Central Mexico
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September 19, 2017 M7.1 Central Mexico (5km ENE of Raboso, Mexico) earthquake
Near Coast of Chiapas Mexico
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September 8, 2017 M8.1 near coast of Chiapas, Mexico earthquake
2017 Hurricane Irma
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Hurricane Irma is among the most powerful hurricanes ever recorded (as measured by wind speed). Tracking of Irma logs it at speed of 25 knots (28.8 mph) on August 27 and its speed was more than 160 knots (184.1 mph) on September 5th. Irma is expected to arrive near the Florida coast by Saturday September 9, 2017.
2017 North Korean nuclear test
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On 2017-09-03 at 03:30:01 UTC, a magnitude 6.3 event was recorded in North Korea. Preliminary results suggests that a nuclear test took place.