitude and contrast in the physical properties of the underlying structures.
The grant is funded by the project: “FURTHER - The role of fluids in the preparatory phase of earthquakes in southern Apennines”.
Deadline is on November 23rd.
Additional information on the salary and procedure can be found at:
(italian and english)
(only in italian)
In the application form candidates have to specify that they apply for Progetto di Ricerca/Profilo "FURTHER".
For additional information please contact: claudia.piromallo<at>ingv.it and/or francesca.diluccio<at>ingv.it