Data Management Center


The NSF SAGE Facility archives and distributes data to support the seismological research community. Our state–of–the–art data center is located near the University of Washington in Seattle. Learn more about the DMC facility, the work that we do and the people that work here. We welcome your feedback.

What would you like to do?

The DMC hosts an extremely large archive of seismic data from hundreds of experiments around the globe.

Request status

PASSCAL Experiments

Data problems

The DMC offers several Common Service APIs to help you acquire data and metadata. These include:

The DMC has authored many software packages for accessing and displaying data both from our archives and real-time data. These are freely available for download. Our more popular packages:

The DMC offers several ways to help you access or submit data and also with the various services, software and tools we have written.

Quick support links:

We have multiple web-based tools to access, retrieve, view and download data. Some of our more popular tools are listed below:

Latest News

No recent news items.


For data that is provided to NSF SAGE from an established data center, the identity of those requesting data from the DMC will be provided to the relevant data center. This only includes data from established Data Centers such as ORFEUS, GEOSCOPE or GEOFON.

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