Special Event: Near Coast of Chiapas Mexico

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September 8, 2017 M8.1 near coast of Chiapas, Mexico earthquake

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Event parameters (from USGS)

These are preliminary results and are subject to change without notice. Please check the USGS page for the latest official information.

Magnitude 8.1
UTC Time Friday September 8, 2017 at 04:49:21 UTC
Location 15.068°N, 93.715°W
Depth 69.7 km
Region near coast of Chiapas, Mexico
Distance 87km SW of Pijijiapan, Mexico
Details USGS

USGS Executive summary page
UNAVCO Event highlights
Rapid moment tensor, shaking intensity and tsunami simulation
IRIS Special Events Archive
Event Based Products



[USGS Event KML] USGS ShakeMap

Ground acceleration spectrogram

[Robert Anthony, USGS] Ground acceleration spectrogram for the vertical component of SDDR
(Presa de Sabenta, Dominican Republic) from 28 August to 8 September 2017 (UTC). Power
Spectral Density (PSD; rel. 1 (m/s2)2/Hz) estimates were attained using the IRIS Noise Tool Kit
(NTK) using 2-hour windows with 50% overlap and 1/16th octave smoothing. The M 8.1 Mexico
earthquake along with a local (~100 km) M 4.3 event in Haiti, and a 4.5 in the northeast
Dominican Republic are noted. Two additional earthquakes (~M 4) located to the east of the
Dominican Republic can be seen as transient increases in power between ~1-5 Hz. Station
SDDR is located ~100 m from Sabana Yegua Dam and pump noise is quite prevalent at this
station. It appears the dam pumps are running continuously as Hurricane Irma passes the
Dominican Republic, likely in response to increased runoff into the reservoir.

Automatic determination of source parameters

[GEOSCOPE Observatory] Automatic determination of source parameters
using the SCARDEC method

 fault plane solution and the regional tectonics

[Afroz Shah, Universiti Brunei Darussalam] interpretation of event based on its fault plane
solution and the regional tectonics.

Event Plots

[IRIS DMC Event Plots Product] Combined and aligned on origin 0.3 to 1.0 Hz BHZ
(click on image to access the EventPlots for Mww 8.0 NEAR COAST OF CHIAPAS, MEXICO).

Videos & Animations

BFO Mexico

[Adam Ringler, USGS] Animation of normal mode spectra from 30 hour time windows starting just
prior to the event with 1 hour time steps from 0.5 mHz to 5 mHz at IRIS/IDA (network code II)
station BFO (Black Forest Observatory, Germany). The decay differences between various normal
modes is based on differing quality factors. You can also observe the general trend of the
amplitude of higher frequency modes attenuating faster than low frequency modes. Many of the
very lowest frequency modes (e.g. less than 1 mHz) have small amplitudes, as they were not well
excited relative to other modes. Below 1 mHz the horizontal components are contaminated with local tilt noise.

ANMO Mexico

[Adam Ringler, USGS] Animation of normal mode spectra from 60 hour time windows starting just
prior to the event with 1 hour time steps from 0.1 mHz to 5 mHz at IRIS/USGS (network code IU)
station ANMO (Albuquerque, New Mexico Observatory). The decay differences between various
normal modes is based on differing quality factors. For example, you can see a high Q mode at
approximately 1.4 mHz (0S8 and 4S1) as well as at 1.57 mHz (0S9). As this is sensor has 145m of
overburden much of the locally induced horizontal tilt noise is attenuated out making the
horizontals able to resolve modes down to approximately 1 mHz.


[IRIS DMC Aftershocks Product] Aftershocks for Mww 8.0 NEAR COAST OF CHIAPAS,
MEXICO (click image to download)

Seismic Sound video

[Zhigang Peng, Georgia Tech] Seismic Sound video for both Hurricane Irma and the M8.1 Mexico
event for the station IU.SJG — San Juan, Puerto Rico (click image to download)

3C US Array GMV

[IRIS DMC Data Products] 3C expanded USArray Ground Motion Visualization (GMV)

Miscellaneous Contributions

 A Raspberryshake plot

[K. McLaughlin, Alexandria, VA] A Raspberryshake plot of the recording from my basement
corrected to a BB 0.01-2 Hz seismogram. Not bad for a 4.5 Hz geophone. It was an M8
after all.

Seismogram reading

[Gerald Payton, North Central Texas] Seismogram reading of Grandview, Texas station.

SAGE Facility Event Page

The SAGE Facility event page for this event contains links to additional tools and data.


Earthquakes Coast of Chiapas Mexico

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