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Active Message Threads for June 2017

Dear IRIS moderator- This is Masa Kinoshita, Earthquake Research INstitite, UTokyo, Japan. I would like to post the following message to the IRIS community. Thank you in advance, Masa ======= Dear colleagues- The Earthquake Research Institute (ERI), the University of Tokyo, invites applications for Visiting Professor / Post-doctoral Fellow positions in the research fields of earthquakes, tsunamis, their engineering, volcanoes, and physics of the earth’s interior. The period of each positi… [more]
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Francisco Javier Núñez Cornú
2017-06-27 09:02:34
Institution: Centro de Sismología y Volcanologia de Occidente, Universidad de Guadalajara. Puerto Vallarta. Open Until: 2017-10-01 The Centro de Sismologia y Volcanologia de Occidente (SisVOc) of University of Guadalajara (Mexico) at Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico, invites applications for four postdoctoral research fellowships in the areas of seismology or volcano seismology, magnetotelluric methods, applied geophysics and geodesy (GNSS) to carry on studies at the Jalisco Block region. The … [more]
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Please see below for details of a Geophysics Technician Position available at the University of Bristol, School of Earth Sciences. Please direct enquiries to the address below. Best wishes, James — Job number: SUPP103264 Contract type: Open ended contract staff Working pattern: Full time Salary: £25,298 - £28,453 Closing date for applications: 4th July 2017 The Geophysics Group in the School of Earth Sciences has grown rapidly in the past 10 years and is now one of the largest in Europe. T… [more]
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Joao Fonseca
2017-06-03 00:32:18
Instituto Superior Tecnico, the School of Engineering of the University of Lisbon, is recruiting a technical integrator for the review of the European Seismic Hazard Map in the SW Iberia region, in the scope of H2020 Project SERA. The researcher will interact with experts and critically collect and prepare the required inputs, interfacing also with the hazard computation team. Good communication skills are a must. We are looking for a candidate who acquired a Ph.D. degree in the field of seis… [more]
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Field Technician and Analyst University of Alaska Fairbanks - Geophysical Institute Open until 6/30/2017 The Wilson Alaska Technical Center of the University of Alaska Fairbanks Geophysical Institute is looking for a Field Technician and Analyst. This single position will assist with the continuous operation and maintenance of seismic and infrasound monitoring stations in support of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty. At UAF, duties will involve fieldwork preparations, sensor testing an… [more]
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Simon Staehler
2017-06-01 05:39:56
The Seismology and Geodynamics group at ETH Zurich is offering a PhD position in probabilistic earthquake source inversion techniques The goal of the project is to create a new global earthquake catalogue with full uncertainty information on location, depth, moment tensor and temporal evolution, which can be used for tectonic studies, seismic tomography, hazard assessment and others. The student's research will focus on designing and t… [more]
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The Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at Cornell University seeks a highly qualified and motivated postdoctoral research scientist to study earthquake nucleation processes and subsurface fluids, using high-frequency seismic signals and several new, dense, large-N (“nodal”) datasets. The candidate will work in collaboration with Cornell researchers Katie Keranen (Earth and Atmospheric Sciences) and Greg McLaskey (Civil and Environmental Engineering). The position includes exciting opp… [more]
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03:06:24 v.af9cd46b