2021-11-17 04:09:09
Institution: Summer of Applied Geophysical Experience (SAGE)
Open Until: 2022-03-31
The Summer of Applied Geophysical Experience (SAGE) is looking for a seismologist to help teach a one-month long geophysical field camp in northern New Mexico. A post-doc or early-career seismologist with teaching experience would be ideal to work with a diverse team of SAGE faculty in 2022. Extensive field work experience and/or knowledge of active seismic field methods and processing is preferred (but not required). The candidate must be willing to spend 3-4 weeks in the field in early summer (June-July) of 2022. Expenses will be fully covered, and salary for time in the field will be provided. Interested parties should submit their CV and a letter of intent to Louise Pellerin, pellerin<at>greengeophysics.com, or Darcy McPhee, dmcphee<at>usgs.gov.
SAGE (summerofappliedgeophysicalexperience.org) is a geophysical field and research program for undergraduate and graduate students from schools large and small, domestic and international. Approximately 30 participants spend four weeks learning and applying field-based geophysical research to complex geologic problems. SAGE prides itself on having a diverse class in terms of race, gender, geography and ethnicity. The central activity of SAGE is the acquisition and interpretation of state-of-the-art seismic, potential fields, electromagnetic, ground penetrating radar and heat flow data. The SAGE teaching structure integrates classroom-style lectures and geologic field trips with hands-on data acquisition, team-based data processing and interpretation, and oral & written presentations. Teamwork is a crucial and integral component of SAGE, and SAGE aims to provide each student with a one-of-a-kind educational experience in problem solving and critical thinking, as well as fundamental knowledge related to geophysical data acquisition, processing, geologic interpretation, and communication of scientific results.
The current focus of SAGE research is the Valles Caldera (VC) within the VC National Preserve in northern New Mexico. The VC is a type example of a volcanic caldera system about which many of the seminal ideas on caldera formation were developed, and offers a unique field ‘laboratory’ which allows for the collection of multi-scale geophysical data in a beautiful setting.
SAGE integrates teaching and research as a partnership between academia, industry, and government, and the SAGE faculty draw on decades of experience in each of these sectors thereby exposing students to broad workforce opportunities in geophysics. The faculty work in a relatively flat management structure and each provides expertise in a discipline for which they are acknowledged experts. Each faculty member has distinct responsibilities for portions of the overall program.
Open Until: 2022-03-31
The Summer of Applied Geophysical Experience (SAGE) is looking for a seismologist to help teach a one-month long geophysical field camp in northern New Mexico. A post-doc or early-career seismologist with teaching experience would be ideal to work with a diverse team of SAGE faculty in 2022. Extensive field work experience and/or knowledge of active seismic field methods and processing is preferred (but not required). The candidate must be willing to spend 3-4 weeks in the field in early summer (June-July) of 2022. Expenses will be fully covered, and salary for time in the field will be provided. Interested parties should submit their CV and a letter of intent to Louise Pellerin, pellerin<at>greengeophysics.com, or Darcy McPhee, dmcphee<at>usgs.gov.
SAGE (summerofappliedgeophysicalexperience.org) is a geophysical field and research program for undergraduate and graduate students from schools large and small, domestic and international. Approximately 30 participants spend four weeks learning and applying field-based geophysical research to complex geologic problems. SAGE prides itself on having a diverse class in terms of race, gender, geography and ethnicity. The central activity of SAGE is the acquisition and interpretation of state-of-the-art seismic, potential fields, electromagnetic, ground penetrating radar and heat flow data. The SAGE teaching structure integrates classroom-style lectures and geologic field trips with hands-on data acquisition, team-based data processing and interpretation, and oral & written presentations. Teamwork is a crucial and integral component of SAGE, and SAGE aims to provide each student with a one-of-a-kind educational experience in problem solving and critical thinking, as well as fundamental knowledge related to geophysical data acquisition, processing, geologic interpretation, and communication of scientific results.
The current focus of SAGE research is the Valles Caldera (VC) within the VC National Preserve in northern New Mexico. The VC is a type example of a volcanic caldera system about which many of the seminal ideas on caldera formation were developed, and offers a unique field ‘laboratory’ which allows for the collection of multi-scale geophysical data in a beautiful setting.
SAGE integrates teaching and research as a partnership between academia, industry, and government, and the SAGE faculty draw on decades of experience in each of these sectors thereby exposing students to broad workforce opportunities in geophysics. The faculty work in a relatively flat management structure and each provides expertise in a discipline for which they are acknowledged experts. Each faculty member has distinct responsibilities for portions of the overall program.