Data Services Products: EMC-EarthModels IRIS EMC - Earth Models


The following models are contributed to the IRIS EMC by various researchers. Linked model names point to a dedicated page for the model that provides model information and download links.

Contributions: The Earth model authors are strongly encouraged to share their geophysical Earth models with the research community through this repository. If you are interested in becoming a contributor to EMC, please see our Model Contribution Guidelines.


The following sections provide an insight into the extent and parameters of various Earth models available through IRIS EMC.

Model Summaries

MODEL                   VARIABLE(s)                   SUMMARY
3DLGL-TPESv (v2022-11)
GLOBAL (3DLGL-TPESv, v2018-08)
dVs, Vs anomaly in % (-12.4% to 10.7%)
az, Azimuthal Anisotropy fast axis direction in degrees(-90° to 90°)
as, Peak to Peak Anisotropy in % (0.0% to 13.91%)
3DLGL-TPESv, Eric Debayle, Fabien Dubuffet, Stéphanie Durand, is the current update of the background model v2015-07 up to November 2022. It is based on the waveform modeling of 2,008,820 Rayleigh waves recorded between 1976 and November 20122. The tomographic model is built using the same automated scheme as the background model presented in Debayle et al., GRL 2016.
GLOBAL (3DLGL-TPESv, v2018-08)
dVs, Vs anomaly in % (-12.4% to 10.7%)
az, Azimuthal Anisotropy fast axis direction in degrees(-90° to 90°)
as, Peak to Peak Anisotropy in % (0.0% to 14.5%)
3D2018_08Sv, Eric Debayle, Fabien Dubuffet, Stéphanie Durand, is the current update of the background model 3D2015_07Sv up to August 2018. It is based on the waveform modeling of 1,600,492 Rayleigh waves recorded between 1976 and August 2018. The tomographic model is built using the same automated scheme as background model presented in Debayle et al., GRL 2016.
GLOBAL (3DLGL-TPESv, v2017-09)
dVs, Vs anomaly in % (-11.9% to 10.9%)
az, Azimuthal Anisotropy fast axis direction in degrees(-90° to 90°)
as, Peak to Peak Anisotropy in % (0.0% to 14.9%)
3D2017_09Sv, Eric Debayle, Fabien Dubuffet, Stéphanie Durand, is the Sv wave model of the upper mantle and transition zone based on the waveform modeling of 1,517,611 Rayleigh waves recorded between 1976 and September 2017. The use of approximate forward theory and modeling allows updating the model following the publication of the monthly CMT catalog. 3D2017_09Sv contains azimuthal anisotropy and achieves a lateral resolution of ~600 km in the upper mantle.
GLOBAL (3DLGL-TPESv, v2016-09)
dVs, Vs anomaly in % (-12.1% to 10.7%)
az, Azimuthal Anisotropy fast axis direction in degrees (-90° to 90°)
as, Peak to Peak Anisotropy in % (0.0% to 15.4%)
3D2016_09Sv, Eric Debayle, Fabien Dubuffet, Stéphanie Durand, is the update of the background model 3D2015_10Sv up to September 2016. It is based on the waveform modeling of 1,434,738 Rayleigh waves recorded between 1976 and September 2016.
GLOBAL (3DLGL-TPESv, v2016-03)
dVs, Vs anomaly in % (-12.1% to 10.7%)
az, Azimuthal Anisotropy fast axis direction in degrees (-90° to 90°)
as, Peak to Peak Anisotropy in % (0.0% to 15.4%)
3D2016_09Sv, Eric Debayle, Fabien Dubuffet, Stéphanie Durand, is the update of the background model 3D2015_10Sv up to March 2016. It is based on the waveform modeling of 1,434,738 Rayleigh waves recorded between 1976 and March 2016.
GLOBAL (3DLGL-TPESv, v2015-10)
dVs, Vs anomaly in % (-12.1% to 10.7%)
az, Azimuthal Anisotropy fast axis direction in degrees (-90° to 90°)
as, Peak to Peak Anisotropy in % (0.0% to 15.4%)
3D2015_10Sv, Eric Debayle, Fabien Dubuffet, Stéphanie Durand, is the update of the background model up to October 2015. It is based on the waveform modeling of 1,434,738 Rayleigh waves recorded between 1976 and October 2015.
model includes the reference model values:
Vp_abs(km/s), absolute Vprange(7.54 to 10.70),
Vp_ref (km/s), reference Vp range(7.92 to 10.70),
dVp (%), Vp anomaly range(-0.05 to 0.06),
Vs_abs (km/s), absolute Vs range(3.99 to 6.12),
Vs_ref (km/s), reference Vs range(4.38 to 5.91),
dVs (%), Vs anomaly range(-0.10 to 0.10)’
AF2019 , Celli et al. (2020), is 3-D shear-wave model for Africa from waveform inversion with a massive dataset.
vsv (km/s) range(2.47 to 6.39),
vsh (km/s) range(2.65 to 6.24),
vpv (km/s) range(4.82 to 11.09),
vph (km/s) range(4.82 to 11.09),
rho (kg/m3) range(1717.72 to 4498.74)
AFR2022 , van Herwaarden et al., JGR (2023), is a seismic model of the African Plate, made with the technique of full waveform inversion..
vs, S-wave velocity (km/s) range(0.36 to 5.09),
vs_class,S-wave taxonomy range(1 to 4),
vp, P-wave Velocity range(1.6 to 8.9)
ADAMA, Olugboji, Tolulope, et al. (2024), Africa’s crustal architecture inferred from probabilistic and perturbational inversion of ambient noise.
Africa (map)
Vs, Shear-wave velocity (3.03 to 5.89 km/s)
Africa.ANT.Emry-etal.2018, Emry, Shen, Nyblade, Flinders, and Bao (2018), 3D shear-wave velocity model of Africa from full-wave ambient noise tomography
model including crustal correction:
Vp, P-wave velocity (7.65 km/s to 13.67 km/s),
dVp, P-wave velocity anomaly (-4.91% to 4.71%)

model excluding crustal correction:
Vp, P-wave velocity (7.67 km/s to 13.67 km/s)
dVp, P-wave velocity anomaly (-4.68% to 4.56%)
AFRP20 , Boyce et al. (2021), is an absolute P-wavespeed tomographic model with focus on African mantle structure, provided with and without crustal correction.
model including crustal correction:
vp, P-wave velocity (7.69 km/s to 13.72 km/s),
dVp, P-wave velocity anomaly (-4.41% to 4.53%)

model excluding crustal correction:
vp, P-wave velocity (7.7 km/s to 13.72 km/s)
dvp, P-wave velocity anomaly (-4.22% to 3.66%)
AFRP22 , Boyce et al. (2023), is an adaptively parameterized, absolute P-wave tomographic model for Africa provided with and without crustal correction.
Alaska, US (map)
Vs, Shear-velocity (1.57 to 5.82 km/s)
Alaska.ANT+RF.Ward.2018, Ward and Lin (2018), is 3D shear-wave velocity model of the Alaskan Cordillera from the joint inversion of ambient noise tomography and receiver functions.
Alaska, US (map)
vp P Velocity (1.46 to 9.16 km/s)
vs, S Velocity (km/s) (0.83 to 5.06 km/s)
dwsvp DWS for Vp (0.0 to 600,000.0 km)
dwsvs DWS for Vs (0.0 to 653,000.0 km)
Alaska_CVM_AKAN2020, Nayak and Thurber (2020), is 3D P- and S-wave velocity models of Alaska from the joint inversion of regional earthquake locations, body-wave data, and surface-wave data.
Alaska, US (map)
vp: P-wave Velocity (km/s) range(0.0 to 5.35)
vs: Shear-velocity (km/s) range (0.99 to 9.05)

