Thread: Assistant Professor in Geological Sciences at the University of Missouri

Started: 2022-10-19 22:07:36
Last activity: 2022-10-19 22:07:36
The Department of Geological Sciences at the University of Missouri invites applications for a tenure-track position at the rank of Assistant Professor in the fields of petrology or mineralogy. Potential areas of research interest could include critical element cycling, igneous or metamorphic petrology, volcanology, meteoritics, planetary geology, experimental or theoretical geochemistry, and/or other related areas of expertise. This position has an anticipated Fall, 2023 start, and a Ph.D. in geological sciences or a related area is required. The successful candidate will be expected to teach across the curriculum, including petrology, geochemistry, and courses within their expertise, and to build an externally funded research program that complements the department's existing strengths in geochemistry, paleobiology, geophysics, and tectonics. Applicants will be evaluated on their ability to conduct independent research and effectively teach students across the curriculum at the graduate and undergraduate levels. Information about our department and our undergraduate and graduate curricula can be found at
Our department occupies a building dedicated to Geological Sciences and houses numerous analytical facilities [] including a new X-ray Tomographic and Scanning Electron Microscopy laboratory []. Elsewhere on campus is a wide variety of geochemical instrumentation at the MU Research Reactor [] and at other research core facilities [].
To apply:
Please apply online at: (Job Opening ID = 44261). Use the online application to upload

(i) a letter of application that describes your teaching and research experience;

(ii) a curriculum vitae;

(iii) a statement describing
research and teaching interests and a plan for attracting students, including students from demographic groups who traditionally have been underrepresented in the geological sciences; and (iv) a statement of inclusion and diversity. Three reference letters are required and should be sent (electronically or hard copy) to Dr. Martin Appold, Chair of the Search Committee. Applicants may contact the Chair of the Search Committee (appoldm<at> with questions about the job duties. Please contact Human Resource Services (muhrs<at> with any questions about the application process. Review of application materials will begin January 5, 2023. To ensure full consideration, applications should be complete (including reference letters) by this date. The position will remain open until filled.
The University of Missouri and the Department of Geological Sciences are fully committed to achieving the goal of a diverse and inclusive academic community of faculty, staff, and students. The University of Missouri is an Equal Opportunity/Access/Affirmative Action/Pro Disabled & Veteran Employer. To request ADA accommodations, please contact the Office of Accessibility & ADA Education at 573-884-7278 or CheekA<at>

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