About SPUD

SPUD Version 3.0

The Searchable Product Depository (SPUD) is the IRIS DMC's primary data product management system. Complementing the DMC's SEED and assembled data archives, which contain time series recordings, the SPUD system primarily contains derivative data products of other types (images, movies, etc.) created either at the DMC or by members of the community.

For users SPUD is the query and access point for these products. The web interfaces allow users to search for products using customized queries across product and event details. Users can search across all product types at once or within specific product types. SPUD also has web service interfaces for programmatic discovery and access to the data products.

If any products from SPUD are used in your research please be sure to cite the identified author of the product and the IRIS DMS [Citation Information].

Spudservice: Documentation and Automation Guide

This page shows the Spudservice methods in action.

Events are listed in the table at the bottom of the page. As you filter this table and select events, the product sections are updated with links & commands plus helpful information on automating Spudservice.

Spudservices guide
General Spudservices

Ideas and tips on Spudservice queries for (1) all Spud products for a single event and (2) items for a set of events defined by event-query parameters.

Using the Spudservices guide: General Spudservices section:

The left-hand panel shows the general Spudservice link using the item endpoint. In the query, the eventid parameter is specified based on your selection in the Event Finder. This link will return the full XML records for all the Spud items available for the event of interest.

The right-hand panel again shows the item endpoint in action but this time multiple events are being queried. The 'event-based' query parameters allow you to define a set of events based on, for example, magnitude, start-date, depth, etc. The table provides a list of all the parameters and suggested uses.

Note: The dynamic link generated on this panel demonstrates just 2 of the available query parameters (evtstartdate and evtminmag) and can be configured using the Event Finder panel.

By combining these 'event-based' parameters, you can define very specific sets of events and obtain the full XML records for all Spud items associated with those events.

Spud items can also be queried based on Product-location properties, seismic station identifiers, and Spud 'provenance' parameters (submitter, submission date, etc.)

Product location based parameters
ParameterValid ValuesUse
prodminlat[-90.0 – 90.0]Minimum latitude of product region
prodmaxlat[-90.0 – 90.0]Maximum latitude of product region
prodminlon[-180.0 – 180.0]Minimum longitude of product region
prodmaxlon[-180.0 – 180.0]Maximum longitude of product region
prodmindepthKm, decimal or exp. notation, e.g. -20.23, -2.023e1Minimum depth of product region
prodmaxdepthKm, decimal or exp. notation, e.g. -20.23, -2.023e1Maximum depth of product region
prodstartdateDate in 24-hr format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssEarliest date of product relevancy
prodenddateDate in 24-hr format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssLatest date of product relevancy

Seismic station based parameters
ParameterValid ValuesUse
stationString allowing wildcard characters: [?*]Station name
networkString allowing wildcard characters: [?*]Network name
channelString allowing wildcard characters: [?*]Channel name
locationString allowing wildcard characters: [?*]Location name

Provenance based parameters
ParameterValid ValuesUse
createstartdateDate in 24-hr format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssEarliest product creation date
createenddateDate in 24-hr format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssLatest product creation date
submitstartdateDate in 24-hr format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssEarliest product submission date
submitenddateDate in 24-hr format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssLatest product submission date
modstartdateDate in 24-hr format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssEarliest product modification date
modenddateDate in 24-hr format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssLatest product modification date
submitternameString allowing wildcard characters: [?*]Submitter name
submitterorgString allowing wildcard characters: [?*]Submitter organization
creatornameString allowing wildcard characters: [?*]Creator name
creatororgString allowing wildcard characters: [?*]Creator organization
creatingappString allowing wildcard characters: [?*]Creating application
Spudservices guide
Bundling Service

A Spud item's meta-data and media can be downloaded in a zipped package using the secondary id ('spud' id), .

Using the Spudservices guide: Bundling services:

Bundling is the term used for the creation of a compressed ZIP file containing 1 or more SPUD items’ meta-data and media. The ZIP file returned by this service contains a separate subdirectory for each item requested. Each items’ subdirectory contains its meta-data file (XML) and all its Primary and Attachment data. No alternate data (Thumbnail, Screen) or original source data is included.

The bundling service is available as a standard HTTP GET service using the following URL:


where a list of SPUD Ids is supplied as query parameters without values, i.e. no '=value'. Unknown ids are ignored.

