1D Reference PREM Preliminary Reference Earth Model (PREM)
Dziewonski and Anderson (1981)
Crustal Earth Model
A 1-by-1 Degree Global Model of Earth’s Crust
Laske, Ma, Masters & Pasyanos (2012)
3-D Tomography Earth Model
Eastern Mediterranean part of the Collaborative Seismic Earth Model(version 2019.12.01)
Fichtner, Cubuk-Sabuncu, Blom, & Gokhberg (2019)
3-D Tomography Earth Model
European part of the Collaborative Seismic Earth Model(version 2019.12.01)
Fichtner, Rickers, Cubuk-Sabuncu, Blom & Gokhberg (2019)
Lithospheric Earth Model
An updated crust and lithospheric model of the Earth
Pasyanos, Masters, Laske, & Ma (2014)
3-D tomography Earth Model
Community Velocity Model - Harvard (CVM-H), a 3D structural velocity model for the southern California crust and upper mantle
Shaw et al. (2015)
3-D tomography Earth Model
3-D Upper-Mantle Shear Velocity Model Beneath the Contiguous United States Based on Broadband Surface Wave from Ambient Seismic Noise
Jun, Chu, and Yang (2018)
3-D Tomography Earth Model
Shear Velocity Model of Alaska via Joint Inversion of Rayleigh Wave Ellipticity, Phase Velocities, and Receiver Functions across the Northern USArray
Berg, Lin, Allam, Schulte-Pelkum, Ward and Shen (2020)
3-D Tomography Earth Model
3D shear-wave velocity model for the European crust and uppermost mantle from ambient noise tomography
Lu, Stehly, Paul & AlpArray Working Group (2018)
3-D Tomography Earth Model
Regional finite-frequency teleseismic P-wave tomography model for South America.
Portner et al., 2020
3-D Tomography Earth Model
3-D velocity models of the Mount St. Helens region using local-source travel-time tomography
Ulberg et al., 2020
3-D Tomography Earth Model
A radially anisotropic shear-wave model of Southern California from ambient noise adjoint tomography
Wang, Jiang,Yang,Schulte-Pelkum,Liu, 2019
3-D Tomography Earth Model
3D P- and S-wave velocity models of Alaska from the joint inversion of regional earthquake locations, body-wave data, and surface-wave data.
Thurber (2020, submitted)
3-D Tomography Earth Model
A 3‐D Shear Velocity Model of the Crust and Uppermost Mantle Beneath Alaska Including Apparent Radial Anisotropy.
Feng and Ritzwoller (2019)
3-D Tomography Earth Model
Midd_East_Crust_1 is a Regional crustal and uppermost mantle shear-wave velocity model for the Middle East.
Kaviani, Paul, Moradi, Mai, Pilia, Boschi, Rümpker, Lu, Tang, and Sandvol (2020)
3-D Tomography Earth Model
Teleseismic S-wave velocity model of the western US
Hawley & Allen (2019)
3-D Tomography Earth Model
Teleseismic P-wave velocity model of the western US
Hawley, Allen, & Richards (2016)
3-D Tomography Earth Model
South Atlanticn part of the Collaborative Seismic Earth Model (version 2019.12.01)
Fichtner & Colli (2019)
3-D Tomography Earth Model
North Atlanticn part of the Collaborative Seismic Earth Model (version 2019.12.01)
Fichtner, Rickers & Krischer (2019)
3-D Tomography Earth Model
North American part of the Collaborative Seismic Earth Model (version 2019.12.01)
Fichtner, Rickers & Krischer (2019)
3-D Tomography Earth Model
Japanese Islands part of the Collaborative Seismic Earth Model(version 2019.12.01)
Fichtner & Simute (2019)
3-D Tomography Earth Model
Iberiaan (Western Mediterranean) part of the Collaborative Seismic Earth Model(version 2019.12.01)
Fichtner & Villasenor (2019)
3-D Tomography Earth Model
Australasian part of the Collaborative Seismic Earth Model(version 2019.12.01)
Fichtner, Saygin, Kennett, Bunge, & Igel (2019)
3-D Tomography Earth Model
3D attenuation models of the Tonga-Lau mantle wedge.
