The Data Services Newsletter is a quarterly online publication that focuses on the data and services available through the Data Management System. Each newsletter highlights new and existing data access tools, data types, projects and features of the NSF SAGE Facility.
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- Feature Article
- 10th Workshop on Managing Data from Seismic Networks
- Workshops
- Training Workshop in Baku, Azerbaijan
- Data Access
- AutoDRM Retirement at the IRIS DMC
- Enhanced data selection: Research Ready Data Sets (RRDS)
- Discovery and collection of data across data centers using the IRIS Federator
- Quality Assurance
- Recent Releases for MUSTANG-related Quality Assurance Tools, Web Services, and Software
- Project Focus
- A Seismic Shift in the Oceans
- Workshops
- IRIS Data Services Workshop in South Africa
- Data Access
- IRIS Federator updates to support more use cases and flexibility
- Software
- Introducing the IRIS Data Availability Webservice: Quickly find what data is in the archive
- Introducing PH5 Web Services: Three new FDSN Web Services for accessing PH5 datasets
- Project Focus
- A Seismic Shift in the Oceans
- IRIS Data Services External Data Coordination: Providing Access to Data in the Developing World
- Quality Assurance
- ISPAQ QA Client in Beta Test
- MUSTANG-Based Data Quality Reports for Regional Network Operators
- New Data
- Catalan Seismic Network Data now being shared with IRIS