Spudservices guide
Moment Tensors

Global Centroid-Moment-Tensors from the GCMT project at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory are available through SPUD within minutes after their publication. Initial quick-CMT solutions are shown and are later updated to GCMT solutions when updates arrive.

Using the Spudservices guide: Moment Tensor section:

The left-hand panel provides Spudservice links per the selected event from the Event Finder. Use these links to obtain full XML records for the specific moment tensor, or a full NDK formatted solution. In addition the focalmecahnism service provides an image in PNG format. Use the Customize Focal Mechanism tool to fine tune the image to your liking.

The right-hand panel provides a command-line solution for obtaining multiple NDK files from Spudservice. The command is customized based on the Start value set in the Event Finder. Click on the generated command-line link for further information.

Spudservices guide

Graphical output of a focal mechanism can be generated and customized using Spudservices. By adjusting the query parameters to the focalmechanism endpoint, you can generate a publication-quality PNG image to suit your needs.

Using the Spudservices guide: Understanding the focalmechanism endpoint.

The Customize Focal Mechanism tool allows you to vary the color and tick mark settings to your liking. However you can fine tune the focal mechanism image further with these additional query parameters:



Query parameters:

  • width:
    Width (diameter) of the focal mechanism image.
    (Minimum: 100, Default: 200)
  • linewidth:
    Weight in pixels of the focal mechanism borders.
    (Must be > 0, Default: 2)
  • outdpi:
    Resoultion of the image in dots-per-inch.
    (Minimum: 10)
  • ticks:
    Add compass tick marks to the image.
    [y|n] (Default: n)

  • red:
    RGB red value for the image.
    [Range: 0.0 - 1.0] (Default: 1)
  • green:
    RGB green value for the image.
    [Range: 0.0 - 1.0] (Default: 0)
  • blue:
    RGB blue value for the image.
    [Range: 0.0 - 1.0] (Default: 0)
Spudservices guide
Copy this command for use in a data-access script:

UNIX command line tool xargs

UNIX command line tools such as wget and xargs can be combined to make interative calls to SPUD services. The service endpoint "ids" returns a list of integers (IDs) needed for this interation.

In the example above, each NDK datum associated with a list of IDs extracted from SPUD services is being piped into the wget command. Specifically the -I option of xargs will substitute the list of IDs from the "ids" endpoint into the second wget command wherever the string ID appears. Hence, the net result will be a number of ndk files each created by one call to the "ndk" service.

Spudservices guide
Ground Motion Visualization (GMV)

The Ground Motion Visualization (GMV) illustrates how seismic waves travel away from the earthquake location by depicting the recorded wave amplitudes at each seismic station location using colored symbols.

Using the Spudservices guide: GMV section:

The left-hand panel provides Spudservice links per the selected event from the Event Finder. Use these links to obtain full XML records for the specific GMV, or for its vertical-component record or 3D record if available.

The right-hand panel provides a command-line solution for obtaining multiple GMV files from Spudservice. The command is customized based on the Start value set in the Event Finder. Click on the generated command-line link for further information.

Spud services guide
Copy this command to use in a data-access script:

UNIX command line tool xargs

UNIX command line tools such as wget can be used to automate calls to SPUD services. The service endpoint "ids" returns a list of integers (IDs).

In the example above, a list of IDs is being extracted from the SPUD services "ids" endpoint. The list is filtered with the "evtstartdate" parameter and is written to the file gmvids.txt. That file can then be used by scripts as input to the spudservice "gmv" endpoint.

Spudservices guide
Global ShakeMovie Synthetics

The IRIS DMC archives and distributes synthetic seismograms from the Global ShakeMovie project.

Using the Spudservices guide: Global ShakeMovie Synthetics section:

The left-hand panel provides Spudservice links per the selected event from the Event Finder. Use these links to obtain full XML records for the specific ShakeMovie synthetics record.

The right-hand panel provides a command-line solution for obtaining multiple ShakeMovie synthetics files from Spudservice. The command is customized based on the Start value set in the Event Finder. Click on the generated command-line link for further information.

Spud services guide
Copy this command to use in a data-access script:

UNIX command line tool xargs

UNIX command line tools such as wget can be used to automate calls to SPUD services. The service endpoint "ids" returns a list of integers (IDs).

