Data at NSF SAGE

Data Types
Time Series data
Continuous seismic instrument recordings from thousands of stations worldwide. This is the primary NSF SAGE archive.
Includes information such as recording instrument characteristics and data quality; this is generally used to determine the time series data to request.
Event data
Catalog of 4 million+ events, this is useful in determining the timeframe for retrieving useful data.
Assembled data
Discrete collections of waveform data, generally recorded over a period of weeks or months. Assembled data are often active source, meaning that they include artificial seismic events such as explosive blasts intended to seismically map a given region.
Data products
Calculated datasets providing a higher-level view of the raw data. For example, the GMV product is an animated map showing ground movement across hundreds of stations during an earthquake.
Historical data
Scanned seismograms and other information from pre-digital sources.
Data Delivery
Web Services
This is the base delivery mechanism for most NSF SAGE data. It can be accessed directly, but a variety of convenient wrappers are available.
Application Programming Interfaces
APIs are available via Java, Matlab, and Python libraries, as well as command line fetch scripts.
Web Tools
Downloadable Software
Other Data Centers
How to Cite Data Sources

Time Series Data

Web and Email-based Tools
BREQ_FAST takes requests via email and delivers data via FTP/HTTP.
Wilber3 offers a rich UI for acquiring data related to a given seismic event.
See our full set of web tools.
Downloadable Software
SAC (Seismic Analysis Code) is a general purpose interactive program designed for the study of sequential signals, especially time series data.
PyWEED is a Python GUI program for requesting data related to events.
SEEDLink is a protocol for streaming real-time data.
See our full set of software tools.


Web Tools
Metadata Aggregator (MDA) provides a browsable list of all networks and stations archived at the DMC.
GMap displays networks on an interactive map.
BUD provides information on near real-time holdings.
New Data added recently to the DMC archive.

Other Data Types

Assembled Data
Request assembled data
Assembled request status
Event Data
Interactive Earthquake Browser (IEB) shows recent earthquakes on an interactive map.

About NSF SAGE Data

Data delivery statistics

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