Thread: Lecturer / Senior Lecturer positions at Imperial College London

Started: 2021-11-26 14:29:27
Last activity: 2021-11-26 14:29:27
Institution: Imperial College London
Open Until: 2022-01-10

We invite applications for two permanent academic positions in Earth Science and Engineering to join our friendly and dynamic department and complement and enrich our existing research and teaching activities.

Areas of particular interest are:
- planetary science,
- climate & environmental science,
- natural hazards,
- remote sensing and imaging,
- sustainable mineral exploration, or
- sustainable geo-energy.

We are keen to offer opportunities, where possible, to people from groups who are currently underrepresented in Earth Science and Engineering in the UK.

The Department of Earth Science and Engineering at Imperial College London is situated at the heart of South Kensington’s museum district in London and employs ~55 academic and teaching staff members and ~70 postdoctoral research scientists, supported by a team of ~35 professional, technical and operational staff.

Our academics and researchers are at the cutting edge of discovering how Earth and planetary systems work, and how natural resources and energy can be sustainably extracted and utilised during the energy transition and towards a zero-carbon future. We use a combination of pure and applied research and engineering. We are a multidisciplinary and diverse community that promotes inclusive and collaborative work, and we have strong ties with other departments and institutes across Imperial College London and beyond.

Our research is wide-ranging and is performed across three sections: Earth & Planets, Computational Geoscience and Engineering, and Natural Resources Geoscience and Engineering. Our teaching portfolio combines traditional and pioneering Undergraduate programs in Earth & Planetary Science, Geology and Geophysics, and Masters-level courses in Applied Computational Science and Engineering, Environmental Data Science and Machine Learning, Geo-Energy with Machine Learning and Data Science, and Metals and Energy Finance.

You will be committed to performing original research, looking to develop an international reputation for the quality of your research, open to growing your research interests, and intending to write research funding bids and engage in opportunities to do so with your colleagues in the department and across Imperial College London.

You should be excited to join our dedicated teaching programmes at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, engage with our curious and talented students, and help your colleagues within the department and across Imperial College London with administrative activities, thereby contributing to our excellent national and international reputation.

We will help you to develop, build, nurture and inspire your research group, to become an international leader in your field, and to provide the best possible educational experience to our students. You may be a Postdoc, Research Fellow, or already hold a Lectureship or Senior Lectureship or an equivalent position (Assistant Professor) at an academic institution or industrial organisation.

--Essential requirements--
For appointment to Lecturer, in addition to relevant post-doctoral experience, applicants will possess a doctorate in a relevant Science or Engineering discipline, original and rigorous publications in refereed journals, and evidence of the skills and qualities required for winning research funding.

For appointment to Senior Lecturer, candidates will have an established national research record in a relevant Science or Engineering discipline. In addition, candidates will have contributed to undergraduate and/or postgraduate teaching, have supervised PhD students to completion, and have demonstrated a history of attracting significant research funding.

--Further information--
To apply, please visit our website: You will find this vacancy by searching either the position title or job number ENG01931.

Within your submission please ensure you include:

- a completed application form
- a full CV (including a list of publications) that covers any aspects of your career not covered by the application form
- a statement of your research plans over the next 5 years (2 pages maximum)
- a brief statement of your teaching interests (1 page maximum)

We are looking for colleagues who are available to start as soon as possible.

Should you have any queries about the formal side of the application process, please contact Katie Rycraft, Resource and Research Administrator, via email: k.rycraft<at>

For academic enquiries please feel free to contact the Head of Department, Tina van de Flierdt, via email: tina-hod-ese<at>

Closing date: 10 January 2022

Interview dates: between 28 March and 12 April 2022

All candidates will be contacted by March 2022, after the shortlisting is completed.
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