Manual Metadata – Categories: Plotting and Display

The following Plotting and Display packages are available for download. Click the package name to access the download page.

Google Earth combines the power of Google Search with satellite imagery, maps, terrain and 3D buildings to put the world’s geographic information at your fingertips. Using the IRIS Google Map Service, you can create custom maps based on IRIS DMC metadata.

A MATLAB® interface to the IRIS archive

JWEED is a Java client that is compatible with the web services offered at IRIS DMC and data centers supporting the FDSN Web Services protocol. JWEED has been tested on recent Mac, Linux, and Windows operating systems and should run fine with Oracle’s Java 7 or later.

PQLX (PASSCAL Quick Look eXtended) is open-source software authored by Richard Boaz (Boaz Consultancy ) for evaluating seismic station performance and data quality. The software primarily consists of a server and client but also includes data extraction and migration tools. Given waveform data and instrument response files, PQLX server calculates trace statistics, Power Spectral Densities (PSD), and Probability Density Functions (PDF) and writes the results to a MySQL database for quick access.

SAC (Seismic Analysis Code), previously SAC2000, is a general-purpose interactive program designed for the study of sequential signals, especially time-series data. Emphasis has been placed on analysis tools used by research seismologists in the detailed study of seismic events.

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