About SPUD

SPUD Version 3.0

The Searchable Product Depository (SPUD) is the IRIS DMC's primary data product management system. Complementing the DMC's SEED and assembled data archives, which contain time series recordings, the SPUD system primarily contains derivative data products of other types (images, movies, etc.) created either at the DMC or by members of the community.

For users SPUD is the query and access point for these products. The web interfaces allow users to search for products using customized queries across product and event details. Users can search across all product types at once or within specific product types. SPUD also has web service interfaces for programmatic discovery and access to the data products.

If any products from SPUD are used in your research please be sure to cite the identified author of the product and the IRIS DMS [Citation Information].

About Station Digest Products

The Array Network Facility (ANF) generates a final report, or Station Digest, for each USArray Transportable Array station after it has been decommissioned. The Station Digest captures many parameters and performance metrics that serve to document and summarize a station's operational lifecycle. This includes siting details, major equipment changes, calibration results and the stations contribution to event location.

More information on stations operated by and part of the Transportable Array are available on the ANF's website

Product Query Help

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Network / Station
Query Results: 1674 items found
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NetworkStationCreation Date
TAJ27A2020-03-28 18:47:04
TAQ23K2020-03-27 22:27:11
TAPOKR2020-03-27 22:26:15
TAI23K2020-03-27 22:03:48
TAY18A2020-03-25 15:32:03
TAW41B2020-03-25 14:48:32
TAU35A2020-03-25 01:18:16
TAZ52A2020-03-25 01:05:02
TAZ30A2020-03-25 01:03:26
TAZ54A2020-03-25 00:40:46
TAZ55A2020-03-24 23:41:51
TAH17A2020-03-24 18:51:30
TAWHTX2019-06-06 11:27:46
TAQ04C2019-05-08 17:11:12
TAP16A2019-05-08 16:02:30
TATPFO2019-02-20 18:35:30
TASPMN2019-02-20 18:20:22
TAO20A2019-02-20 18:14:47
TAMSTX2019-02-20 18:14:10
TAMDND2019-02-20 17:57:04
TAKSCO2019-02-20 17:51:27
TAE46A2019-02-20 17:45:27
TABGNE2019-02-20 17:44:53
TAABTX2019-02-20 17:44:26
TA109C2019-02-20 17:23:07
TAT25A2019-02-20 17:22:37
TAS22A2019-02-20 17:21:39
TAP52A2019-02-20 17:21:14
TAP49A2019-02-20 17:20:32
TAO53A2019-02-20 17:19:48
TAN23A2019-02-20 17:19:21
TAM53A2019-02-20 17:17:57
TAL61B2019-02-20 17:17:34
TA833A2019-02-20 17:17:09
TA435B2019-02-20 17:16:41
TAA21K2019-02-20 17:12:28
TA121A2019-02-20 17:04:33
TAW18A2018-11-07 04:53:15
TATIGA2018-11-07 04:40:35
TASUSD2018-11-07 04:36:32
TASFIN2018-11-07 04:35:39
TAKMSC2018-11-07 04:05:01
TAK22A2018-11-07 03:59:42
TAQ24A2018-09-25 23:14:08
TATOLK2018-09-25 23:12:24
TAQ60A2018-09-10 22:36:49
TAY22D2018-09-10 22:27:07
TATCOL2018-09-10 22:27:05
TAK27K2018-09-10 22:14:50
TAL26K2018-06-18 20:28:29
TAM24K2018-05-30 15:55:19
TA214A2018-05-29 22:24:32
TAA36M2018-05-29 21:59:27
TAY50A2018-02-20 19:11:37
TAY49A2018-02-20 19:11:09
TAY48A2018-02-20 19:10:48
TAZ51A2018-02-20 19:10:48
TAY47A2018-02-20 19:10:37
TAZ50A2018-02-20 19:10:07
TAY46A2018-02-20 19:10:07
TAZ49A2018-02-20 19:09:44
TAY45A2018-02-20 19:09:44
TAZ48A2018-02-20 19:09:25
TAY44A2018-02-20 19:09:22
TAZ47A2018-02-20 19:09:05
TAY43A2018-02-20 19:09:05
TAZ46A2018-02-20 19:08:43
TAY42A2018-02-20 19:08:42
TAZ45A2018-02-20 19:08:23
TAY41A2018-02-20 19:08:21
TAZ44A2018-02-20 19:08:03
TAY40A2018-02-20 19:07:58
TAZ43A2018-02-20 19:07:42
TAY39A2018-02-20 19:07:36
TAZ42A2018-02-20 19:07:22
TAY38A2018-02-20 19:07:13
TAZ41A2018-02-20 19:06:59
TAY37A2018-02-20 19:06:50
TAZ40A2018-02-20 19:06:36
TAY36A2018-02-20 19:06:25
TAZ39A2018-02-20 19:06:15
TAY35A2018-02-20 19:06:03
TAZ38A2018-02-20 19:05:55
TAY34A2018-02-20 19:05:43
TAZ37A2018-02-20 19:05:33
TAY33A2018-02-20 19:05:23
TAZ36A2018-02-20 19:05:12
TAY32A2018-02-20 19:04:58
TAZ35A2018-02-20 19:04:46
TAY31A2018-02-20 19:04:32
TAZ34A2018-02-20 19:04:25
TAZ33A2018-02-20 19:04:09
TAY30A2018-02-20 19:04:09
TAZ32A2018-02-20 19:03:43
TAY29A2018-02-20 19:03:29
TAZ31A2018-02-20 19:03:07
TAY28A2018-02-20 19:03:00
TAY27A2018-02-20 19:02:46
TAZ29A2018-02-20 19:02:28
TAY26A2018-02-20 19:02:23
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