Wei and Wiens (2019, JGR)
1D Reference TNA/SNA Average of the TNA and SNA models
Grand and Helmberger (1984)
1D Reference MC35 A 1D modified PEM-C S velocity model
van der Lee and Nolet (1997)
A 1-D modified IASP91 model
ak135-f velocity model, ak135 full model (spherical average)
Marone et al. (2004)
1D Reference IASP91 iasp91 velocity model
Kennett and Engdahl (1991)
1D Reference STW105 A 1D Reference Earth Model
Kustowski, Ekstrom and Dziewonski (2008)
1D Reference PEM Parametric Earth Models (PEM)
Dziewonski, Hales and Lapwood (1975)
1D Reference PREM500 Modified PREM (Preliminary Reference Earth Model)
Panning and Romanowicz (2006)
1D Reference AK135-F ak135-F spherical average model
Kennett, Engdahl & Buland (1995); Montagner & Kennett (1996)
3-D Tomography Earth Model
Teleseismic travel-time body- and shear-wave velocity models of the northern East African Rift
Civiero et. al (2015, 2016)
3-D Tomography Earth Model
Global upper mantle surface wave tomography model
Ho, Priestley, & Debayle (2016)
3D Tomography Earth Model YS-P-H15 3D P-wave velocity model of Yellowstone from joint inversion of local earthquake and teleseismic travel-time data
Huang et al. (2015)
3D Tomography wUS-SH-2010 P and S teleseismic body-wave tomography of the western United States
Schmandt and Humphreys (2010)
3D Tomography WUS-CAMH-2015 3D shear-wave velocity model of the western United States
Chai et al. (2015)
3-D tomography Earth Model US-CrustVs-2015 Crust thickness and Crust and Uppermost mantle Vs model for the contiguous U.S.
Schmandt, Lin, & Karlstrom (2015)
3D Tomography Earth Model US-SL-2014 P and S teleseismic body-wave tomography of the mantle beneath the United States
Schmandt & Lin, 2014
3-D tomography Earth Model US-Crust-Upper-mantle-Vs.Porter.Liu.Holt.2015
Lithospheric records of orogeny within the continental U.S.
Porter, R., Y. Liu, and W. E. Holt (2016)
3D Tomography US.2016 3D shear-wave velocity model of the US
Shen and Ritzwoller (2016)
3-D Tomography Earth Model
A global P and S mantle model incorporating subducting slabs
Lu, Grand, Lai, & Garnero (2019)
3D Tomography TX2011 A global mantle shear-wave tomography model
Grand (2002)
3D Tomography TX2000 A global mantle shear-wave tomography
Grand (2002)
3D Tomography Earth Model TW-PS-H14 3D P-wave and S-wave velocity model of Taiwan from joint inversion of P-wave and S-wave travel times, strong motion S-P times, and borehole logging data.
Huang et al. (2014)
3D Tomography Earth Model Taiwan.TTT.KWR.2012 3D P-wave velocity model of Taiwan from travel-time tomography
Kuo-Chen et. al., 2012
3-D Regional Electrical Conductivity Model SRPY-MT Regional 3-D electrical conductivity model of Snake River Plain / Yellowstone, USA based on magnetotelluric data
Kelbert, Egbert, and deGroot-Hedlin (2012)
3-D Tomography Earth Model SPani A global joint model of radially anisotropic P- and S-wave velocity heterogeneity
Tesoniero, Auer, Boschi, and Cammarano (2015)
3-D Tomography Earth Model
3D shear-wave velocity model of Southern California from joint inversion of Rayleigh wave phase and group velocities from ambient noise cross-correlations.
Qiu, Lin, & Ben‐Zion (2019)
3-D Tomography Earth Model
3D shear-wave velocity model of Southern California from joint inversion of Rayleigh wave ellipticity and phase velocity from ambient noise cross-correlations.
