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Active Message Threads for February 2018

Please register for Glacial Earthquakes and Cryoseismology as a Tool for Investigating Greenland Outlet Glaciers on February 21, 2018 2:00 PM EST at: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/2505810477443022081 <https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/2505810477443022081> Presenter: Dr. Stephen A. Veitch, University of Texas at El Paso Abstract: Although seismology has been used as a tool to investigate glaciers and icesheets for decades, the field of 'Cryoseismology' has exploded in th… [more]
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Please register for Glacial Earthquakes and Cryoseismology as a Tool for Investigating Greenland Outlet Glaciers on February 21, 2018 2:00 PM EST at: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/2505810477443022081 <https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/2505810477443022081> Presenter: Dr. Stephen A. Veitch, University of Texas at El Paso Abstract: Although seismology has been used as a tool to investigate glaciers and icesheets for decades, the field of 'Cryoseismology' has exploded in th… [more]
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Please register for the last of the webinars on Petroleum Exploration, presented by Dr. Fred Schroeder, retired from Exxon and ExxonMobil. Lesson 06 - Estimating Ultimate Recovery (EUR) on February 6, 2018 at 2:00 PM EST Lessons 07 and 08 - Maturing a Lead Assessment and Risking, and Management Review on February 8, 2018 at 2:00 PM EST Please register for both Lessons at: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/1330914133443505921 <https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/133091413344350… [more]
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THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8 @2PM PT Pythonic Geodynamics Gabriele Morra, University of Louisiana at Lafayette Students and young researchers who want to learn to use computational tools for geodynamic modeling have the option to choose among a wide range of numerical tools. I will show how Python and its libraries represent an easy-to-use platform for self-learning, with performance close to compiled codes. I will present (1) how to visualize and run vectorial calculations, (2) examples from classi… [more]
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THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8 @2PM PT Pythonic Geodynamics Gabriele Morra, University of Louisiana at Lafayette Students and young researchers who want to learn to use computational tools for geodynamic modeling have the option to choose among a wide range of numerical tools. I will show how Python and its libraries represent an easy-to-use platform for self-learning, with performance close to compiled codes. I will present (1) how to visualize and run vectorial calculations, (2) examples from classi… [more]
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