Special Event: Central California

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This Special Event web page is intended to provide direct links to and images of data and materials available from NSF SAGE programs and preliminary research results from the seismology community. We welcome any additional contributions containing original content that might be of interest to the research community. Please send them to the email address listed below.

NSF SAGE does not necessarily endorse the views or scientific validity of the posted items.



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Quick Links

IRIS Earthquake Browser

IRIS EQ Browser

[IRIS Earthquake Browser] Click on image
to browse a map of events that occurred in the same region.

Mainshock Figures

USGS ShakeMap

[USGS Interactive Map] Mainshock, USGS ShakeMap

Douglas Dreger, Berkeley Seismological Laboratory

[Douglas Dreger, Berkeley Seismological Laboratory] Map showing the
location of the event with the Caltech moment tensor solution, and the 8
SCSN strong motion stations used in the finite-source inversion. Click on
image for the full PDF report

Surface-Wave Radiation Patterns

[IRIS Surface-Wave Radiation Patterns Data Product] Surface-Wave Radiation
Patterns for the mainshock at individual selected Frequencies. Click on image
to visit the product page.

Automatic determination of source parameters

[GEOSCOPE Observatory] Mainshock, Automatic
determination of source parameters using the SCARDEC method

Zach Ross

[Zach Ross] Ridgecrest sequence as of 8:48 AM – 6 Jul 2019. Click on
image for image source.

Foreshock Figures

USGS ShakeMap

[USGS Interactive Map] Foreshock, USGS ShakeMap

Automatic determination of source parameters

[GEOSCOPE Observatory] Foreshock, Automatic
determination of source parameters using the SCARDEC method

Surface-Wave Radiation Patterns

[IRIS Surface-Wave Radiation Patterns Data Product] Surface-Wave Radiation
Patterns for the foreshock at individual selected Frequencies. Click on image
to visit the product page.

Videos & Animations

M6.4-M7.1 sequence

[John Taber, IRIS Education and Public Outreach ] An animation of the ongoing
earthquake sequence in Central California between 7/4-to 7/6 17:00 UTC,
using USGS earthquake locations. Click on image to play the animation.
Animation was made using the
IRIS Interactive Earthquake Browser.

USGS Mainshock Executive summary page
USGS Mainshock KML
USGS Foreshock Executive summary page
USGS Foreshock KML
UNAVCO Data Event Response
GEOFON Program Mainshock Event page
GEOFON Program Foreshock Event page
IRIS Mainshock Data Products
IRIS Foreshock Data Products
USGS Big Quakes, @USGSBigQuakes
IRIS Earthquake Science, @IRIS_EPO
Anthony Lomax, @ALomaxNet
Jascha Polet, @CPPGeophysics
Stephen Hicks, @seismo_steve
Susan Hough, @SeismoSue

NSF SAGE Facility Event Page

The NSF SAGE Facility event page for this event contains links to additional tools and data.


Special Events IRIS DMC Southern California

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