OBSIC Data Submission

Please complete the form below to contact NSF SAGE Facility systems administrators. Fields with an asterisk (*) are required.

About You
Experiment Information
Please create a short name/nickname for the experiment. 10 characters maximum and no spaces. Only one word.
Brief description of experiment
Format: Fullname, Institution, Email (one per line)
Temporary network code (XX) or assembled dataset label (XX-XXXX)

You defined No. Please include your assigned Temporary Network Code or Assembled Dataset Label below. If your experiment type is Both you must define both your Temporary Network Code and Assembled Dataset Label below.

Region of interest

Please bound your data submission by a specific region of interest using the tool below:


Receiver positions (instrument name or number, latitude, longitude, water depth) should be submitted in table form. Receiver positions may by either drop position (provided by OBSIP instrument provider) or relocated position (provided by PI). A map showing receiver positions would be helpful. Preferred file format for tables and figures is PDF.

Ex. DPG, 1 Hz geophone, broadband

Recording parameters:

Clock drift corrections for each instrument should be submitted as a table. Preferable file format is PDF.


Please include the following files with your data submission:

  • Shipboard Data Logging Report
  • Shipboard Ancillary Data
  • Scientific Cruise Report
  • Summary of Known Problems
Format: Comma (,) seperated station codes
Format: Fullname, Institution, Email (one per line)
Ex. FTP, tape media, disk, other
Ex. 10GB, 500MB

Contact us for more information.

Demobilization Information
07:36:48 v.af9cd46b