AlaskaFWANT-Vs2019, Yang & Gao (2020) is a 3-D shear-wave isotropic model for Alaska and western Canada from full-wave ambient noise tomography with resolvable depth for the top 150 km.
Alaska, US (map)
vpfinal: Final Compressive Velocity (km.s-1) range(1.91 to 9.57)
vsfinal: Final Shear Velocity (km.s-1) range(0.49 to 5.35)
rhofinal: Final Density ( range(2.05 to 3.89)
vpMC: Preliminary Compressive Velocity from Initial MCMC, determined from relation to Vs (km.s-1) range(1.72 to 9.60)
vsMC: Preliminary Shear Velocity from Initial MCMC (km.s-1) range(0.43 to 5.37)
rhoMC: Preliminary Density from Initial MCMC, determined from relation to Vs ( range(1.75 to 3.61)
vsUncMC: Preliminary Shear Velocity Uncertainty from Initial MCMC, smoothed onto grid from results at each station (km.s-1) range(0.03 to 0.71)
elevation: Surface Elevation at this Location (m) range(-27.00 to 5463.78)
Alaska_CVM_AKEP2020, Berg, Lin, Allam, Schulte-Pelkum, Ward and Shen (2020), includes S-wave velocity structure across Alaska from joint inversion of ambient noise and earthquake tomography (phase velocity) and Rayleigh wave ellipticity; also includes data from receiver functions. Relations of Vp and density to Vs used to constrain Vp and Vs in Markov Chain Monte Carlo joint inversion. Final result from follow-up deterministic inversion..
Alaska, US (map)
Vsv, Vertical Shear Velocity (km/s), range 0.0 to 4.79
unVsv, Uncertainty of Vertical Shear Velocity (km/s), range 0.0 to 1.023
gamma, Radial anisotropy (Vsh-Vsv)/Vsv as %, range -9.57 to 24.29
ungamma, Uncertainty in Radial anisotropy (Vsh-Vsv)/Vsv as %, range 0.0 to 5.479
Alaska-LFeng-2019_vsv_gamma, Feng and Ritzwoller (2019), is a 3‐D Shear Velocity Model of the Crust and Uppermost Mantle Beneath Alaska Including Apparent Radial Anisotropy.
Alaska, US &
NW Canada
depth, Depth of moho below the Earth surface (21.34 km to 49.50 km)
AAlaska_NWCanada_Moho_2023, J Liu, M., & Gao, H. (2023), An up-to-date map of the crustal thickness in Alaska and northwestern Canada were extracted from P wave receiver functions using the common conversion point (CCP) stacking method.
Alaska, US (map)
dVs, Shear-velocity perturbation (-19.85% to 16.05%)
Alaska-S+SW-2018, Jiang, Schmandt, Ward, Lin, and Worthington (2018), 3D shear-wave velocity model of Alaskan upper mantle from the joint inversion of teleseismic S-wave travel-time residuals and Rayleigh wave dispersion.
Cleveland Volcano, Alaska, US
dVs, Shear-velocity perturbation (-0.40 to 0.53)
IFM1_S_2020, Portner et al. (2020), 3D Ps-P crustal tomography relative S wave model for Cleveland Volcano.
Anatolia and the Aegean Sea (map)
dVp, P-wave velocity perturbation (-9.7% to 9.1%)
hq, hit quality (0 to 1)
ANA2_P_2018, Portner, Delph, Biryol, Beck, Zandt, Özacar, Sandvol & Türkelli (2018), is a regional finite-frequency teleseismic P-wave tomography model for the Eastern Mediterranean.
Antarctica and the surrounding southern oceans
voigtVs (km/s) range(0.54 to 6.43) ANT-20, Lloyd, Wiens, Zhu, Tromp, Nyblade, Aster, et al. (2019), is a 3D tomographic model of the upper mantle and transition zone structure beneath Antarctica and the surrounding southern oceans.
The Central Andes
Vs, S-velocity in km/s (2.42 and 5.04 km/s) Andes.ANT.Ward.2013, Ward, Zandt, Beck, Porter, Wagner, Minaya and Tavera (2013), is a 3D shear-wave velocity model of the Central Andes from ambient noise tomography. The model incorporates broadband seismic data from 20 seismic networks deployed incrementally in the Central Andes from 1994 May to 2012 August, to image the shear wave velocity structure of the South American Cordillera.
South America: Altiplano-Puna Volcanic Complex (APVC) and the Puna Plateau (map)
Vs, S-velocity in km/s (1.61 to 5.28 km/s) APVC+Puna.ANT+RF.Ward.2017, Ward, Delph, Zandt, Beck, and Ducea (2017), is a 3D shear-wave velocity model of the Altiplano-Puna Volcanic Complex (APVC) and the Puna Plateau from the joint inversion of ambient noise tomography and receiver functions.
Australian Plate
Vp_abs, absolute Vp in km/s (7.36 to 10.78 km/s),
Vp_ref,reference Vp in km/s (7.92 to 10.78 km/s),
dVp, Vp anomaly in % (-7.03 to 6.03 %),
Vs_abs, absolute Vs in km/s (3.80 to 6.05 km/s),
Vs_ref,reference Vs in km/s (4.38 to 5.95 km/s),
dVs, Vs anomaly in % (-13.15 to 11.17 km/s)
Aus22, De Laat et al., 2023, is an azimuthally anisotropic S-wave tomography model of the crust, upper mantle and transition zone of the Australian Plate and its boundaries, computed using waveform tomography. It is computed from a database of 0.9 million vertical-component waveform fits.
Banda Arc collision zone (map)
Vs, S-velocity in km/s (2.50 to 4.91) Banda_ANT_CrustVs_2020, Zhang and Miller, (2020), is a 3-D crustal shear wave velocity model in the Banda Arc collision zone from ambient noise tomography.
Eastern Indonesia
dvp, P-wave Velocity Percentage (%) range(-6.44 to 6.93) Banda.Pwave.Harris.etal.2020, Harris et al., (2020), is a 3D P-wave velocity model of Eastern Indonesia / Banda Arc mantle from teleseismic tomography.
North America (map)
Vp, P-velocity in km/s (7.8 to 11.6 km/s), dVp P-wave Velocity Anomaly as % (-3% to 2.5%) BBNAP19, Boyce, Bastow, Golos, Rondenay, Burdick and Van der Hilst (2019), is an absolute P-wave tomographic model with focus on eastern North American upper mantle structure.
South America: The Bolivian Orocline (map)
Vs, S-velocity in km/s (2.24 to 4.94 km/s) BO.ANT+TPWT.Ward.2016, Ward, Zandt, Beck, Wagner and Tavera (2016), is a 3D shear-wave velocity model of the Bolivian Orocline (BO) from the joint inversion of ambient noise tomography and two-plane wave tomography.
Southern California (map)
vp, P Velocity (km/s) range(1.06 to 7.89 km/s)
vs, S Velocity (km/s) range(0.00 to 4.58 km/s)
rho, Density (kg/m^3) range(1000.00 to 3251.71 kg/m^3)
CVM_H_v15_1, Shaw et al. (2015), is a 3D Community Velocity Model – Harvard (CVM-H), a 3D structural velocity model for the southern California crust and upper mantle.
GLOBAL (map)
Vsv, vertical component shear wave speed in km/s (3.94 to 6.15 km/s),dVsva, perturbation of the vertical component shear wave speed w/average model (amod) (-11.2 to 11.2 %),dVsvr, perturbation of the vertical component shear wave speed w/treference model (rmod) (-10.08 to 12.59 %),az, direction azimuthal anisotropy (-90 to 90 deg),azamp, peak-to-peak amplitude azimuthal anisotropy (0 to 12.1 %),Vsh, horizontal component shear wave speed (4.12 6.16 km/s,dVsha, perturbation of the horizontal component shear wave speed w/t average model (amod) (-9.80 to 10.08 %),dVshr, perturbation of the horizontal component shear wave speed w/treference model (rmod) (-9.91 to 9.95 %),twopidir, direction 2PI azimuthal anisotropy (-90 to 90),twopiamp, peak-to-peak amplitude 2PI azimuthal anisotropy (0 to 6.7 %),fourpidir, direction 4PI azimuthal anisotropy (-45 to 45),fourpiamp, peak-to-peak amplitude 4PI azimuthal anisotropy (0 to 5.6 %),xi, anisotropic parameter (0.91 to 1.2) CAM2016, Priestley & Ho (2016), is a group of global upper mantle models based on multi-mode surface wave tomography. All models are defined on a 2 degree by 2 degree grid. Vsv and Vsh models are given for several lateral smoothing lengths. The models determined with the shorter smoothing length are applicable to the shallower depths while the models determined with the larger smoothing length are more appropriate to the deeper depths.
vs, shear wave speed in km/s (3.844 to 4.928 km/s),tmp, temperature (deg C) (-1.0 to 1542.6 C),thickness, thickness of the lithosphere in km ( 22.0 to 329.0 km) CAM2022, Keith Priestley, Tak Ho, Yasuko Takei, Dan McKenzie (2024), is a vertical shear wave speed (Vsv ) tomographic model of the upper mantle derived from the analysis of a large (∼1.2×107 seismograms), multi-mode surface-wave data set has been used to construct a relationship between Vsv and temperature (T) for the shallower upper mantle (<300 km depth).
California and Nevada
vs (km/s) range(2.07 to 5.35),
vp (km/s) range(4.29 to 9.24),
vsv (km/s) range(2.17 to 5.33),
vpv (km/s) range(5.01 to 9.37),
vsh (km/s) range(2.17 to 5.33),
vph (km/s) range(5.01 to 9.37),
rho (kg/m3) range(2509.13 to 3039.56)
CANVAS,HDoody et al. (2023) , The California-Nevada Adjoint Simulations (CANVAS) model is a radially anisotropic adjoint waveform tomography model of the crust and uppermost mantle of California and Nevada.
dvp, P Velocity (%) perturbation ( -5.78% to 5.12%) Carib.Pwave.Harris.Miller.Porritt.2018, Harris, Miller and Porritt (2018) , incorporates broadband seismic data from 130 seismic stations deployed and maintained by multiple networks between 2000 to 2017. Data from 535 teleseismic earthquakes Mw>5.5 were to picked for P and PP to image the P wave velocity structure of the Caribbean mantle.
North America, specifically Canadian and Alaskan mantle structure
dvp (%) range(-2.14 to 1.83)
vp (km.s-1) range(7.87 to 13.74)
CAP22, Boyce, A., et al. (2023), is an absolute P – wavespeed tomographic model with focus on North America.
The Cascades (map)
Vs, shear-wave velocity (2.6 km/s to 5.5 km/s) Cascade.ANT.Gao-Shen.2014, Gao and Shen (2014) , is based on a full-wave ambient noise tomographic method and the analysis of Rayleigh waves from ~1000 stations between 1995 to 2012, including the EarthScope USArray Transportable Array and many other permanent and flexible arrays.
The Cascades (map)
Vs, shear-wave velocity (1.02 km/s to 5.86 km/s) Cascadia_ANT+RF_Delph2018, Delph, Levander, and Niu (2018) , is a 3D vertical shear-wave velocity model of the Cascadian forearc from the joint inversion of ambient noise dispersion and receiver functions.
Western North America (map)
dVp, P-velocity anomaly (%), range -3.24 to 4.30 Casc16-P, Hawley, Allen, and Richards (2016) , is a teleseismic P-wave velocity model of the western US.
Western North America (map)
dVs, S-velocity anomaly (%), range -7.90 to 4.04 Casc16-P, Hawley, and Allen (2019) , is a teleseismic S-wave velocity model of the western US.
Contiguous United States (map)
log_10sigma, log(10) electrical conductivity, in S/m, range -6.74 to inf CONUS-MT-2019, Kelbert et al. (2019) , is a model of high resolution electrical conductivity variations in the Earth’s crust and mantle of contiguous United States based on magnetotellurics and ground magnetic observatory data.
