Data Services Products: EMC-GyPSuM a global 3-D model of mantle shear wave (S) and compressional (P) speeds


GyPSuM, Simmons, Forte, Boschi & Grand (2010) , is a tomographic model of mantle seismic wave speeds developed through simultaneous inversion of seismic body wave travel times and geodynamic observations.


Name GyPSuM
Title A global 3-D model of mantle shear wave (S) and compressional (P) speeds
Type 3-D Tomography Earth Model
Sub Type P & S velocities
Year 2010
Short Description   GyPSuM is a tomographic model of mantle seismic wave speeds developed through simultaneous inversion of seismic body wave travel times and geodynamic observations.
Nathan A. Simmons
  Atmospheric, Earth and Energy Division
  Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
  Livermore, California, USA
Alessandro M. Forte
  GEOTOP, Departement des Sciences de la Terre et de l’Atmosphere
  Universite du Quebec
  Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Lapo Boschi
  Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule Honggerberg
  Institute of Geophysics, Zurich, Switzerland
Stephen P. Grand
  Jackson School of Geosciences
  University of Texas at Austin
  Austin, Texas, USA
Previous Model
Reference Model The reference P-wave model is the 1-s, isotropic equivalent PREM [Table II of Dziewonski and Anderson (1981) ]. The S-wave model is based on the averaged TNA/SNA model.
Model Download
One-degree gridded version of the model zip file (~8.8 MB) includes all necessary model files.
The above model expressed as percent P- & S- velocity perturbations: (see metadata ), is the netCDF file for the model
The P-wave velocity for the above model expressed in km/s: (see metadata ), is the netCDF file for the model
The S-wave velocity for the above model expressed in km/s: (metadata ), is the netCDF file for the model
Model Homepage
Depth Coverage 0 to 2900 km
Area Global (-90°/90°, -180°/180°)
Data Set Description The seismic data used consist of globally distributed, teleseismic S wave and P wave travel time observations that are not restricted to common source-receiver pairs. The geodynamic data includes the free air gravity field from the EGM96 geopotential model.

Non-Thermal and Total VP perturbations in the GyPSuM model at 4 depths
Simmons, Forte, Boschi & Grand (2010) , shows Thermal, Non-Thermal and Total VP perturbations in the GyPSuM model at 4 depths using different color scales.

Citations and DOIs

To cite the original work behind this Earth model:

  • Simmons, N.A., A.M. Forte, L. