For the first time we are organizing a SeisComP3 short course just before the AGU Fall Meeting 2018 in Washington DC. The course will be held by experienced staff from gempa - the development and service company for SeisComP3. You can directly learn from the developers!
Get all details and updates on fees and registration on our website:
This is a short course summarizing the most important topics from our popular courses for beginners and advanced users. It will include:
Introduction to SeisComP3
Installation of SeisComP3
Configuration of data acquisition and processing
Tuning of SeisComP3 using playbacks
Interactive analysis with SeisComP3
Introduction to the gempa modules for local earthquake monitoring, moment tensor, seismic intensity, strong motion and array processing
In addition, the participants get an institute-wide 1 year license for:
scanloc (cluster search based automatic earthquake detection and localization module)
the new S-picker plug-in (SAIC)
map projections plug-in
sigma (strong-motion and seismic intensity processing)
lambda (array processing)
mtv (moment tensor computation)
6 - 8 December, 2018
Washington DC, USA.
Register online on our website:
Get all details and updates on fees and registration on our website:
This is a short course summarizing the most important topics from our popular courses for beginners and advanced users. It will include:
Introduction to SeisComP3
Installation of SeisComP3
Configuration of data acquisition and processing
Tuning of SeisComP3 using playbacks
Interactive analysis with SeisComP3
Introduction to the gempa modules for local earthquake monitoring, moment tensor, seismic intensity, strong motion and array processing
In addition, the participants get an institute-wide 1 year license for:
scanloc (cluster search based automatic earthquake detection and localization module)
the new S-picker plug-in (SAIC)
map projections plug-in
sigma (strong-motion and seismic intensity processing)
lambda (array processing)
mtv (moment tensor computation)
6 - 8 December, 2018
Washington DC, USA.
Register online on our website:
Now we were able to fix the workshop location and the time. Find all updates online [1].
See you soon in Washington!