Contiguous United States (map)
log_10sigma, log(10) electrical conductivity, in S/m, range -7.39 to 6.26 CONUS-MT-2021, Murphy et al. (2021) , is a model of high resolution electrical conductivity variations in the Earth’s crust and mantle of contiguous United States based on magnetotellurics and ground magnetic observatory data.
Contiguous United States (map)
log_10sigma, log(10) electrical conductivity, in S/m, range -7.39 to 6.26 CONUS-MT-2023, Murphy et al. (2023) , is a model of high resolution electrical conductivity variations in the Earth’s crust and mantle of contiguous United States based on magnetotellurics and ground magnetic observatory data.
GLOBAL crustal model (map)
ice_rho ( range(0.92 to 0.92) ice_thickness (km) range(0.00 to 4.10) ice_thickness (km) range(0.00 to 4.10) ice_thickness (km) range(0.00 to 4.10) ice_top (km) range(-4.38 to 4.07) ice_top (km) range(-4.38 to 4.07) ice_top (km) range(-4.38 to 4.07) ice_vp (km.s-1) range(3.81 to 3.81) ice_vs (km.s-1) range(1.94 to 1.94) lower_crust_rho ( range(2.85 to 3.05) lower_crust_thickness (km) range(1.55 to 32.76) lower_crust_thickness (km) range(1.55 to 32.76) lower_crust_thickness (km) range(1.55 to 32.76) lower_crust_top (km) range(-54.02 to -3.72) lower_crust_top (km) range(-54.02 to -3.72) lower_crust_top (km) range(-54.02 to -3.72) lower_crust_vp (km.s-1) range(6.60 to 7.20) lower_crust_vs (km.s-1) range(3.60 to 4.10) lower_sediments_rho ( range(0.00 to 2.63) lower_sediments_thickness (km) range(0.00 to 16.00) lower_sediments_thickness (km) range(0.00 to 16.00) lower_sediments_thickness (km) range(0.00 to 16.00) lower_sediments_top (km) range(-10.86 to -0.74) lower_sediments_top (km) range(-10.86 to -0.74) lower_sediments_top (km) range(-10.86 to -0.74) lower_sediments_vp (km.s-1) range(0.00 to 5.50) lower_sediments_vs (km.s-1) range(0.00 to 3.20) mantle_rho ( range(3.01 to 3.46) mantle_top (km) range(-74.81 to -7.40) mantle_top (km) range(-74.81 to -7.40) mantle_top (km) range(-74.81 to -7.40) mantle_vpn (km.s-1) range(7.25 to 8.50) mantle_vsn (km.s-1) range(4.02 to 4.71) middle_crust_rho ( range(2.69 to 2.91) middle_crust_thickness (km) range(0.50 to 24.43) middle_crust_thickness (km) range(0.50 to 24.43) middle_crust_thickness (km) range(0.50 to 24.43) middle_crust_top (km) range(-34.82 to -1.13) middle_crust_top (km) range(-34.82 to -1.13) middle_crust_top (km) range(-34.82 to -1.13) middle_crust_vp (km.s-1) range(5.90 to 6.70) middle_crust_vs (km.s-1) range(3.50 to 3.85) middle_sediments_rho ( range(0.00 to 2.56) middle_sediments_thickness (km) range(0.00 to 4.01) middle_sediments_thickness (km) range(0.00 to 4.01) middle_sediments_thickness (km) range(0.00 to 4.01) middle_sediments_top (km) range(-8.54 to 3.79) middle_sediments_top (km) range(-8.54 to 3.79) middle_sediments_top (km) range(-8.54 to 3.79) middle_sediments_vp (km.s-1) range(0.00 to 5.13) middle_sediments_vs (km.s-1) range(0.00 to 2.98) upper_crust_rho ( range(2.40 to 2.87) upper_crust_thickness (km) range(0.23 to 40.00) upper_crust_thickness (km) range(0.23 to 40.00) upper_crust_thickness (km) range(0.23 to 40.00) upper_crust_top (km) range(-21.00 to 5.40) upper_crust_top (km) range(-21.00 to 5.40) upper_crust_top (km) range(-21.00 to 5.40) upper_crust_vp (km.s-1) range(4.70 to 6.40) upper_crust_vs (km.s-1) range(2.54 to 3.72) upper_sediments_rho ( range(1.61 to 2.37) upper_sediments_thickness (km) range(0.00 to 2.20) upper_sediments_thickness (km) range(0.00 to 2.20) upper_sediments_thickness (km) range(0.00 to 2.20) upper_sediments_top (km) range(-7.38 to 5.41) upper_sediments_top (km) range(-7.38 to 5.41) upper_sediments_top (km) range(-7.38 to 5.41) upper_sediments_vp (km.s-1) range(1.50 to 4.00) upper_sediments_vs (km.s-1) range(0.06 to 2.13) water_rho ( range(1.02 to 1.02) water_thickness (km) range(0.00 to 7.38) water_thickness (km) range(0.00 to 7.38) water_thickness (km) range(0.00 to 7.38) water_top (km) range(0.00 to 0.00) water_top (km) range(0.00 to 0.00) water_top (km) range(0.00 to 0.00) water_vp (km.s-1) range(1.50 to 1.50) water_vs (km.s-1) range(0.00 to 0.00) CRUST1.0, Laske, Masters, Ma, Pasyanos (2013), is a global crustal model specified on a 1-by-1 degree grid.
crustal thicknesses
Western US (map)
thickness, crustal thickness in km (13 km to 59 km)
error, crustal thickness error in km (0 km to 4.5 km)
Crustal_Thickness_Error, Gilbert (2012), a model of crustal thicknesses values that are based on common conversion point (CCP) stacking of receiver functions calculated from data recorded by USArray stations and other permanent and temporary deployments in the western United States.
Australasia (map)
vsv, SV-wave velocity in km/s, range 2.54 to 5.28
vsh, SH-wave velocity in km/s, range 2.73 to 5.32
CSEM_Australasia, Fichtner, Saygin, Kennett, Bunge, & Igel (2019), Australasian part of the Collaborative Seismic Earth Model (CSEM).
Eastern Mediterranean (map)
vsv, SV-wave velocity in km/s, range 2.23 to 5.46
vsh, SH-wave velocity in km/s, range 2.44 to 5.55
CSEM_Eastmed, Fichtner, Cubuk-Sabuncu, Blom, & Gokhberg (2019), Eastern Mediterranean part of the Collaborative Seismic Earth Model (CSEM).
Europe (map)
vsv, SV-wave velocity in km/s, range 2.41 to 5.62
vsh, SH-wave velocity in km/s, range 2.38 to 5.78
CSEM_Europe, Fichtner, Rickers, Cubuk-Sabuncu, Blom & Gokhberg (2019), European part of the Collaborative Seismic Earth Model (CSEM).
Iberian Peninsula and the Western Mediterranean (map)
vsv, SV-wave velocity in km/s, range 2.41 to 5.07
vsh, SH-wave velocity in km/s, range 2.59 to 5.23
CSEM_Iberia, Fichtner, & Villasenor (2019), Iberian part of the Collaborative Seismic Earth Model (CSEM).
Japanese Islands (map)
vsv, SV-wave velocity in km/s, range 2.64 to 6.02
vsh, SH-wave velocity in km/s, range 2.54 to 5.99
CSEM_Japan, Fichtner, & Simute (2019), Japanese Islands part of the Collaborative Seismic Earth Model (CSEM).
North America and North Atlantic (map)
vsv, SV-wave velocity in km/s, range 2.45 to 5.26
vsh, SH-wave velocity in km/s, range 2.65 to 5.29
CSEM_North_America, Fichtner, Rickers & Krischer (2019), North American and North Atlantic part of the Collaborative Seismic Earth Model (CSEM).
North Atlantic (map)
vsv, SV-wave velocity in km/s, range 2.41 to 5.30
vsh, SH-wave velocity in km/s, range 2.59 to 5.46
CSEM_North_Atlantic, Fichtner, Rickers & Krischer (2019)), North Atlantic part of the Collaborative Seismic Earth Model (CSEM).
South Atlantic (map)
vsv, SV-wave velocity in km/s, range 2.37 to 5.30
vsh, SH-wave velocity in km/s, range 2.56 to 5.32
CSEM_South_Atlantic, Fichtner, & Colli (2019)), South Atlantic part of the Collaborative Seismic Earth Model (CSEM).
contiguous US
vsv, Vertical Shear Velocity (km/s), range 4.01 to 5.09
vsh, Horizontal Shear Velocity (km/s), range 4.12 to 5.16
CUSRA2021, Zhou et al., 2022, A radially anisotropic shear wave velocity model for the upper mantle structure of contiguous US, from adjoint full waveform inversion..
vsv, S-velocity in km/s range(1.10 to 4.83) Shen et al. (2018), a 3-D shear velocity structure of the crust and uppermost mantle beneath the central and West Antarctica.
Global (map)
dVs, Vs anomaly in % (4.05% to 5.62%)
lQ, S-wave attenuation (2.24 to 7.46)
mp, Melt percentage (-14.35% to 0.71%)
DBRD_NATURE2020, Debayle, Bodin, Ricard, Durand (2020) , represents data for ‘Seismic evidence for partial melt below tectonic plates’ by Debayle et al., (2020).
Northwestern US (map)
dVp, P-wave velocity perturbation (-4.3% to 3.9%)
dVs, shear-wave velocity perturbation (-8.3% to 4.5%)
DNA09, Obrebski, Allen, Xue & Hung (2010) , model is obtained through the body wave finite frequency tomographic inversion of the available EarthScope-USArray data recorded from January 2006 to July 2009.
Northwestern US (map)
dVs, shear-wave velocity perturbation (-7.0% to 10.1%) DNA10-S, Obrebski, Allen, Pollitz & Hung (2011) , model integrates teleseismic body-wave traveltime and surface-wave phase velocity measurements into a single inversion to constrain the S-wave velocity structure beneath the western US.
Contiguous US (map)
dVp, P-velocity in dVp (-1.6 to 1.8%)
dVsh, SH-velocity in dVs (-5.4 to 4.1%)
dVsv, SV-velocity in dVs (-3.9 to 3.2%)
dVsvj, joint SV-velocity in dVs (-33.8 to 14.3%)
DNA13, Porritt, Allen, & Pollitz (2014), model provides three independent body-wave derived estimates of the wave-speed for the continuous US. Teleseismic and ambient noise derived phase velocities are utilized in a joint inversion with the SV component body waves.
East Asia
vpv, vertically propagating P-wave velocity (km/s) range(2.10 to 12.34)
vph, horizontally propagating P-wave velocity (km/s) range(2.12 to 12.34)
vsv, vertically propagating S-wave velocity (km/s) range(0.67 to 7.11)
vsh, horizontally propagating S-wave velocity (km/s) range(0.69 to 7.11)
eta, anisotropy parameter range(0.84 to 1.08)
rho, density (g/cm^3) range(1.96 to 4.73)
vs, Averaged S-wave velocity (km/s) range(0.68 to 7.11)
vp, Averaged P-wave velocity (km/s) range(2.12 to 12.34)
vpv_ref, Reference model for vertically propagating P-wave velocity (km/s) range(1.49 to 11.47)
vph_ref, Reference model for horizontally propagating P-wave velocity (km/s) range(1.49 to 11.47)
vsv_ref, Reference model for vertically propagating S-wave velocity (km/s) range(0.55 to 6.40)
vsh_ref, Reference model for horizontally propagating S-wave velocity (km/s) range(0.55 to 6.40)
vp_ref, Reference model for averaged P-wave velocity (km/s) range(1.49 to 11.47)
vs_ref, Reference model for averaged S-wave velocity (km/s) range(0.55 to 6.40)
EARA2024, Xi et al., 2024, is a new radially anisotropic seismic velocity model for the crust and upper mantle beneath east asia and northwestern pacific subduction zones.
Western Eurasia, Arabia, and northern Africa (map)
Vs, S-velocity in km/s (3.7 to 6.8 km/s)
dVs, S-wave velocity perturbation w/t MEAN (-16% to 15%)
EAV09, Chang & van der Lee (2010), is a 3D shear-wave velocity model for western Eurasia, Arabia, and northern Africa based on multiple data sets including regional S and Rayleigh waveform fits, fundamental-mode Rayleigh-wave group velocities, teleseismic S and SKS arrival times, and independent Moho constraints.
Eastern North America