Berg, Lin, Allam, Qiu,, Shen, & Ben‐Zion (2018)
3-D Tomography Earth Model
3D global shear-wave isotropic and radially anisotropic model from a joint inversion for multiple data sets
Chang et al. (2015)
3D Electrical Resistivity Earth Model
Southeastern United States 3D Electrical Resistivity Model
Murphy, B.S. and G. D. Egbert (2017)
3D Tomography SAW642ANb Global radially anisotropic mantle S velocity
Panning, Lekic and Romanowicz (2010)
3D Tomography SAW642AN Global radially anisotropic mantle S velocity
Panning and Romanowicz (2006)
3-D full-waveform Earth Model
A high-resolution North American shear velocity model of upper mantle
Yuan and Romanowicz (2014)
3D full-waveform Earth Model SEMum A high-resolution global shear velocity model of upper mantle
Lekic and Romanowicz (2011)
3-D Tomography Earth Model SEISGLOB2
Model based on the joint inversion of normal modes and surface waves.
Durand, Debayle, Ricard, Zaroli, and Lambotte (2017)
3-D Tomography Earth Model SEISGLOB1
Model based on the joint inversion of normal modes and surface waves.
Durand, Debayle, Ricard, and Lambotte (2016)
3D full-waveform Earth Model SAWum-NA2 A high-resolution North American shear velocity model of upper mantle
Yuan and Romanowicz (2011)
3D Tomography SAW24B16 A global shear velocity structure of the mantle
Megnin and Romanowicz (2000)
3-D Tomography Earth Model
Regional finite-frequency teleseismic P-wave tomography model for central Chile and Argentina
Portner, Beck, Zandt, & Scire (2017)
3D Tomography S362WMANI A global model of shear-wave velocities
Kustowski, Ekstrom and Dziewonski (2008)
3D Tomography Earth Model S362ANI+M
This model is an update to S362ANI and S362WMANI representing an anisotropic shear velocity model of the Earth’s mantle using normal modes, body waves, surface waves and long-period waveforms.
Moulik & Ekstrom, 2014
3D Tomography S362ANI A global model of shear-wave velocities
Kustowski, Ekstrom and Dziewonski (2008)
3D Tomography S2.9EA A global model with higher resolution in the upper mantle beneath Eurasia calculated using STW105 as the 1-D reference model.
Kustowski, Ekstrom and Dziewonski (2008A)
3D Tomography PNW10-S 3D S-wave tomography Earth model for the Cascadia Subduction Zone
Porritt, Allen, Boyarko & Brudzinski (2011)
2-D Tomography Earth Model
Pn tomography model for the contiguous United States
Buehler, & Shearer (2016)
shear wave velocities OIINK_VS_model Shear velocity structure beneath the central United States
Chen, Gilbert, Andronicos, Hamburger, Larson, Marshak, Pavlis, and Yan (2016),
Crustal thicknesses
Moho depth and crystalline crustal thickness values within the central United States derived from receiver function observations
Yang, Pavlis, Hamburger, Marshak, Gilbert, Rupp, Larson, Chen, and Carpenter (2017)
3D Tomography NWUS11-S 3D S-wave tomography model for NW United States
James,Fouch, Carlson & Roth. (2011)
3D Tomography NWUS11-P 3D P-wave tomography model for NW United States
James, Fouch, Carlson & Roth (2011)
3-D Tomography Earth Model
3-D shear-wave isotropic model for the northeastern United States from full-wave ambient noise tomography
Yang and Gao (2018)
Crustal thicknesses
Crustal Thickness Variation in the Northern Appalachian Mountains: Implications for the Geometry of 3-D Tectonic Boundaries Within the Crust
Li, Gao, Williams, and Levin (2018)
3D Tomography NA07 N. American upper mantle surface wave tomography
Bedle and van der Lee (2009)
3D Tomography NA04 N. American upper mantle surface wave tomography
van der Lee and Frederiksen (2005)
Temperature from Pn Velocity
The model provides latitude, longitude, temperature (°C), depth, Pn Velocity, temperature uncertainty (°C) at the base of the crust for the western United States.
