Special Event: Illapel, Chile

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September 16, 2015 M8.3 Illapel, Chile earthquake

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On September 16, 2015 an M8.3 earthquake occurred on a shallow angle thrust fault on the interface between the Nazca and South America
plates near Illapel, Chile.
This page is meant to be a collection of preliminary information, results & visualizations for the seismology research community.

Event parameters (from USGS)

Please check the USGS page for the latest official information.

Magnitude 8.3
UTC Time Wednesday, September 16, 2015 at 22:54:33 UTC
Location 31.570°S, 71.654°W
Depth 25km (16 miles)
Region Offshore Coquimbo, Chile (135)
Distances 54km (34mi) W of Illapel, Chile
76km (47mi) WNW of Salamanca, Chile
109km (68mi) NNW of La Ligua, Chile
118km (73mi) SSW of Ovalle, Chile
233km (145mi) NNW of Santiago, Chile

USGS summary page

Pacific Tsunami Warning Center page

International Tsunami Information Center (ITIC) page

IRIS Data Products

UNAVCO Data Products and overview page

gempa GmbH simulated tsunami wave propagation

Media pages

Live updates from The Guardian

Images and movies of tsunami

Background & some preliminary figures

Source Time Function & Moment Tensor
Teleseismic P waves are inverted for the best depth, moment tensor, and source time function. The basic shape and mean duration of the STF are reliable, while the best depth and moment tensor may change with further analysis (Larry Ruff, University of Michigan).

Coquimbo tide gage station shows 6 meter peak to peak tsunami for Mw8.3 Chile quake (first wave not largest) from Jascha Polet

Coquimbo tide gage (150km N of epicenter) is a good illustration that the first wave does not have to be the biggest and that tsunami last for hours. (Jascha Polet)

A PQL plot from an OBS that is currently sending near-realtime data to shore for the ADDOSS (Autonomously Deployed Deep-Ocean Seismic System) experiment. The OBS has an acoustic modem link via a wave glider. The OBS is deployed at 3800 m water depth about 300 km due west from La Jolla. (Gabi Laske)

Map of past rupture areas by Robin Lacassin (IPGP-Tectoniquq) & LIA Montessus de Ballore (CNRS-INSU, Universidada de Chile). Original image. Overlain figure is the USGS finite-fault model (link), version 1 by G Hayes.

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