Data Services Products: Infrasound-TAIRED TA Infrasound Reference Event Database


The TA Infrasound Reference Event Database (TAIRED) is a user-supported evolving database that serves as a reference event depository where researchers can contribute new events, provide a new solution for an existing event and find sample infrasound events for their use.


The TA Infrasound Reference Event Database (TAIRED) is a user-supported evolving database that serves as a reference event depository where researchers can contribute new events, provide a new solution for an existing event and find sample infrasound events for their use. This database was initially populated from observations on the USArray infrasound data, event bulletins, news on meteorological phenomena, explosions and rocket launches. Use the above download link to download the entire event database as a text file.

A series of parameters (description, date-time, latitude, longitude, altitude, event type, status level and author) are used to define each event/solution. The confidence in the source time, location and altitude of the events is given by time error (in seconds), location error (in km) and altitude error (in meters) parameters respectively. These values represent the estimated error in source parameters with respect to the “known” solution or are based on the errors reported by the source author.

Event source and status level are used to classify events in this database:

Events source includes the following 6 types:

  • Bulletin event
  • Explosion
  • Meteorological
  • Mining
  • Rocket launch
  • Rocket re-entry
  • Unknown

Status levels indicate the type of analysis that has gone into building the events:

  • Reviewed, event is based on the review of infrasound waveforms (not necessarily TA waveforms)
  • Observed, event is documented but no infrasound review has been performed
  • Not Verified, the event is not verified

The infrasound waveform data for all events contained in this database are available via the standard IRIS DMC data request tools, using the following information:

  • Event Date and Time: from the event page
  • Network: TA
  • Stations: list can be downloaded via the Download Station List button under Product Download at the bottom of each event page
  • Location: EP
  • Channels: TA stations are equipped with multiple infrasound sensors with overlapping pass-bands. These overlapping pass-bands provide continuous coverage of the infrasound band from DC to 20 Hz (Vernon et al., 2012).
    Sensor Channels Sampling rate (Hz)
    MEMS barometer LDM 1
    Setra 278 barometer LDO & BDO 1 & 40
    NCPA microbarometers LDF & BDF 1 & 40

Record sections of the BDF channel data for each event are displayed on the corresponding event page that are accessible via IRIS’s Searchable Product Depository (SPUD). Each event page also displays event information, record sections of seismic BHZ, BHN and BHE channels, other associated solutions, maps, links and references. To emphasize the potential infrasound signals, the infrasound record sections include both normalized and non-normalized traces. The seismic record sections (BHZ, BHN and BHE channels) are all normalized to bring out the potential infrasound signals. As a visual guide, estimated seismic and infrasound arrival time are also marked on the sections.

To contribute events/solutions to this database, send the following information to

* your event ID (if any)
* event date-time
* event title
* event type (see above)
* event status (see above)
* latitude
* longitude
* altitude
* event author/reference

Citations and DOIs

To cite the IRIS DMC Data Products effort:

  • Hutko, A. R., M. Bahavar, C. Trabant, R. T. Weekly, M. Van Fossen, T. Ahern (2017), Data Products at the IRIS‐DMC: Growth and Usage, Seismological Research Letters, 88, no. 3,

To cite the source of AELUMA (Automated Event Location Using a Mesh of Arrays) events :

  • Catherine D. de Groot-Hedlin and Michael A.H. Hedlin, 2015, A method for detecting and locating geophysical events using groups of arrays, Geophys. J. Int. 2015 203: 960-971.

To cite the IRIS DMC Infrasound TA Infrasound Data Products or reference use of its repositories:


  • Vernon, F., J. Tytell, B. Busby, J. Eakins, M. Hedlin, A. Muschinski, K. Walker and B. Woodward, 2012: Scientific Viability of the USArray Transportable Array Network As a Real-Time Weather Monitoring Platform. 92nd American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, Amer. Meteor. Soc.,


  • Manochehr Bahavar, IRIS DMC
  • TA Infrasound Reference Event Database user community


Released TA Infrasound Reference Event Database





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