Vs, S-wave velocity (2.40 km/s to 5.85 km/s) ENA_FWT2021, Gao and Li (2021), 3-D shear-wave velocity model in eastern North America using full-wave ambient noise tomography.
Eastern U.S.
vp, P-wave velocity (1.5 to 13.7 km/s),
vs, S-wave velocity (0.0 to 7.4 km/s)
rho, Density (1000.2 4312.5 kg/m^3)
EUS-DGR-2022 , (Chai et al., 202), is 3D shear-wave velocity model of the eastern United States.
East Asia
vpv, Vertically Polarized P-wave Velocity in km/s (1.86 to 11.67 km/s)
vph, Horizontally Polarized P-wave Velocity in km/s (1.89 to 11.67 km/s)
vsv, Vertically Polarized S-wave Velocity in km/s (0.51 to 6.59 km/s)
vsh, Horizontally Polarized S-wave Velocity in km/s (0.52 to 6.59 km/s)
vp0, P-wave reference velocity in km/s (1.84 to 11.46)
vs0, S-wave reference velocity in km/s (0.54 to 6.40)
qmu, shear wave quality factor (21.52 to 355.0)
eta, dimensionless parameter related to the velocities at angles other than horizontal and vertical (0.80 to 1.10)
rho, Density in g/cm^3 (1.27 to 4.62 g/cm^3)
FWEA23, Liu et al., 2024, a high resolution seismic P- and S-wave model of the crust and mantle beneath East Asia. It\‘s produced by full-waveform adjoint inversion using a large dataset. The model has radial anisotropy in the top 220 km
East Asia & Pacific (map)
Vpv, Vertically Polarized P-wave Velocity in km/s (1.45 to 11.54 km/s)
Vph, Horizontally Polarized P-wave Velocity in km/s (1.46 to 11.54 km/s)
Vsv, Vertically Polarized S-wave Velocity in km/s (0.51 to 6.61 km/s)
Vsh, Horizontally Polarized S-wave Velocity in km/s (0.52 to 6.61 km/s)
ETA, Parameter related to the velocities at angles other than horizontal and vertical (0.87 to 1.05)
QMU, shear wave quality factor (8.33 to 345.60)
RHO, Density in g/cm^3 (0.86 to 4.53 g/cm^3)
FWEA18, Tao, Grand and Niu (2018), radial anisotropy is confined to the uppermost mantle (above 220 km). 1D Qmu model is fixed to QL6 (Durek & Ekström, 1996). All velocities are at 1 Hz.
South America
dVp, (percent) range (-5.30 to 10.18)
dVs (percent) range(-6.50 to 9.74)
dVpVs (percent) range(-4.41 to 2.44)
Liu and Gao, (2020) , A high – resolution shear – wave velocity model from immediately offshore to the backarc in South America, using advanced full – wave ambient noise tomography.
vsv (km/s) range (0.00 to 7.45)
vsh (km/s) range (0.00 to 7.45)
vpv (km/s) range (0.00 to 13.89)
vph (km/s) range (0.00 to 13.89)
eta range(0.00 to 1.04)
GLAD-M15, Bozdağ et al. (2016), Global adjoint tomography: first-generation model.
vsv (km/s) range (0.00 to 7.53)
vsh (km/s) range (0.00 to 7.53)
vpv (km/s) range (0.00 to 13.94)
vph (km/s) range (0.00 to 13.94)
eta range(0.00 to 1.04)
GLAD-M25, Lei et al. (2020), Global adjoint tomography: fsecond-generation model.
electrical resistivity model, Global (map)
sigma: log(10) electrical conductivity, in S/m with range -4.3 to 2.0 GlobalEM-2015-02×02, Sun, Kelbert and Egbert (2015), high resolution global electrical conductivity variations in the Earth’s mantle based on ground observatory data.
vpv (km/s) range (4.32 to 13.92)
vph (km/s) range (4.32 to 13.92)
vsv (km/s) range (2.32 to 7.52)
vsh (km/s) range (2.33 to 7.52)
eta range(0.88 to 1.03)
std_vp (km/s) range(0.00 to 0.12)
std_vs (km/s) range(0.00 to 0.07)
GLAD-M35, Congyue Cui et al. (2024), A joint P and S global tomographic model with uncertainty quantification.
electrical resistivity model, Global (map)
sigma: log(10) electrical conductivity, in S/m with range -4.3 to 2.0 GlobalEM-2015-02×02, Sun, Kelbert and Egbert (2015), high resolution global electrical conductivity variations in the Earth’s mantle based on ground observatory data.
electrical resistivity model, Global (map)
sigma: log(10) electrical conductivity, in S/m with range -2.6 to 5.0 GlobalEM-2009-10×10, Kelbert, Schultz and Egbert (2009), global electromagnetic induction constraints on transition-zone water content variations.
GLOBAL (map)
dVs, shear-wave velocity perturbation w/t an average of the TNA/SNA models (-7.1% to 6.2%)
Vs, shear-wave velocity (3.0 km/s to 7.4 km/s)
dVp, P-wave velocity perturbation w/t the 1-second, isotropic equivalent PREM (-10.7% to 7.2%)
Vp, P-wave velocity (5.2 km/s to 13.8 km/s)
GyPSuM, Simmons, Forte, Boschi & Grand (2010) , is a tomographic model of mantle seismic wave speeds developed through simultaneous inversion of seismic body wave travel times and geodynamic observations.
Vs , S – wave velocity km / s (0.41 km/s to 4.55 km/s) HawaiiANR22, Wei et al. (2023), is a shear wave model for the Island of Hawai’i from multimode Rayleigh wave ambient noise tomography.
GLOBAL (map)
dVp, P-wave velocity perturbation (-5.7% to 4.8%) HMSL-P06, Houser, Masters, Shearer & Laske (2008) , is an isotropic P velocity model with 18 layers (approximately 100 km thickness in the upper mantle and 200 km in the lower mantle) and 2578 blocks in each layer (approximately 4 degree equal area blocks at the equator).
GLOBAL (map)
dVs, S-wave velocity perturbation (-10.7% to 9.4%) HMSL-S06, Houser, Masters, Shearer & Laske (2008) , is an isotropic shear velocity model with 18 layers (approximately 100 km thickness in the upper mantle and 200 km in the lower mantle) and 2578 blocks in each layer (approximately 4 degree equal area blocks at the equator).
northern Africa, western Maghreb region (map)
dVp, P-wave velocity anomaly (-1.74% to 1.43%), dVs, S-wave velocity anomaly (-0.49% to 0.64%) IBEM-P18+IBEM-S19, Civiero, Custódio, Silveira, Corela, Strak & Arroucau (2018, 2019) , is a teleseismic travel-time body- and shear-wave velocity models of the Ibero-western Maghreb region.
Mount St. Helens region (map)
vp,P velocity (km/s) range (2.11 to 8.25 km/s), vs, S velocity (km/s) range (1.98 to 4.29 km/s), vp_matched ‘matched P’ velocity (km/s) range (3.91 to 7.27 km/s), vs_matched, ‘matched S’ velocity (km/s) range (2.06 to 4.17 km/s), vp_large, ‘large P’ velocity (km/s) range (2.10 to 8.35 km/s) iMUSH_localEQ_Ulberg_2020, Ulberg, Creager, Moran, Abers, Thelen, Levander, Kiser, Schmandt, Hansen & Crosson (2020) , represents 3-D velocity models of the Mount St. Helens region using local-source travel-time tomography.
electrical resistivity model, Southwest Washington, United States(map)
resistivity, Electrical resistivity in Log10(Ohm-m) from -3.0 to 6.0 iMUSH-MT, Bedrosian, Peacock, Bowles-Martinez , Schultz, and Hill (2018), is a three-dimensional electrical resistivity model for southwest Washington centered upon Mount St. Helens.
Middle East
elevation Elevation in km, range: -0.286 to 3.393 km,
moho Depth of the Mohorovicic (moho) discontinuity below surface in km, range: 30.0 to 64.5 km
mohoerr Error in moho depth in km, range: 2.0 to 6.0 km
Vsuc Average shear wave speed of the upper crust (<15 km-depth) in km/s, range: 2.801 to 3.417 km/s,
Vslc Average shear wave speed of the lower crust (>15 km-depth) in km/s, range: 3.093 to 4.034 km/s,
Vsm Average shear wave speed of the sub-Moho mantle (<110 km) n km/s, range: 3.622 to 4.685 km/s
IPcrust2022, Irandoust, Priestley, and Sobouti (2022) is an Iranian Plateau crustal shear wave model.
East Asia
vsh Horizontally Polarized Shear Wave Speed in km/s, range: 0.0 km/s to 5.89 km/s,
vsv Vertically Polarized Shear Wave Speed in km/s, range: 0.0 km/s to 5.91 km/s,
moho Moho depth relative to a mean Earth radius of 6371 km, range: 9.18 km to 74.64 km
KEA20, Witek, Chang, Lim, Ning and Ning (2021) is a radially anisotropic shear wave velocity model for East Asia.
GLOBAL lithospheric model
asthenospheric_mantle_top_depth (km) range(8.87 to 320.42) asthenospheric_mantle_top_density (kg.m-3) range(3300.00 to 3300.00) asthenospheric_mantle_top_vp (km.s-1) range(6.58 to 8.64) asthenospheric_mantle_top_vs (km.s-1) range(3.57 to 4.70) asthenospheric_mantle_top_qkappa range(0.00 to 0.00) asthenospheric_mantle_top_qmu range(70.00 to 70.00) asthenospheric_mantle_top_vp2 (km.s-1) range(6.58 to 8.64) asthenospheric_mantle_top_vs2 (km.s-1) range(3.57 to 4.70) asthenospheric_mantle_top_eta range(1.00 to 1.00) lid_bottom_depth (km) range(8.87 to 320.42) lid_bottom_density (kg.m-3) range(3300.00 to 3300.00) lid_bottom_vp (km.s-1) range(6.71 to 8.82) lid_bottom_vs (km.s-1) range(3.82 to 5.03) lid_bottom_qkappa range(0.00 to 0.00) lid_bottom_qmu range(200.00 to 200.00) lid_bottom_vp2 (km.s-1) range(6.71 to 8.82) lid_bottom_vs2 (km.s-1) range(3.82 to 5.03) lid_bottom_eta range(1.00 to 1.00) lid_top_depth (km) range(3.68 to 75.78) lid_top_density (kg.m-3) range(3300.00 to 3300.00) lid_top_vp (km.s-1) range(6.71 to 8.82) lid_top_vs (km.s-1) range(3.82 to 5.03) lid_top_qkappa range(0.00 to 0.00) lid_top_qmu range(200.00 to 200.00) lid_top_vp2 (km.s-1) range(6.71 to 8.82) lid_top_vs2 (km.s-1) range(3.82 to 5.03) lid_top_eta range(1.00 to 1.00) lower_crust_bottom_depth (km) range(3.68 to 75.78) lower_crust_bottom_density (kg.m-3) range(2653.18 to 3288.64) lower_crust_bottom_vp (km.s-1) range(6.27 to 7.66) lower_crust_bottom_vs (km.s-1) range(3.42 to 4.36) lower_crust_bottom_qkappa range(0.00 to 0.00) lower_crust_bottom_qmu range(600.00 to 600.00) lower_crust_bottom_vp2 (km.s-1) range(6.27 to 7.66) lower_crust_bottom_vs2 (km.s-1) range(3.42 to 4.36) lower_crust_bottom_eta range(1.00 to 1.00) lower_crust_top_depth (km) range(2.65 to 49.80) lower_crust_top_density (kg.m-3) range(2653.18 to 3288.64) lower_crust_top_vp (km.s-1) range(6.27 to 7.66) lower_crust_top_vs (km.s-1) range(3.42 to 4.36) lower_crust_top_qkappa range(0.00 to 0.00) lower_crust_top_qmu range(600.00 to 600.00) lower_crust_top_vp2 (km.s-1) range(6.27 to 7.66) lower_crust_top_vs2 (km.s-1) range(3.42 to 4.36) lower_crust_top_eta range(1.00 to 1.00) middle_crust_bottom_depth (km) range(2.65 to 49.80) middle_crust_bottom_density (kg.m-3) range(2535.44 to 3073.18) middle_crust_bottom_vp (km.s-1) range(5.51 to 7.01) middle_crust_bottom_vs (km.s-1) range(3.30 to 4.03) middle_crust_bottom_qkappa range(0.00 to 0.00) middle_crust_bottom_qmu range(600.00 to 600.00) middle_crust_bottom_vp2 (km.s-1) range(5.51 to 7.01) middle_crust_bottom_vs2 (km.s-1) range(3.30 to 4.03) middle_crust_bottom_eta range(1.00 to 1.00) middle_crust_top_depth (km) range(1.83 to 27.13) middle_crust_top_density (kg.m-3) range(2535.44 to 3073.18) middle_crust_top_vp (km.s-1) range(5.51 to 7.01) middle_crust_top_vs (km.s-1) range(3.30 