Schutt, Lowry, & Buehler (2018)
3-D Electrical Resistivity Earth Model
Missouri High Conductivity Belt 3-D Electrical Resistivity Model
DeLucia, Murphy, Marshak, & Egbert (2019)
3-D Electrical Resistivity Earth Model MCR.MT.Yang-et.al.2015.resistivity 3D electrical resistivity model of the Midcontinent Rift from magnetotelluric data inversion
Yang, Kelbert, and Egbert (2015)
3-D Electrical Resistivity Earth Model
Imaging Magma Under St. Helens (iMUSH) 3D Electrical Resistivity Model
Bedrosian, Peacock, Bowles-Martinez, Schultz, and Hill (2018)
3-D Tomography Earth Model
Teleseismic travel-time body- and shear-wave velocity models of the Ibero-western Maghreb region
Civiero, Custódio, Silveira, Silveira, Rawlinson, Strak, & Arroucau
3D Tomography HMSL-S06 A global shear velocity model of the mantle
HouserMasters, Shearer & Laske (2008)
3D Tomography HMSL-P06 A global compressional velocity model of the mantle
HouserMasters, Shearer & Laske (2008)
3D Tomography GyPSuM A global 3-D model of mantle shear wave (S) and compressional (P) speeds
Simmons, Forte, Boschi & Grand (2010)
3-D Electrical Conductivity Model
Global electromagnetic induction constraints on transition-zone water content variations
Kelbert, Schultz & Egbert (2009)
3-D Electrical Conductivity Model
High resolution global electrical conductivity variations in the Earth’s mantle based on ground observatory data
Sun, Kelbert, & Egbert (2015)
3-D Tomography Earth Model
Full waveform inversion of East Asia
Tao, Grand, and Niu (2018)
3-D Tomography Earth Model
3D shear-wave velocity model of western Eurasia, Arabia, and northern Africa from a joint inversion for multiple data sets
Chang et al. (2010)
3D Tomography DNA13 P- and S-velocity models for the western US integrating body- and surface-wave constraints
Porritt, Allen, & Pollitz (2014)
3D Tomography DNA10-S 3D S-wave tomography Earth model
Obrebski, Allen, Pollitz & Hung (2011)
3D Tomography DNA09 3D P- & S-velocity tomography Earth model
Obrebski, Allen, Xue & Hung (2010)
Crustal thicknesses Crustal_Thickness_Error Crustal thickness values within the western United States derived from receiver function observations
Gilbert, 2012
3D Tomography Earth Model Cascadia_ANT+RF_Delph2018
3D vertical shear-wave velocity model of the Cascadian forearc from the joint inversion of ambient noise dispersion and receiver functions.
Delph, Levander, & Niu (2018)
3D Tomography Earth Model CASCADE.ANT.GAO-SHEN.2014 3D shear-wave velocity model of the Cascades from full-wave ambient noise tomography
Gao and Shen (2014)
3D Tomography Earth Model BO.ANT+TPWT.Ward.2016
3D shear-wave velocity model of the Bolivian Orocline (BO) from the joint inversion of ambient noise tomography and two-plane
Ward, Zandt, Beck, Wagner and Tavera (2013)
3-D absolute P-wave tomographic model Earth Model
An absolute P-wave tomographic model with focus on eastern North American upper mantle structure.
Boyce, Bastow, Golos, Rondenay, Burdick, & Van der Hilst (2019)
3D Tomography Earth Model APVC+Puna.ANT+RF.Ward.2017
3D shear-wave velocity model of the Altiplano-Puna Volcanic Complex (APVC) and the Puna Plateau from the joint inversion of ambient noise tomography and receiver functions.
Ward, Delph, Zandt, Beck, and Ducea (2017)
3D Tomography Earth Model APVC.ANT+RF.Ward.2014 3D shear-wave velocity model of the Altiplano-Puna Volcanic Complex (APVC) from the joint inversion of ambient noise tomography and receiver functions
Ward, Zandt, Beck, Christensen, and McFarlin (2014)
3D Tomography Earth Model Andes.ANT.Ward.2013 3D shear-wave velocity model of the Central Andes from ambient noise tomography
Ward, Zandt, Beck, Porter, Wagner, Minaya and Tavera (2013)
3-D Tomography Earth Model
Regional finite-frequency teleseismic P-wave tomography model for the Eastern Mediterranean
Portner, Delph, Biryol, Beck, Zandt, Özacar, Sandvol, and Türkelli (2018)
3D Tomography Earth Model Alaska-S+SW-2018.2018
3D shear-wave velocity model of Alaskan upper mantle from the joint inversion of teleseismic S-wave travel-time residuals and Rayleigh wave dispersion.
Jiang, Schmandt, Ward, Lin, & Worthington (2018)