In the example above, a list of IDs is being extracted from the SPUD services "ids" endpoint. The list is filtered with the "evtstartdate" parameter and is written to the file synthids.txt. That file can then be used by scripts as input to the spudservice "synthetic" endpoint.

Spud services guide

Animations and figures of aftershocks automatically generated following large global earthquakes (Mag > 7).

Using the Spudservices guide: Aftershocks section:

The left-hand panel provides Spudservice links per the selected event from the Event Finder. Use these links to obtain full XML records for the specific Aftershocks record.

The right-hand panel provides a command-line solution for obtaining multiple Aftershocks files from Spudservice. The command is customized based on the Start value set in the Event Finder. Click on the generated command-line link for further information.

Spud services guide
Copy this command to use in a data-access script:

UNIX command line tool xargs

UNIX command line tools such as wget can be used to automate calls to SPUD services. The service endpoint "ids" returns a list of integers (IDs).

In the example above, a list of IDs is being extracted from the SPUD services "ids" endpoint. The list is filtered with the "evtstartdate" parameter and is written to the file aftershockids.txt. That file can then be used by scripts as input to the spudservice "synthetic" endpoint.

Spudservice: Documentation and Automation Guide
The IRIS Products team invites you to explore the power of Spudservices. Use this guide to build automation URLs and commands.
View the complete Spud Services User Guide (PDF)

General Spudservice methods: Products for a single event of interest.

Note: Each item's node in the XML has a "secondary" id. E.g.:

These ids are useful in Product-specific queries. See below.
Collection of Spud items for multiple events with properties (depth, mag, date, etc.) specified by event-based parameters:

For example, request all items for events with a minumum start date and minumum magnitude:

ParameterValid ValuesUse
evtminlat[-90.0 – 90.0]Minimum latitude of event bounds
evtmaxlat[-90.0 – 90.0]Maximum latitude of event bounds
evtminlon[-180.0 – 180.0]Minimum longitude of event bounds
evtmaxlon[-180.0 – 180.0]Maximum longitude of event bounds
evtmindepthKm, decimal or exp. notation, e.g. -20.23, -2.023e1Minimum depth of event bounds
evtmaxdepthKm, decimal or exp. notation, e.g. -20.23, -2.023e1Maximum depth of event bounds
evtminmagMag, decimal or exp. notation, e.g. 6.1, 6.10e1Minimum magnitude of event
evtmaxmagMag, decimal or exp. notation, e.g. 7.1, 7.10e1Maximum magnitude of event
evtstartdateDate in 24-hr format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssEarliest date of event
evtenddateDate in 24-hr format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssLatest date of event
haseventY|N|y|nReturn only items which have an event
eventidInteger > 0ID of associated prime event (if any)
gcmtidString allowing wildcard characters: [?*]ID of GCMT event (if any)
Event Finder. Select or filter events to further customize your automation URLs & commands.
30 events found. Events with product type: MT:
M >= 6.5
NORTH OF HONDURAS Sat Feb 08 23:23:28 UTC 2025
icon Depth: 19.7 km Trigger magnitude: 7.6
KYUSHU, JAPAN Mon Jan 13 12:19:41 UTC 2025
icon Depth: 34.9 km Trigger magnitude: 6.8
XIZANG Tue Jan 07 01:05:27 UTC 2025
icon Depth: 12.0 km Trigger magnitude: 7.1
KURIL ISLANDS Fri Dec 27 12:47:43 UTC 2024
icon Depth: 156.2 km Trigger magnitude: 6.8
VANUATU ISLANDS Tue Dec 17 01:47:36 UTC 2024
icon Depth: 43.7 km Trigger magnitude: 7.3
NEAR COAST OF NORTHERN CALIF. Thu Dec 05 18:44:31 UTC 2024
icon Depth: 19.3 km Trigger magnitude: 7.0
NEW IRELAND REGION, P.N.G. Fri Nov 15 05:28:36 UTC 2024
icon Depth: 59.5 km Trigger magnitude: 6.6
CUBA REGION Sun Nov 10 16:49:59 UTC 2024
icon Depth: 12.0 km Trigger magnitude: 6.8
TONGA ISLANDS REGION Tue Oct 01 20:05:43 UTC 2024
icon Depth: 12.0 km Trigger magnitude: 6.5