to 4.03) middle_crust_top_qkappa range(0.00 to 0.00) middle_crust_top_qmu range(600.00 to 600.00) middle_crust_top_vp2 (km.s-1) range(5.51 to 7.01) middle_crust_top_vs2 (km.s-1) range(3.30 to 4.03) middle_crust_top_eta range(1.00 to 1.00) upper_crust_bottom_depth (km) range(1.83 to 27.13) upper_crust_bottom_density (kg.m-3) range(2260.33 to 3014.43) upper_crust_bottom_vp (km.s-1) range(4.43 to 6.72) upper_crust_bottom_vs (km.s-1) range(2.37 to 4.05) upper_crust_bottom_qkappa range(0.00 to 0.00) upper_crust_bottom_qmu range(600.00 to 600.00) upper_crust_bottom_vp2 (km.s-1) range(4.43 to 6.72) upper_crust_bottom_vs2 (km.s-1) range(2.37 to 4.05) upper_crust_bottom_eta range(1.00 to 1.00) upper_crust_top_depth (km) range(-5.34 to 20.33) upper_crust_top_density (kg.m-3) range(2260.33 to 3014.43) upper_crust_top_vp (km.s-1) range(4.43 to 6.72) upper_crust_top_vs (km.s-1) range(2.37 to 4.05) upper_crust_top_qkappa range(0.00 to 0.00) upper_crust_top_qmu range(600.00 to 600.00) upper_crust_top_vp2 (km.s-1) range(4.43 to 6.72) upper_crust_top_vs2 (km.s-1) range(2.37 to 4.05) upper_crust_top_eta range(1.00 to 1.00) lower_sediments_bottom_depth (km) range(-3.19 to 20.33) lower_sediments_bottom_density (kg.m-3) range(2507.80 to 2633.47) lower_sediments_bottom_vp (km.s-1) range(4.82 to 5.52) lower_sediments_bottom_vs (km.s-1) range(2.77 to 3.21) lower_sediments_bottom_qkappa range(0.00 to 0.00) lower_sediments_bottom_qmu range(600.00 to 600.00) lower_sediments_bottom_vp2 (km.s-1) range(4.82 to 5.52) lower_sediments_bottom_vs2 (km.s-1) range(2.77 to 3.21) lower_sediments_bottom_eta range(1.00 to 1.00) lower_sediments_top_depth (km) range(-3.21 to 10.40) lower_sediments_top_density (kg.m-3) range(2507.80 to 2633.47) lower_sediments_top_vp (km.s-1) range(4.82 to 5.52) lower_sediments_top_vs (km.s-1) range(2.77 to 3.21) lower_sediments_top_qkappa range(0.00 to 0.00) lower_sediments_top_qmu range(600.00 to 600.00) lower_sediments_top_vp2 (km.s-1) range(4.82 to 5.52) lower_sediments_top_vs2 (km.s-1) range(2.77 to 3.21) lower_sediments_top_eta range(1.00 to 1.00) middle_sediments_bottom_depth (km) range(-4.18 to 10.40) middle_sediments_bottom_density (kg.m-3) range(2253.58 to 2502.10) middle_sediments_bottom_vp (km.s-1) range(3.09 to 4.82) middle_sediments_bottom_vs (km.s-1) range(1.49 to 2.76) middle_sediments_bottom_qkappa range(0.00 to 0.00) middle_sediments_bottom_qmu range(600.00 to 600.00) middle_sediments_bottom_vp2 (km.s-1) range(3.09 to 4.82) middle_sediments_bottom_vs2 (km.s-1) range(1.49 to 2.76) middle_sediments_bottom_eta range(1.00 to 1.00) middle_sediments_top_depth (km) range(-4.24 to 8.21) middle_sediments_top_density (kg.m-3) range(2253.58 to 2502.10) middle_sediments_top_vp (km.s-1) range(3.09 to 4.82) middle_sediments_top_vs (km.s-1) range(1.49 to 2.76) middle_sediments_top_qkappa range(0.00 to 0.00) middle_sediments_top_qmu range(600.00 to 600.00) middle_sediments_top_vp2 (km.s-1) range(3.09 to 4.82) middle_sediments_top_vs2 (km.s-1) range(1.49 to 2.76) middle_sediments_top_eta range(1.00 to 1.00) upper_sediments_bottom_depth (km) range(-5.32 to 8.21) upper_sediments_bottom_density (kg.m-3) range(1610.00 to 2281.77) upper_sediments_bottom_vp (km.s-1) range(1.50 to 3.27) upper_sediments_bottom_vs (km.s-1) range(0.06 to 1.65) upper_sediments_bottom_qkappa range(0.00 to 0.00) upper_sediments_bottom_qmu range(600.00 to 600.00) upper_sediments_bottom_vp2 (km.s-1) range(1.50 to 3.27) upper_sediments_bottom_vs2 (km.s-1) range(0.06 to 1.65) upper_sediments_bottom_eta range(1.00 to 1.00) upper_sediments_top_depth (km) range(-5.34 to 7.16) upper_sediments_top_density (kg.m-3) range(1610.00 to 2281.77) upper_sediments_top_vp (km.s-1) range(1.50 to 3.27) upper_sediments_top_vs (km.s-1) range(0.06 to 1.65) upper_sediments_top_qkappa range(0.00 to 0.00) upper_sediments_top_qmu range(600.00 to 600.00) upper_sediments_top_vp2 (km.s-1) range(1.50 to 3.27) upper_sediments_top_vs2 (km.s-1) range(0.06 to 1.65) upper_sediments_top_eta range(1.00 to 1.00) ice_bottom_depth (km) range(-2.07 to 3.94) ice_bottom_density (kg.m-3) range(920.00 to 920.00) ice_bottom_vp (km.s-1) range(3.81 to 3.81) ice_bottom_vs (km.s-1) range(1.94 to 1.94) ice_bottom_qkappa range(0.00 to 0.00) ice_bottom_qmu range(600.00 to 600.00) ice_bottom_vp2 (km.s-1) range(3.81 to 3.81) ice_bottom_vs2 (km.s-1) range(1.94 to 1.94) ice_bottom_eta range(1.00 to 1.00) ice_top_depth (km) range(-4.04 to 3.91) ice_top_density (kg.m-3) range(920.00 to 920.00) ice_top_vp (km.s-1) range(3.81 to 3.81) ice_top_vs (km.s-1) range(1.94 to 1.94) ice_top_qkappa range(0.00 to 0.00) ice_top_qmu range(600.00 to 600.00) ice_top_vp2 (km.s-1) range(3.81 to 3.81) ice_top_vs2 (km.s-1) range(1.94 to 1.94) ice_top_eta range(1.00 to 1.00) water_bottom_depth (km) range(-3.51 to 7.16) water_bottom_density (kg.m-3) range(1020.00 to 1020.00) water_bottom_vp (km.s-1) range(1.50 to 1.50) water_bottom_vs (km.s-1) range(0.00 to 0.00) water_bottom_qkappa range(0.00 to 0.00) water_bottom_qmu range(600.00 to 600.00) water_bottom_vp2 (km.s-1) range(1.50 to 1.50) water_bottom_vs2 (km.s-1) range(0.00 to 0.00) water_bottom_eta range(1.00 to 1.00) water_top_depth (km) range(-3.54 to 0.56) water_top_density (kg.m-3) range(1020.00 to 1020.00) water_top_vp (km.s-1) range(1.50 to 1.50) water_top_vs (km.s-1) range(0.00 to 0.00) water_top_qkappa range(0.00 to 0.00) water_top_qmu range(600.00 to 600.00) water_top_vp2 (km.s-1) range(1.50 to 1.50) water_top_vs2 (km.s-1) range(0.00 to 0.00) water_top_eta range(1.00 to 1.00) CRUST1.0, Pasyanos, Masters, Laske, Ma, (2014), is an updated crust and lithospheric model of the Earth
GLOBAL (map)
information LLNL-G3Dv3, Simmons, Myers, Johannesson & Matzel (2012) , is a global-scale model of the crust and mantle P-wave velocity with regional-scale details. The model is parameterized using a spherical tessellation with node spacing of ~1 degree in the upper mantle and ~2 degrees in the lower mantle.
vsv (km/s) range(2.40 to 7.36 km/s)
vsh (km/s) range(2.45 to 7.36 km/s)
vpv (km/s) range(4.65 to 13.72 km/s)
eta range(0.90 to 1.00)
rho (kg/m3) range(2545 to 5560 kg/m3)
LOWE, Thrastarson et al. 2022, is a global transversely isotropic Earth model created by inverting a dataset of 1179 earthquakes using full-waveform inversion.
Europe (map)
vs, S Velocity (km/s) range (1.627 km/s to 4.934 km/s)
probability_interface, Probability to have an interface at certain depth (%) range (0.0 % to 49.726%)
LSP_Eucrust1.0, Lu, Stehly, Paul & AlpArray Working Group (2018), is a 3D shear-wave velocity model for the European crust and uppermost mantle from ambient noise tomography
Temperature model
continental United States
Vs (km/s) range(4.20 to 4.83) VpVs range(1.72 to 1.83)
P (GPa) range(1669920000.00 to 3135020032.00)
T (degrees C) range(258.70 to 1433.00)
T_err (degrees C) range(21.20 to 152.10)
rho (kg/m^3) range(3229.90 to 3374.60)
rho_err (kg/m^3) range(12.10 to 55.20)
mg range(0.85 to 0.92)
mg_err range(0.01 to 0.05)
rhoC (kg/m^3) range(1.90 to 3368.80)
B range(-0.72 to 7.16 )
mantle_T_shinevar, Shinevar, W., et al. (2023), mantle_T_shinevar estimates mantle temperature, density, magnesium number, and relevant uncertainties for the shallow mantle(60 – 100 km) beneath the continental United States.
Midcontinent Rift electrical resistivity model (map)
log10sigma, log(10) electrical conductivity, in S/m (-5.45 to 4.05 S/m) MCR-MT-2016, Bedrosian (2016), is a three-dimensional electrical conductivity model of the Midcontinent Rift based on magnetotelluric data.
electrical resistivity model
The Midcontinent Rift (map)
rho, electrical resistivity (-2.26 Ohm-m to 7.61 Ohm-m), Yang, Kelbert, Egbert & Meqbel (2015), is a 3D electrical resistivity model of the Midcontinent Rift recovered by inverting 222 magnetotelluric stations from EarthScope USArray dataset in Midcontinent Rift area, north-central USA.
Multi-scale Electrical Conductivity Model of the United States
electrical conductivity model
sigma, electrical conductivity (S/m) range(0.00 to 28.13)
active_domain, Survey Area, range(0.0 to 1.0)
MECMUS-2022, Munch and Grayver(2023), is a multi-scale Electrical Conductivity Model of the United States.
Alpine‐Mediterranean Region(map)
vs, S Velocity (km/s) range(3.99 km/s to 4.72 km/s) MeRE2020, El-Sharkawy et al. (2020), The Slab Puzzle of the Alpine‐Mediterranean Region: Insights from a new, High‐Resolution, Shear‐Wave Velocity Model of the Upper Mantle.
Middle East and Southwest Asia
VSV, Shear Wavespeed Vertical Polarization (km/s) range(2.53 to 5.32)
VSH, Shear Wavespeed Horizontal Polarization (km/s) range(2.57 to 5.19)
VS, Isotropic Shear Wavespeed (km/s) range(2.56 to 5.25)
XS, Shear Wavespeed Anisotropy range(0.80 to 1.20)
VPV, Compressional Wavespeed Vertical Polarization (km/s) range(4.88 to 9.41)
VPH, Compressional Wavespeed Horizontal Polarization (km/s) range(4.87 to 9.30)
VP, Isotropic Compressional Wavespeed (km/s) range(4.90 to 9.28)
QMU, Mu Quality Factor range(38.05 to 643.48)
QKAPPA, Kappa Quality Factor range(471.66 to 3111.79)
RHO, Density (kilograms/meter^3) range(2515.19 to 3770.26)
MESWA, Rodgers (2023), is an adjoint waveform tomography model covers the Middle East and Southwest Asia and specifies anisotropic wavespeeds, density and attenuation quality factors for full waveform simulations.
electrical resistivity model, Missouri, United States(map)
resistivity, Electrical resistivity in Ohm-m from 1e0 – 1e5 MHCB-MT, DeLucia, Murphy, Marshak , and Egbert (2019), is a three-dimensional electrical resistivity Earth model for the Missouri high conductivity belt.
Broader region of the Middle East(map)
Vs, S-velocity in km/s from 1.9 to 5.0 km/s Midd_East_Crust_1, Kaviani, Paul, Moradi, Mai, Pilia, Boschi, Rümpker, Lu, Tang, and Sandvol (2020), is a Regional crustal and uppermost mantle shear-wave velocity model for the Middle East.
Middle America
vs , S-velocity in km/s from 0.0 to 5.1 km/s FWT_MiddleAmerica_2023, Liu and Gao(2023), is a 3-D shear-wave velocity model of the Middle American subduction margin.
Central Virginia, US
vp (km.s-1) range (5.54 to 6.43 km/s)
vs (km.s-1) range (3.34 to 6.01 km/s)
Mineral_3D_Vp_Vs, Islam, Powell, and Chapman (2021), is a three-dimensional compressional and shear wave models for the 2011 Mineral, Virginia aftershock region based on local earthquake tomography.
