Thread: AGU Session DI008 - Constraining the Thermal Structure in the Upper Mantle with Interdisciplinary Perspectives and Multiple Datasets

Started: 2022-08-01 08:00:00
Last activity: 2022-08-01 08:00:00
Topics: AGU Meetings
Dear Colleagues,

We invite you to consider submitting your abstract to our session, *DI008
- Constraining the Thermal Structure in the Upper Mantle with
Interdisciplinary Perspectives and Multiple Datasets*, for an in-person or
virtual presentation in December. To submit your abstract by the abstract
submission deadline on Wednesday (August 3rd), please go to

*Invited speakers:*
Colleen A Dalton
Eric Debayle

*Session description:*
The thermal evolution of the oceanic upper mantle has long been explored
with seismic tomographic methods such as those that use surface wave phase
velocities, surface wave shear velocities, and body wave travel times.
Ambient seismic noise datasets have been proven to significantly improve
the resolution of source-derived seismic images of oceanic lithosphere,
allowing us to put important constraints on physical properties of the
mantle. To complement information obtained from seismological methods,
other methods such as petrology, geochemistry, and geophysical modeling
must be considered. In this session, we invite contributions from
geophysical methods, geodynamic modeling, geochemistry, and
multidisciplinary approaches, to provide a comprehensive picture of
processes in the upper mantle and advance our understanding of the
evolution of oceanic upper mantle.

We look forward to your contributions to our session!

Best regards,

Esther James, Harvard University
Jeffrey A Battaglia, Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University
Jonny Wu, University of Houston
Jung-Hun Song, Seoul National University

Esther K. James, Ph.D.
Department Preceptor
Earth and Planetary Sciences | Harvard
24 Oxford Street, Rm 101a, Cambridge, MA 02138
Email: estherkjames<at>
Pronouns: she/her/hers

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