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The Missouri S&T western and central United States shear-wave splitting database icon
Item Details
Description: The Missouri S&T western and central United States shear-wave splitting database
Authors: Kelly H. Liu & Stephen S. Gao
Title: The Missouri S&T western and central United States shear-wave splitting database
Year: 2013
Keywords: shear-wave splitting,event-based,MS&T,database,SWS,Kelly Liu,Stephen Gao,western and central United States
Related: http://www.iris.edu/dms/products/sws-db-mst/
Shear-wave splitting measurements for western and central United States is a teleseismic shear-wave splitting (SWS) database based on all the data from all the broadband seismic stations in North America that contains over 15,000 pairs of well-defined (and manually checked) SWS measurements for the western and central United States (west of 90°W).
  • more information is available on the Missouri S&T shear-wave splitting database product description page
  • visit the Missouri S&T shear-wave splitting database repository
  • download the Missouri S&T shear-wave splitting database in complete format — content, web page and images ~1.5 GB
A snapshot of the Missouri S&T western and central United States shear-wave splitting database.
SampsArray Transportable Array (TA) station A27A
Samp10-05-05 16:29 UTC earthquake (EQ101251629)
Information on the database content
Shear-wave splitting measurements for western and central United States

Most of the measurements below (version 1308) are described in the following publications:

1. Liu, K.H., A. Elsheikh, A. Lemnifi, U. Purevsuren, M. Ray, H. Refayee, B.  Yang, Y. Yu, and S.S. Gao (2014), A uniform database of teleseismic shear wave splitting measurements for the western and central United States, Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems , doi: 10.1002/2014GC005267

2. Liu, K.H. (2009), NA-SWS-1.1: A uniform database of teleseismic shear-wave splitting measurements for North America, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 10, Q05011, doi:10.1029/2009GC002440

3. Refayee, H.A., B.B. Yang, K.H. Liu, and S.S. Gao (2013), Mantle flow and lithosphere-asthenosphere coupling beneath the southwestern edge of the North American Craton: Constraints from shear-wave splitting measurements, Earth and Planetary Science Letters , 10.1016/j.epsl.2013.01.031.

4. Yang, B.B., S.S. Gao, K.H. Liu, A.A. Elsheikh, A.A. Lemnifi, H.A. Refayee, and Y. Yu (2014), Seismic anisotropy and mantle flow beneath the northern Great Plains of North America, Journal of Geophysical Research, , volume 119, doi: 10.1002/2013JB010561

In addition, the measurements were produced using the procedure described in the following paper:

- Liu, K.H, and S.S. Gao (2013), Making reliable shear-wave splitting measurements, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Volume 103, No.5, 14 pages, doi: 10.1785/0120120355

Kelly H. Liu                       Stephen S. Gao
Professor of Geophysics            Professor of Geophysics
http://www.mst.edu/~liukh          http://www.mst.edu/~sgao
liukh@mst.edu                      sgao@mst.edu

Geology & Geophysics Program      
Missouri University of Science and Technology       
Rolla, MO 65409, USA       

The columns in database are:

c1: Station_network name. The station name is padded with "x"s if it has less than 6 characters, and the network name is padded with a "y" 
	if it has only one character

c2: Phase name (SKS, PKS, SKK which is SKKS) 

c3: Event name (EQ + yr + ddd + hh + mm)

c4: Station latitude in deg.

c5: Station longitude in deg.

c6). Fast polarization direction in degree, measured clockwise from the North

c7). The standard deviation of the fast direction in degree

c8). Splitting time in second

c9). The standard deviation of the splitting time in second

c10). Back azimuth, measured clockwise from the North.

c11). Modulo-90 degree back-azimuth

c12). Event latitude

c13). Event longitude

c14). Event depth

c15). Measurement quality

c16). Longitude of XKS raypiercing point at 200 km depth

c17). Latitude of XKS raypiercing point at 200 km depth
SWS-DB-MST.datThe Missoues shear-wave splitting database in text format2.2 MB
SWS-DB-MST.htmlThe Missouear-wave splitting database in HTML format7.1 MB
SWS-DB-MST-pks.tarSWS-DB-MST-pks.tar tar file170.8 MB
SWS-DB-MST-skk.tarSWS-DB-MST-skk.tar tar file283.8 MB
SWS-DB-MST-sums.tarSWS-DB-MST-sums.tar tar file205.9 MB