Contiguous United States and Southeastern Canada
Vs (km/s) range (0.00 to 5.83 km/s) Golos Fang and and van der Hilst, (2020) , A velocity model for Vp, Vs, and Vp / Vs Ratio variations in the North American lithosphere from body wave travel times and surface wave dispersion.
Temperature at the base of the crust
Western United States (map)
temperature, temperature (244.2°C to 1167.3 °C)
depth, base of the crust depth (20 km to 50.8 km)
pn_velocity, Pn velocity (7.7 km/s to 8.3 km/s)
temperature_uncertainty, temperature uncertainty (47.1°C to 126.7°C)
Moho_Temperature, Schutt, Lowry and Buehler (2017), provides latitude, longitude, temperature (°C), depth, Pn Velocity, temperature uncertainty (°C) at the base of the crust for the western United States.
North America (map)
dVs, S-velocity anomalies in % w/t MC35 (-18.8% to 9.4%)
Vs, S-velocity (3.7 km/s to 6.2 km/s)
NA04, van der Lee and Frederiksen (2005) , is derived from inversion of the fundamental and higher mode Rayleigh waveforms using the Partitioned Waveform Inversion technique, Nolet (1990). The data set used includes waveforms from about 1400 regional seismograms recorded at North American digital broadband seismic stations (including the USArray Transportable Array waveforms). The NA04 3-D model is expressed as the velocity difference in m/s relative to the 1-D averaged Earth model MC35.
North America (map)
dVs, S-velocity anomalies in % w/t MC35 (-18.8% to 12.6%)
Vs, S-velocity, range: 3.7 km/s to 6.2 km/s)
NA07, Bedle and van der Lee (2009) , is based on the 3-D shear velocity model NA04 and the analysis of regional S and Rayleigh waveforms for earthquakes around North America from January 2000 through September 2006, including waveforms from the USArray Transportable Array stations. The NA07 3-D model is expressed as velocity difference in m/s relative to the 1-D averaged Earth model MC35.
North America
dVs, S-velocity anomalies in % w/t iasp91 (-20.25% to 19.95%)
Vs, S-velocity, range: 3.58 km/s to 6.66 km/s)
NA13, Bedle, Lou, and Van der Lee (2021) , is a 3-D tomography earth model that draws on 9331 waveforms from 252 regional earthquakes used for three-dimensional model NA07, an update of NA04.
Africa (map)
dVp, P-velocity anomalies in % damp: -5.9 to 5.1, undamp: -0.06 to 0.05; dVs, S-velocity anomalies in % damp: -10.3 to 10.0, undamp: -10.4 to 9.7) NEAR-P15+NEAR-S16, Civiero et al. (2015, 2016) is a teleseismic travel-time body- and shear-wave velocity models of the northern East African Rift.
Northeastern US (map)
Vp, P-wave velocity in km/s (0.269 to 8.62)
Vs, Shear-wave velocity in km/s (0 to 5.47 km/s)
NEUS-Vs2018, Yand & Gao (2018), is a 3-D shear-wave isotropic model for the northeastern United States from full-wave ambient noise tomography with resolvable depths down to 120 km
North Island of New Zealand
vp, P velocity km/s (2.070 to 9.291),
vs, S velocity km/s (0.957 to 5.338),
rho density kg/m^3 (1965.4 to 38.5),
qp, P attenuation (43.3 to 1657.1),
qs, S attenuation (61.6 to 2645.7)
Chow et al. (2022), a 3D velocity model of the North Island of New Zealand derived using earthquake-based adjoint tomography.
Northern Mississippi embayment
Vs (km/s) range (2.00 to 4.73) Yang et al. (2022), Full Waveform Ambient Noise Tomography for the Northern Mississippi Embayment.
Moho depth
Northeastern US (map)
depth, Moho depth Cong Li (2018), the Moho depths beneath the northern Appalachian Mountains were extracted from 5875 teleseismic P wave receiver functions using the common conversion point (CCP) stacking method.
Northwestern US (map)
dVp, P-wave velocity perturbation (-3.4% to 3.6%) NWUS11-P, James, Fouch, Carlson and Roth (2011), is a 3-D P-wave tomography model for the northwestern United States, James et al. (2011). The P-wave inversion for NWUS11-P is based on a total of 79,212 rays from 461 teleseismic events, with typical bandpass filter range of 0.5-1.5 Hz. The percent velocity perturbations reported by this model are insensitive to the starting 1-D reference model.
Northwestern US (map)
dVs, shear-wave velocity perturbation (-9.3% to 5.6%) NWUS11-S, James, Fouch, Carlson and Roth (2011), is a 3-D S-wave tomography model for the northwestern United States, James et al. (2011). The S-wave inversion is based on a total of 88,689 rays from 379 teleseismic events, with typical bandpass filter ranges of 0.04-0.15 Hz. The percent velocity perturbations reported by this model are insensitive to the starting 1-D reference model.
Central US & the footprint of the OIINK network, Moho depths and crystalline crustal thicknesses (map)
thickness, crystalline crustal thickness
depth, Moho depth
OIINK_CUS_Moho2017, Yang et al. (2017), is a Moho depth and crystalline crustal thickness model within the central United States and the footprint of the OIINK network derived from receiver function observations
Central US (map)
Vs, S-velocity (0 to 6.94 km/s)
Vp, P-velocity (1.50 to 12.85 km/s)
RHO, Density in g/cm^3 (1.0 tp 4.88 g/cm^3)
OIINK_VS_model, Chen et al. (2016), is a shear wave velocity model derived from Rayleigh wave phase velocities recorded by the OIINK Flex Array and Transportable Array stations in the central United States.
Oklahoma, USA
vs , S velocity (1.14 to 5.30 km/s)
vp , P velocity (2.99 to 8.52 km/s)
rho , density (2189.2 3487.3 kg/m^3)
OK-DGT-2021, Chai et al. (2021), is a 3D seismic velocity model for Oklahoma.
Eastern Arabian Continental Margin, Oman
Vs, Shear Velocity (2.11 to 4.66 km/s)
Rad, Radial Anisotropy (-0.33 to 0.24 km/s)
ORLA2022, Weidle et al. (2022), is a radially anisotropic crustal shear wave velocity model, parameterized in terms of isotropic S velocity(Voigt average) and the radial anisotropy RAD[Vsh – Vsv; km / s].ORLA stands for “Oman Rayleigh – Love Ambient Noise” based velocity model.
Contiguous US (map)
Vp, Pn velocity in km/s (7.67 to 8.32 km/s)
AnisMag, Pn anisotrpy in % (0.0024% to 8.9912%)
AnisDir, Pn fast axis, degrees from north (0.139° to 180°)
PnGrad, Vertical velocity gradient (-9.92e-5 to 9.89e-5)
PnUS_2016, Buehler & Shearer, 2016, is a Pn tomography model for the contiguous United States. Model parameters include isotropic Pn velocity, anisotropy, vertical velocity gradient, and crustal thickness.
US Pacific Northwest (map)
dVs, shear-wave velocity perturbation (31.3% to 15.8%)
Vs, shear-wave velocity (1.8 km/s to 4.6 km/s)
PNW10-S, Porritt, Allen, Boyarko , and M.R. Brudzinski (2011), combines the state of the art ambient noise tomography method with time tested analyst selection to ensure the highest quality data is used as input to the model inversion. Incorporating spatially and temporally long paths with this manual selection step allows recoverable structure from the surface to ~120km depth. This model focuses on the US Pacific Northwest to address a series of questions relating to variations in arc volcanism, seismicity, tremor activity, and the relation to subduction complex structure.
Q model
GLOBAL (map)
dq, d(1/2Q)x1000 wrt the reference attenuation model QL6c.1D (-4.3 to 4.3)
dqp, dln 1/Q, wrt the reference attenuation model QL6c.1D (-164.9 % to 165.2%)
Gung and Romanowicz (2004) , a degree 8 3-D Q model of the upper mantlederived from three component surface waveform data in the period range of 60-400 seconds. Model is parameterized in spherical harmonics for lateral variations and cubic b-splines for depth dependence up to maximum spherical harmonics degree 16 horizontally for the SV-velocity model and 8 for the Q model with the use of 16 B-splines vertically (throughout the mantle). The velocity model is expressed as perturbations from the spherically symmetric model PREM.
vsv (km/s) range(2.50 to 7.75 km/s)
vsh (km/s) range(2.55 to 7.54 km/s)
vpv (km/s) range(4.69 to 13.77 km/s)
rho (kg/m3) range(2600 to 5560 kg/m3)
REVEAL, Thrastarson et al. (2024), is a global transversely isotropic Earth model created by inverting a dataset of 2366 earthquakes using full-waveform inversion.
GLOBAL (map)
dVs, shear-wave velocity perturbation w/t STW105 (-16.1% to 9.1%)
Vs, shear-wave velocity (3.8 km/s to 6.4 km/s)
dVsv, Vertically Polarized shear-wave velocity perturbation w/t STW105 (-16.9% to 9.2%)
Vsv, Vertically Polarized shear-wave velocity(3.8 km/s to 6.4 km/s)
dVsh, Horizontally Polarized shear-wave velocity perturbation w/t STW105 (-15.8% to 9.7%)
Vsh, Horizontally Polarized shear-wave velocity (3.8 km/s to 6.4)
S2.9EA, Kustowski, Ekstrom and Dziewonski (2008A) , laterally parametrize the upper-mantle structure beneath Eurasia using spherical splines with ˜2.9° spacing in Eurasia and ˜11.5° spacing elsewhere. The model is obtained from a combined data set of surface wave phase velocities, long-period waveforms and body-wave traveltimes. The 1-D reference model is STW105.
GLOBAL (map)
dVs, shear-wave velocity perturbations w/t STW105 (-8.2% to 8.2%)
Vs, Isotropic shear-wave velocity (4.2 km/s to 7.4 km/s)
dVsv, Vertically Polarized shear-wave velocity perturbations w/t STW105 (-8.6% to 8.8%)
Vsv, Vertically Polarized shear-wave velocity (4.1 km/s to 7.4 km/s)
dVsh, Horizontally Polarized shear-wave velocity perturbations w/t STW105 (-8.5% to 8.4%)
Vsh, Horizontally Polarized shear-wave velocity (4.2 km/s to 7.4 km/s)
S362ANI, Kustowski, Ekstrom and Dziewonski (2008) , has its radial anisotropy confined to the uppermost mantle (that is, since the anisotropy is parameterized with only the four uppermost splines, it becomes very small below a depth of 250 km, and vanishes at 410 km). The 1-D reference model is STW105.
GLOBAL (map)
Vs, Isotropic (Voigt) Shear Velocity (4.2 km/s to 7.4 km/s)
Vsv, Vertically Polarized Shear Velocity (4.1 km/s to 7.4 km/s)
Vsh, Horizontally Polarized shear-wave velocity (4.2 km/s to 7.4 km/s)
Moulik and Ekstrom (2014), is an update to S362ANI and S362WMANI representing an anisotropic shear velocity model of the Earth’s mantle using normal modes, body waves, surface waves and long-period waveforms.
GLOBAL (map)
dVs, shear-wave velocity perturbation (-8.5% to 8.2%)
Vs, shear-wave velocity (4.2 km/s to 7.4 km/s)
dVsv, Vertically Polarized shear-wave velocity perturbation w/t to STW105, range -8.9% to 8.3%)
Vsv, Vertically Polarized shear-wave velocity (4.1 km/s to 7.4 km/s)
