Data Services Products: EMC-DNA13-Supplemental Supplemental information on DNA13 Earth model


DNA13 model, Porritt, Allen, & Pollitz (2014), provides three independent body-wave derived estimates of the wave-speed for the continuous US. Teleseismic and ambient noise derived phase velocities are utilized in a joint inversion with the SV component body waves. This page contains supplemental information on resolution, phase ray and phase velocity as well as uncertainties for this model.


The following images and data files provide information on resolution, phase ray and velocity and uncertainties on the DNA13 Earth models. For each resolution test image, a larger image is available by clicking on the image. Phase data files are space-delimited ASCII files. A complete supplemental bundle for the DNA13 Earth model can be downloaded here


Body wave resolution test

Checkerboard tests through the DNA13 P (left), SH (middle), and SV (right) models. Different rows display different depths and checkers increase in size with depth due to the reduced resolving power of finite width kernels at depth.

(click on the image to view a higher-resolution PDF file)


Depth resolution test

Cross sections along constant longitude comparing the vertical resolution of the SV body wave only model (left) versus the SV-Joint model (right).

(click on the image to view a higher-resolution PDF file)


Delay time prediction

Result of testing DNA13 to predict arrival times.

  • Top row: point clouds comparing observed delay times with the final fit delay times for the four DNA13 model components. Correlation coefficient given in lower right corner.
  • Middle row: Observed vs. predicted delay times for a set of events not included in the computation of DNA13.
  • Bottom row: Observed vs. predicted delays for several events, but using observations derived from the Princeton global synthetic database against the actual data.

(click on the image to view a higher-resolution PDF file)


SV-Joint model resolution test

Checkerboard resolution tests in the shallow part of the SV-Joint model. Note that this overly optimistic.

(click on the image to view a higher-resolution PDF file)


Ambient Noise Tomography (ANT) resolution test

Spatial resolution maps of ambient noise derived phase velocities as computed by the tomography of Barmin et al., 2001. Color indicates minimum distance at which two delta functions could be identified between neighboring points.

(click on the image to view a higher-resolution PDF file)


P-wave station and event coverage

Stations (left) and events (right) used for the DNA13 P-wave model.

(click on the image to view a higher-resolution PDF file)


S-wave station and event coverage

Stations (left column) and events (right column) used for the DNA13 SV, SH, and SV-Joint models.

(click on the image to view a higher-resolution PDF file)

Data Files

Phase ray information for the band used in the model (0.4-0.8 Hz).

In each file the StandardDeviation column provides the 1 standard deviation uncertainties (Note that these values are extremely optimistic).


Phase velocity data files

The phase velocities are for all inter-station paths used in the ambient noise component of DNA13 SV-Joint

  • Each file has a name format such as _data${period}s_ph.txt_clean.res_ where the ${period} is the period at which the phase velocity is determined.
  • Format within each individual file is id# latitude1 longitude1 latitude2 longitude2 phaseVelocity 1.0 1.0 residual1 residual2

Citations and DOIs

  • Trabant, C., A. R. Hutko, M. Bahavar, R. Karstens, T. Ahern and R. Aster (2012), “Data products at the IRIS DMC: stepping-stones for research and other application.” Seismological Research Letters, 83(6), 846:854. doi: “ 120032


Barmin M.P., M.H. Ritzwoller, and A.L. Levshin. 2001. “A fast and reliable method for surface-wave tomography.” Pure Appl. Geophys., 158 (8), pp. 1351–1375


  • R. W. Porritt, R.M. Allen, & F. F. Pollitz


Rob Porritt
University of Southern California



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