Data Services Products: EMC-ReferenceModels IRIS EMC - Reference Earth Models


Most of the EMC Earth models are expressed as perturbations relative to a particular 1-D reference Earth model. This page provides access to some reference Earth models that are hosted by EMC or hosted externally.


Below is a collection of reference models some of which, as indicated, are used as the starting model for computation of the tomographic models.

EMC-hosted reference Earth models

PREM (referenced by GyPSum, SAW24B16 and as PREM500 by SAW642AN and SAW642ANb ) The Preliminary Reference Earth Model, Dziewonski and Anderson (1981) , is an average Earth model that incorporates anelastic dispersion and anisotropy and therefore it is frequency-dependent and transversely isotropic for the upper mantle.
PEM Parametric Earth Models (PEM) — Three models (Average, Continental & Oceanic) that were introduced by Dziewonski, Hales and Lapwood (1975) for which the radial variations of density and velocity are represented by piecewise continuous analytical functions of radius. All three models are identical below a depth of 420 km.
ak135-f ak135-f is a variant of the ak135 velocity model, Kennett, Engdahl & Buland (1995) , which is obtained by augmenting it with the density and Q model of Montagner & Kennett (1995).
iasp91 The iasp91 reference model is a parameterised velocity model that has been constructed to be a summary of the travel time characteristics of the main seismic phases, Kennett and Engdahl (1991).
MEAN MEAN reference Earth model (referenced by EAV09) is based on the Earth model IASP91. MEAN replaces IASP91’s mid-crustal discontinuity and Moho depth of 20 and 35 km to 18 and 30 km, respectively (Marone & van der Lee)
MC35 (referenced by NA04 & NA07 ) MC35 is a 1-D averaged Earth model based on the continental Earth model PEM-C with its uppermost mantle S-wave velocity, down to 210 km, set to a constant value of 4.5 km/s, replacing the high- and low velocity zone of PEM-C , van der Lee and Nolet (1997).
SPREM (referenced by CAM2016) PREM_Vsv and SPREM_Vsh reference Earth models are based on the global reference model PREM with the discontinuities smoothed
STW105 (referenced by S362ANI & S362WMANI) STW105 (also known as REF) is a transversely isotropic reference Earth model, Kustowski, Ekstrom and Dziewonski (2008).
TNA/SNA (referenced by GyPSum ) — This model is an average of the TNA (Tectonic North America) and SNA (Shield North America) models of Grand and Helmberger (1984).

Externally-hosted reference Earth models

CRUST2.0 CRUST2.0 is a global crustal model, Bassin et al. (2000) , that specifies density, compressional and shear velocity on a 2°x2° grid. This model is updated version of the CRUST5.1 model of Mooney et al. (1998).

Citations and DOIs

To cite IRIS DMC Data Products effort:

  • Trabant, C., A. R. Hutko, M. Bahavar, R. Karstens, T. Ahern, and R. Aster (2012), Data Products at the IRIS DMC: Stepping Stones for Research and Other Applications, Seismological Research Letters, 83(5), 846–854,

To cite IRIS Earth Model Collaboration (EMC) data product or reference use of its repository:

To cite the source or reference the use of a particular Earth model hosted by EMC:

  • Please click on the model of interest in the above list and click on the Citations under Quicklinks.


  • The research community for their contributions and product review





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