dVsh, Horizontally Polarized shear-wave velocity perturbation w/t to STW105 (-8.4% to 8.6%)
Vsh, Horizontally Polarized shear-wave velocity (4.2 km/s to 7.5 km/s)
S362WMANI, Kustowski, Ekstrom and Dziewonski (2008) , is a version of S362ANI with anisotropy allowed throughout the mantle. The 1-D reference model is STW105.
vp, P velocity (1.77 to 13.89 km/s)
vs, S velocity (0.09 to 7.91 km/s)
SALSA3D, Ballard, Hipp, Begnaud, Young, Encarnacao, Chael, and Phillips (2016), is a tomographic model of compressional wave slowness in the earth’s mantle for improved travel time prediction and travel time prediction uncertainty; Begnaud, Ballard, Young, Hipp, Encarnacao, Maceira, Phillips, Chael, and Rowe (2015), Extending SALSA3D: adding secondary phases to a global 3D model for improved seismic event location.
SAAM23 SOUTH AMERICA vsv (km/s) range(0.00 to 6.93)
vsh (km/s) range (0.00 to 6.93)
vpv (km/s) range (0.00 to 12.37)
vph (km/s) range (0.00 to 12.37)
eta (count) range (0.00 to 1.04)
dvsv (%) range (-111.84 to 18.62)
dvsh (%) range (-110.35 to 17.18)
dvpv (%) range (-112.68 to 16.40)
dvph (%) range (-112.08 to 19.06)
deta (%) range (-10.49 to 12.86)
SAAM23, Ciardelli et al. 2022, is an elastic model for South America with transverse isotropy confined to the upper mantle, similar to its starting model, S362ANI.
SOUTH AMERICA: Central Chile and Argentina (map)
dVp, P-wave velocity perturbation (-7.5% to 10%)
hq, hit quality (0 to 1)
SAM4_P_2017, Portner, Beck, Zandt & Scire (2017), is a regional finite-frequency teleseismic P-wave tomography model for central Chile and Argentina. It uses relative arrival time residuals from 678 earthquakes recorded at 394 stations of a variety of temporary and permanent seismic deployments in Chile and Argentina.
dVp, P-wave velocity perturbations (dVp/Vp) (-0.08 to 0.09)
hq, hit quality (0 to 1)
SAM5_P_201, Portner et al. (2020), uses relative arrival time residuals from 2,084 earthquakes recorded at 1,113 seismic stations from 42 temporary and permanent seismic networks across South America. Residuals are measured in four frequency bands and are inverted in a finite-frequency tomographic inversion.
Southeast Asia
vsv (km.s-1) range(2.38 to 6.32)
vsh (km.s-1) range(3.50 to 6.32)
vs_voigt (km.s-1) range(3.07 to 6.31)
vp (km.s-1) range(7.52 to 11.12)
rho ( range(2.91 to 4.50)
qkappa range(57823.00 to 57823.00)
qmu range(80.00 to 600.00)
SASSY21, Wehner et al. (2021), A full-waveform tomographic model of Southeast Asia obtained using seismic data filtered at periods from 20 to 150 s. The inversion parameters were restricted to vsh, vsv, vp and rho.
dvs (%) range ( -13.14 to 8.80)
xi range (0.87 to 1.23)
SAVANI_US, Porritt et al. (2021), is a radially anisotropic whole mantle global model with high data and node density in the contiguous US.
GLOBAL (map)
dVsh, shear-wave velocity perturbation w/t PREM (-6.6% to 7.2%)
Vsh, shear-wave velocity (4.1 km/s to 7.5 km/s)
SAW24B16, Megnin and Romanowicz. 2000, is a 3-D shear velocity structure of mantle based on the inversion of body, surface, and higher mode waveforms, Megnin and Romanowicz (2000). The model was derived from handpicked transverse component waveforms and is parameterized laterally in spherical harmonics up to degree 24 (Edmonds normalization) and radially in 16 unevenly spaced splines. The SAW24B16 model is expressed as the percent perturbation from PREM.
GLOBAL (map)
dVs, Isotropic shear-wave velocity perturbation w/t PREM500 (-8.2% to 9.0%
XI, anisotropic parameter (-11.0 to 12.1)
Vs, S-wave velocity (0 km/s to 7.6 km/s)
Vp, P-wave velocity (6.5 km/s to 14.0 km/s)
RHO, rho density (2821.1 kg/m**3 to 9903.6 kg/m**3)
Qs, shear Q (0.0 to 355.0)
SAW642AN, Panning and Romanowicz (2006) , is a radially anisotropic shear velocity model, parameterized in terms of isotropic S velocity (Voigt average) and the anisotropic parameter, xi (V 2 sh /V 2 sv). Model values are percent perturbation relative to the anisotropic reference model PREM500.
GLOBAL (map)
dVs, Isotropic shear-wave velocity perturbation w/t PREM500 (-12.5% to 13.6%)
XI, anisotropic parameter (-9.7 to 16.7)
Vs, S-wave velocity (0 km/s to 7.6 km/s)
Vp, P-wave velocity (6.4 km/s to 14.0 km/s)
SAW642ANB, Panning, Lekic and Romanowicz (2010) , is a radially anisotropic shear velocity model of the mantel, parameterized in terms of isotropic S velocity (Voigt average) and the anisotropic parameter, xi (V 2 sh /V 2 sv). The waveform data used for this model consist of 3-component broad-band surface waveforms (short period corner of 80 seconds and cutoff of 60 seconds) as well as body waveforms (short period corner of 40 s and cutoff of 32 s). The spatial parameterization of the model is the same as SAW642AN, with 16 variably spaced cubic b-splines with depth, and level 4 spherical splines laterally. Model values are percent perturbation relative to the anisotropic reference model PREM500.
North America (map)
Vs, shear-wave velocity (4.0 km/s to 5.6 km/s)
Az, anisotropy fast axis direction (-89.1° to 89.2°)
G, anisotropy strength (0.02% to 4.1%)
XI, radial anisotropy (Vsh/Vsv) 2 (0.9 to 1.1)
SAWum-NA2, Yuan and Romanowicz (2011), North American regional shear velocity model is an isotropic and radially and azimuthally anisotropic Vs model for the North American upper mantle. The isotropic and radial anisotropic portion of the model is developed using long period 3-component fundamental and overtone surface waveforms in the frame work of the Non-linear normal Mode Asymptotic Coupling Theory (Li and Romanowicz, 1995;1996). A joint inversion of surface waveforms and SKS station average datasets is used in the azimuthal anisotropy inversion.
Southeastern North America
Vp, P Velocity (km/s) (5.6 to 9.26) SCA_123456i_007, Mustelier & Menke, is a three-dimensional compressional velocity model of the crust and upper mantle beneath Southeastern North America
Global (map)
dVs, shear-wave velocity perturbation (-7.5% to 8.3%) SEISGLOB1, Durand, Debayle, Ricard, & Lambotte, is a pure Sv tomographic model based on the joint inversion of Rayleigh surface wave phase velocity perturbations and splitting and coupling coefficients of normal modes. SEISGLOB2
Global (map)
dVs, shear-wave velocity perturbation (-4.9% to 4.2%) SEISGLOB2, Durand, Debayle, Ricard, Zaroli, & Lambotte (2017), SEISGLOB2 is a global shear velocity tomographic model based on the joint inversion of S SS and ScS delay tomes, Rayleigh surface wave phase velocity perturbations and splitting and coupling coefficients of normal modes.
vs, Voigt average shear wave velocity (isotropic Vs (km/s, range:4.05 to 7.55)
xi, aRadial anisotropy ((Vsh/Vsv)^2 (0.94 to 1.174)
SEMUCB-WM1, French & Romanowicz (2014), is a global whole-mantle tomographic earth model derived from fully numerical SEM-based forward modelling.
Global (map)
dVs, shear-wave velocity perturbation (-10.2% to 9.4%)
Vs, isotropic shear-wave velocity (4.0 km/s to 7.9 km/s)
XI, anisotropic Parameter (1.0 to 1.1)
SEMum, Lekic & Romanowicz (2011), is a radially anisotropic shear velocity model, parametrized in terms of isotropic S velocity (Voigt average) and the anisotropic parameter, xi (V sh 2 /V sv 2 ). The Vs (xi) model is parametrized in terms of 2562 (642) spherical splines laterally, and 16 irregularly spaced cubic b-splines radially.
North America (map)
Vs, isotropic shear-wave velocity (4.0 km/s to 5.1 km/s)
Xi, anisotropic Parameter (1.0 to 1.1)
SEMum_NA14, Yuan, French, Cupillard, and Romanowicz (2014), is an isotropic and radially anisotropic Vs model for the North American upper mantle which took advantage of the USArray TA deployment.
electrical resistivity model
Southeastern US (map)
rho, electrical resistivit (range 10 0 Ohm-m to 10 4 Ohm-m) Benjamin S. Murphy and G.D. Egbert (2017), a three-dimensional electrical resistivity model for the southeastern United States. Inverse solution was found using ModEM.
GLOBAL (map)
dVs, S-velocity in % (-20% to 14 %)
dXi, Radial anisotropy in % (-39% to 15%)
Xi, Radial anisotropy in (SH/SV) 2 (0.67 to 1.27)
SGLOBE-rani, Chang & Ferreira (2015), is a global radially anisotropic shear wave speed model with radial anisotropy allowed in the whole mantle. It is based on a seismic data set of over 43M seismic surface wave (fundamental and overtones) and body wave measurements.
southern part of eastern North America margin
Vs (km/s) range(0 to 5.18) SENAM_FWT2021, Li and Gao (2021), is a 3-D shear-wave velocity model of the eastern North American lithosphere.
Salt Lake Valley, UT, USA
vs (km/s) range(0.47 to 3.89)
vp (km/s) range(1.77 to 6.71)
rho ( range(1.79 to 2.89)
SLC-Vs10km-2022, Zeng, Lin, and Allam (2022), is a shear velocity model for Salt Lake Valley, UT, USA
Sierra Nevada and surroundings
Vp_1D (%) range(-6.30 to 10.16)
Vp_1D_GV (%) range(-6.43 to 11.97)
Vp_Mosch (%) range(-18.33 to 17.17)
Vp_MoschFix (%) range(-18.35 to 12.98)
Vp_MoschFixFree (%) range(-18.45 to 15.13)
Vp_Hersh (%) range(-19.91 to 14.31)
Vp_HershFix (%) range(-20.44 to 14.29)
Vp_HershFixFree (%) range(-20.20 to 15.62)
Vp_JoshMosch_120km (%) range(-18.13 to 17.21)
Vp_JoshMosch_40km (%) range(-18.17 to 17.66)
SNEP_Ptomo, Jones, Reeg, Zandt, Gilbert, Owens, and Stachnik (2014), is a P-wave teleseismic tomography of the Sierra Nevada and surroundings.
Southern California
vs (km.s-1) range(0.59 to 4.74), vpvs (count) range(1.34 to 2.55), stdvs (km.s-1) range(0.43 to 0.84), stdvpvs (count) range(0.03 to 0.12) SoCal_BergEtAl2021_UpperCrustVsandVpVs, Berg et al. (2021), Shallow Crustal Shear Velocity and Vp/Vs across Southern California: Joint Inversion of Short-Period Rayleigh Wave Ellipticity, Phase Velocity, and Teleseismic Receiver Functions
Southern California (map)
rho Density (kg/m^3) range (1.64 to 3.29) vpv Pv Velocity (km/s) range(1.49 7.96) vph Ph Velocity (km/s) range(1.47 to 8.07) vsv Sv Velocity (km/s) range( 0.70 to 4.90) vsh Sh Velocity (km/s) range (0.72 to 4.68) voigtVp P Velocity (km/s) range (1.49 to 7.92) voigtVs S Velocity (km/s) range (0.70 to 4.72) RA Radial Anisotropy (%) range(-15.9 to 12.8) SoCal.ANAT_Vs+RA.Wang.2020, Wang, Yang, Liu, Jiang, Schulte-Pelkum, Basini, Tape and Tong (2020) is a radially shear wave velocity model from adjoint tomography of Rayleigh and Love waves at 5-50s extracted from three-component ambient noise cross correlation functions of Southern California.
