Understanding and Managing Information from Seismological Networks

Palmanova, Italy

2005-02-28 — 2005-03-06

Background Information

The past fifteen years have seen a revolutionary growth in the way we monitor seismic hazard: analog seismographs were replaced by digital instruments that are sensitive over a wide frequency band; the digitization made it possible to group instruments in local, often telemetered networks with centralized archiving of waveform data.
Earth does not know about national borders, and seismologists have spearheaded efforts to share their data. The growth of the Internet has made it possible in principle to link data centers all over the world. In fact, for some networks, such linkages have already been established, and a mature system of data management has grown in such large data centers as Orfeus (Europe), Jamstec (Japan) and IRIS/DMC (US).


This workshop is a major attempt to disseminate the experience and expertise in seismological data management. It is directed at network managers, both in developed and in developing countries. We shall provide training in the application of advanced data base management systems, educate participants on the scientific developments that form the basis of modern seismometry, and give a short introduction to modern methods of analysis possible with the current advanced instrumentation and databases. Participants are encouraged to bring their own complete instrumentation data (sensor and data acquisition system to build dataless SEED volumes. Participants will be encouraged to bring their own data to be used in the practical exercises. In particular, we expect participants to come away from the workshop with all the necessary knowledge to set up, maintain their own database and be able link their network to the growing global network and access data from the global network.


  • Basic electronics of modern feedback seismometers,
  • The concept of poles and zeroes to describe instrument responses – Digitization and finite impulse response filters
  • Database fundamentals
  • Seismic data exchange formats such as SEED
  • Practical Moment Tensor determinations


Erhardt Wielandt – University of Stuttgart, Germany: Seismometry, Instrument Calibration

Joachim Wasserman – University of Munich, Germany: Filter Properties and Design

Reinoud Sleeman – ORFEUS, the Netherlands: SEED, Digitizers, Waveform Quality Analysis

Robert Casey – IRIS DMC, Seattle, USA: Database Design, Seismic Data Management, MySQL, PDCC

Chad Trabant – IRIS DMC, Seattle USA: ISIS Software Demonstration

Goran Ekstrom – Harvard University, Cambridge, USA: Seismic Moment


In order to keep the workshop efficient, we will only admit a limited number of participants. As we expect a wide interest, the organizers will have to make a selection of the applicants among the preliminary registrations. In this selection we will mainly consider network operators or prospective network operators and, if necessary, avoid multiple participation from one institute. Within Europe preference will be given to ORFEUS participants. We intend to inform each person that has sent a preliminary registration as soon as possible on its possibility to participate.

Financial support

There will be no registration fee. Further, there are limited funds available for support from different sources (UNESCO, IRIS, ORFEUS, IASPEI, Protezione Civile della Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia, DST-UTS, OGS, AGLC).


  • Prof. Goran Ekstrom,
    • Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Harvard University, USA
  • Dr. Natalia Mikhailova,
    • Kazakhstan National Data Center, Kazakhstan
  • Dr. Torild van Eck,
    • ORFEUS, De Bilt, The Netherlands.

Local organization

  • Dr. Giovanni Costa,
    • Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università degli Studi di Trieste, Trieste, Italy.
  • Dr. Enrico Priolo,
    • Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale, OGS, Trieste, Italy
  • Dr. Alessandra Pichilli, Dr. Tatiana Piccinin,
    • Protezione Civile della Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia, Palmanova (Udine), Italy

Workshop Segretariat

  • Angela Marchetto
    • Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale, OGS, Trieste, Italy


  • PC-FVG
  • OGS
  • AGLC

Location Details


Technical Requirements




Important Dates and Venue

2005-02-28 — 2005-03-06

Workshop will be held in Palmanova, Italy.

Workshop Contacts

NSF SAGE Contact(s)

Local Contact(s)

  • No local contact defined.
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