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Recognize this image from a poster?
In 1996, to commemorate the 10th anniversary of IRIS, Astiz, Earle and Shearer combined different global stacking images (Astiz, et al. 1996) to make the poster image below. IRIS would like to produce a new poster based on the global stacks product and needs your help making a banner image. Users are encouraged to download and explore the various stacks available made using STA/LTA functions, envelope functions, three-components of data, many different band pass filters, and even vespagrams. Entrants are encouraged to be creative and think outside the box, e.g. using color or a third dimension to combine x & y weighted by z. Some published global body wave stacking papers are given below in the Citation section. The images will be judged on 1) a compelling visual image and 2) content which is explainable at the intro seismology course level (advanced undergraduate to graduate) such that it can be used as a teaching tool (contest critera rubric). All entries should include an interpretation of the information presented in the plot. This could be a caption only or text plus additional figures that could become part of an educational webpage that may accompany the poster. The judging panel will consist of DS and EPO staff, the chairs of the DS and EPO Standing Committees, and the original poster author, Luciana Astiz.
Images and codes with improved processing relative to those on the global stacks product page, which could be used to replace images in a product update, are also welcome.
Any contributions used will be appropriately acknowledged.
Email your entry/entries to by October 27, 2014 (recently extended to) November 3, 2014. If an entry is used for a poster, the contributor will receive an iPad and the first printed poster at the annual IRIS business meeting monday night of the fall AGU meeting.
Global stacks product page
Global stacks supplement with .zip files of all stacks
To help get you started, here is a MATLAB script for simple plotting: PlotGlobalStacksBasic.m
many Earth Science department hallways. Your image could be next!
Astiz, L., P. Earle and P. Shearer, Global stacking of broadband seismograms, Seis. Res. Lett., 67, 8-18, 1996.
Paul S. Earle, Polarization of the Earth’s teleseismic wavefield, Geophys. J. Int. (1999) 139 (1): 1-8 doi:10.1046/j.1365-246X.1999.00908.x
Rost, S., Thorne, S., and Garnero, E. Imaging global seismic phase arrivals by stacking array processed short-period data, 77(6),697-707, Seismological Research Letters, 2006. 10.1785/gssrl.77.6.697
Shearer, P.M., Imaging global body-wave phases by stacking long-period seismograms, J. Geophys. Res., 96, 20,353-20,364, 1991. doi: 10.1029/91JB00421
Shearer, P. M., Rychert, C. A. and Liu, Q. (2011), On the visibility of the inner-core shear wave phase PKJKP at long periods. Geophysical Journal International, 185: 1379–1383. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2011.05011.x