Southern California (map)
Vs, S-velocity in km/s (0.78km/s to 4.66 km/s) SoCal.ANT_Vph+Vgp.Qiu.2019, Qiu, Lin, & Ben-Zion (2019), is a 3D shear-wave velocity model of Southern California from joint inversion of Rayleigh wave phase and group velocities from ambient noise cross-correlations.
Southern California (map)
Vs, S-velocity in km/s (0.66km/s to 5.18 km/s) SoCal.ANT_Vph+HV-1.Berg.2018, Berg, Lin, Allam, Qiu, Shen, & Ben-Zion (2018), is a 3D shear-wave velocity model of Southern California from joint inversion of Rayleigh wave ellipticity and phase velocity from ambient noise cross-correlations.
V_voigt_percent, S Velocity perturbations (%), range: -37.35 to 45.69,
xi_percent, Perturbations in radial anisotropy (%), range: -14.9 to 17.0,
xi, Radial anisotropy (Vsh^2/Vsv^2), range:0.92 to 1.25
SPacific-rani, Kendall et al., (2021), is a 3-D shear-wave isotropic and radially anisotropic shear wave speed model of the Pacific upper mantle from 3-D anisotropic waveform modelling.
GLOBAL (map)
dlnVp, Velocity variation in percent (-6.32% to 6.30%)
dlnVs, Velocity variation in percent (-16.7% tp 10.3 %)
Vp, P-velocity in km/s (6.76 km/s to 13.80 km/s)
Vs, S-velocity in km/s (3.33 km/s to 7.38 km/s)
XI, S-wave anisotropy (V 2 sv/V 2 sh) (0.88 to 1.32)
PHI, P-wave anisotropy (V 2 pv/V 2 ph) (0.85 to 1.10)
SPani, Tesoniero, Auer, Boschi, and Cammarano (2015), is a joint model of radially anisotropic P- and S-velocity variation of the whole mantle based on the inversion of fundamental Rayleigh and Love surface waves up to the sixth overtone and major P- and S-body wave phases.
vpv (km.s-1) range(1.50 to 13.86)
vph (km.s-1) range(1.50 to 13.86)
vsv (km.s-1) range(0.00 to 7.45)
vsh (km.s-1) range(0.00 to 7.45)
eta (dimensionless) range(0.63 to 1.44)
SPiRaL_1.4, Nathan Simmons, Steve Myers, Christina Morency, Andrea Chiang, Doug Knapp (2021), is joint model of P- and S-wave speeds and vertical transverse isotropy (VTI) variations from the surface to the core.
electrical conductivity model
Snake River Plain/Yellowstone (map)
sigma, log10 σ [log(10) electrical conductivity] (-5.6 S/m to 1.4 S/m) Kelbert, Egbert, and deGroot-Hedlin (2012), A 3-D regional electrical conductivity model of the crust and upper mantle beneath the Yellowstone/Snake River Plain volcanic province (Idaho and Wyoming, United States) based on magnetotelluric data.
Taiwan (map)
Vp, P-wave velocity (1.6 km/s to 8.7 km/s) Kuo-Chen, Wu and Roecker (2012), Is based on a travel-time tomographic method from active- and passive-source experiments of Taiwan Integrated Geodynamic Research (TAIGER) and other permanent seismic networks. Totally, ~2800 stations are used. Depth of coverage is 0 to 116 km (best resolution 0-60 km).
North American Central Plains (map)
log_10sigma, log(10) electrical conductivity, in S/m (-7.39 to 6.26) Bedrosian and Finn (2021), is a three-dimensional electrical conductivity model of the southern Trans-Hudson Orogen and surrounding terranes based on magnetotelluric data.
The Tonga-Lau-Fiji region (map)
Qp, P-wave Q (35.4 to 272906)
Qs, S-wave Q (28.7 to 11059)
QpQs, Qp/Qs (0.4 to 2.58)
Qk, Bulk modulus Q (28.93 to 120.75)
Wei and Wiens (2019), 3D models of Qp, Qs, Qp/Qs, and Qk (bulk attenuation) of the Tonga-Lau mantle wedge based on the 2009-2010 Ridge2000 East Lau Spreading Center Imaging project.
Taiwan (map)
Vp, P-velocity in km/s
dVp, dlnVp %
dwsP, P derivative weight sum in dimensionless
Vs, S-velocity in km/s
dVs, dlnVs %
dwsS, S derivative weight sum in dimensionless
vpvs, Vp/Vs
dvpvs, Vp/Vs perturbations
THuang, Wu, Song, Chang, Lee, Chang, and Hsieh (2014), is a 3D P-wave and S-wave velocity model of Taiwan from joint inversion of P-wave and S-wave travel times, strong motion S-P times, and borehole logging data.
GLOBAL (map)
dVs, Vs perturbation as deviation from layer mean (-8.8% to 6.7%) TX2000 (also called Grand2000), Grand (2002) , refers here to the TXBW model to distinguish it from the TXBW Grand, van der Hilst and Widiyantoro (1997) model. The model is derived from the shear body wave travel times and aims at providing a more uniform global coverage of the mantle and more information on the upper-mantle seismic structure by using analysis of multibounce shear waves, core-reflected waves and SKS and SKKS waves that travel through the core.
GLOBAL (map)
dVs, shear-wave velocity perturbation (-7.6% to 6.1%) TX2011, Grand, provides shear velocity perturbations with respect to the TX2011_ref reference model with the mean from the individual layers removed. The grid is not representative of the block size used in the inversion. The model assumes the crustal thickness is given by the Mooney, Laske and Masters crustal model, Mooney et al. (1998) , and thus velocity deviations in the upper most layer are with respect to a variable crustal thickness model.
GLOBAL (map)
dvp, P-wave Velocity Perturbation w/t AK-135 model-3.8% to 5.6%)
dVs, Shear Velocity Perturbation w/t an average of the TNA/SNA models (-9.1% to 8.5%)
TX2019slab, Lu, Grand, Lai, & Garnero, provides shear velocity perturbations with respect to the averaged TNA/SNA model and compressional velocity perturbations with respect to the AK-135f model with the mean from the individual layers removed. The grid is not representative of the block size used in the inversion.
Southeastern Texas (map)
vs, Shear velocity (km/s) range(1.54 to 4.74 km/s)
dVs, SRelative S velocity (%) range(-21.6 to 137.6)
TX_EF_2020, Porritt, Savvaidis, Young, Shirley, & Li, is S-velocity model of the Eagle Ford of southeastern Texas from joint inversion of Ambient Noise Tomography and P to S Receiver Function
Contiguous US (map)
Vsv, Sv-velocity (0.28 km/s to 4.84 km/s
Vp, P-velocity (1.47 km/s to 8.65 km/s)
RHO, density (1.60 g/cm^3 to 3.50 g/cm^3)
Shen & Ritzwoller (2016), a 3D shear-wave velocity model of the US from joint inversion of surface wave dispersion from ambient noise and earthquakes, Rayleigh wave H/V ratio, and receiver functions.
Contiguous US (map)
Vs, shear velocity (0.6 km/s to 5.8 km/s) The US-Crust-Upper-mantle-Vs.Porter.Liu.Holt.2015 model, Potter, Liu and Holt (2016), is based on the shear velocity inversion of Rayleigh wave phase velocities calculated from ambient noise and wave-gradiometry measurements.
Contiguous US (map)
dVp, P velocity perturbation (-8.37% to 6.06%)
dVs, S velocity perturbation (-20.64% to 7.74%)
US-SL-2014 model, Schmandt & Lin (2014), is a P and S teleseismic body-wave tomography of the mantle beneath the United States.
Contiguous US (map)
Vs, S-velocity in km/s (0.55 km/s to 4.96 km/s) US-CrustVs-2015 model, Schmandt & Lin (2014), Crust thickness and Crust and Uppermost mantle Vs model for the contiguous U.S.
Contiguous US (map)
Vs, S-velocity in km/s (0.63 km/s to 4.83 km/s) US-Upper-Mantle-Vs.Xie.Chu.Yang.2018 model, Jun, Chu, and Yang (2018), 3-D Upper-Mantle Shear Velocity Model Beneath the Contiguous United States Based on Broadband Surface Wave from Ambient Seismic Noise
Western US
VSV (km/s) range(2.53 to 5.15)
VSH (km/s) range(2.38 to 5.50)
VPV (km/s) range(5.15 to 9.28)
VPH (km/s) range(4.90 to 9.41)
QMU range(45.05 to 613.07)
QKAPPA range(560.57 to 3886.74)
RHO (kilograms/meter^3) range(2393.33 to 3873.08)
VS (km/s) range(2.49 to 5.09)
VP (km/s) range(5.04 to 9.31)
XS range(0.57 to 1.74)
The WUS256 model, Rodgers, Krischer, Afanasiev, Boehm, Doody, Chiang, and Simmons (2022), is a 3-D adjoint waveform tomography model for the western United States.
Western US (map)
Vs, S-velocity in km/s (0 km/s to 6.94 km/s)
Vp, P-velocity in km/s (1.50 km/s to 12.85 km/s)
RHO, Density in g/cm 3 (1.0 g/cm 3 to 4.88 g/cm 3)
The WUS-CAMH-2015 model, Chai, Ammon, Maceira and Herrmann (2015), is a shear velocity model that combines spatially interpolated/smoothed receiver functions, surface-wave dispersion and gravity observations through a 3D simultaneous inversion to image the subsurface S-wave velocity structure of the western U.S. region.
Western US (map)
log_10sigma, log(10) electrical conductivity, in S/m (-7.11 to 7.64) WUS-MT-2021, Murphy, Bedrosian, and Kelbert (2021), a three-dimensional electrical conductivity model of the western United States based on magnetotelluric data.
Western US (map)
dVp, compressional-wave velocity perturbation as % (-5% to 4.7%)
dVs, shear-wave velocity perturbation as % (-14.0% to 8.82%)
wUS-SH-2010, Schmandt and Humphreys. 2010a, is a teleseismic travel-time residuals from the EarthScope Transportable Array and more than 1700 additional stations are inverted for 3-D velocity perturbations. The inversion uses frequency-dependent 3-D sensitivity kernels to map travel-time residuals, measured in multiple frequency bands, into velocity structure.
Yellowstone (map)
Vp, P-velocity in km/s
dVp, dlnVp %
dws, Derivative weight sum in dimensionless
YS-P-H15, Huang, Lin, Schmandt, Farrell, Smith, and Tsai (2015), A 3D P-wave velocity model of Yellowstone from joint inversion of local earthquake and teleseismic travel-time data.

Citations and DOIs

To cite IRIS DMC Data Products effort:

  • Trabant, C., A. R. Hutko, M. Bahavar, R. Karstens, T. Ahern, and R. Aster (2012), Data Products at the IRIS DMC: Stepping Stones for Research and Other Applications, Seismological Research Letters, 83(5), 846–854,

To cite IRIS Earth Model Collaboration (EMC) data product or reference use of its repository:

To cite the source or reference the use of a particular Earth model hosted by EMC:

  • Please click on the model of interest in the above list and click on the Citations under Quicklinks.


  • Kelbert A., Egbert G.D., deGroot-Hedlin C. 2012. “Crust and upper mantle electrical conductivity beneath the Yellowstone Hotspot Track” Geology, v. 40, p. 447-450,
  • Mooney, W.D., G. Laske, and G. Masters. 1998. “A global crustal model at 5×5 degrees.” J. Geophys. Res. 103:727-747.
  • Nolet, Guust. 1990. “Partitioned waveform inversion and two-dimensional structure under the network of autonomously recording seis mographs.” J. Geophys. Res. 95:8499-8512.


  • The research community for their contributions and product review





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