2022-02-23 13:48:06
*One PhD student* is sought to work on seismological topics including
but not limited to, Induced Earthquakes in the Sichuan Basin, Dynamic
Rupture Simulations, and/or Dense Array Based Imaging, within the Earth
System Science Programme, the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK).
Candidates should have a solid background of math and physics, as well
as a broad interest in earthquake physics. Experience of seismic data
processing and/or seismicity analysis is preferred.
Successful candidates must meet doctoral admission requirements of the
university (http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/sci/essc/pg_prg.html
http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/sci/essc/pg_prg.html). Assistantships (TA/RA)
will be offered at HK$18,025 per month. The candidate will start on
August 1^st , 2022.
Submission deadline has been extended to March 15^th . Evaluation will
start immediately.
*Two postdoctoral researcher positions* in earthquake seismology are
available in the *Shenzhen Research Institute* of CUHK. The focus of
research is to derive high-resolution subsurface structure and/or its
temporal variation based on dense array data. Target fields include, but
are not limited to, crustal fault zones and shale gas blocks in China.
The postdoc candidates should have a broad interest in earthquake
physics and sophisticated experience in seismic data processing.
Proficient programming skills are preferred. Experiences of seismic
tomography, waveform modeling, and/or deriving static and dynamic source
properties of earthquakes are desired.
The postdocs will reside in the Shenzhen Research Institute, under
supervision by Prof. Hongfeng Yang. The appointment is for *two years*,
with an annual stipend of ~300,000 RMB (US$ ~45,000). Applications will
be evaluated immediately, and the successful candidate are expected to
start by July 2022.
For further information, please send inquiries to Prof. Hongfeng Yang
(hyang<at>cuhk.edu.hk <hyang<at>cuhk.edu.hk>).
Associate Professor
Earth System Science Programme
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shatin, NT, Hong Kong, China
but not limited to, Induced Earthquakes in the Sichuan Basin, Dynamic
Rupture Simulations, and/or Dense Array Based Imaging, within the Earth
System Science Programme, the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK).
Candidates should have a solid background of math and physics, as well
as a broad interest in earthquake physics. Experience of seismic data
processing and/or seismicity analysis is preferred.
Successful candidates must meet doctoral admission requirements of the
university (http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/sci/essc/pg_prg.html
http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/sci/essc/pg_prg.html). Assistantships (TA/RA)
will be offered at HK$18,025 per month. The candidate will start on
August 1^st , 2022.
Submission deadline has been extended to March 15^th . Evaluation will
start immediately.
*Two postdoctoral researcher positions* in earthquake seismology are
available in the *Shenzhen Research Institute* of CUHK. The focus of
research is to derive high-resolution subsurface structure and/or its
temporal variation based on dense array data. Target fields include, but
are not limited to, crustal fault zones and shale gas blocks in China.
The postdoc candidates should have a broad interest in earthquake
physics and sophisticated experience in seismic data processing.
Proficient programming skills are preferred. Experiences of seismic
tomography, waveform modeling, and/or deriving static and dynamic source
properties of earthquakes are desired.
The postdocs will reside in the Shenzhen Research Institute, under
supervision by Prof. Hongfeng Yang. The appointment is for *two years*,
with an annual stipend of ~300,000 RMB (US$ ~45,000). Applications will
be evaluated immediately, and the successful candidate are expected to
start by July 2022.
For further information, please send inquiries to Prof. Hongfeng Yang
(hyang<at>cuhk.edu.hk <hyang<at>cuhk.edu.hk>).
Associate Professor
Earth System Science Programme
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shatin, NT, Hong Kong, China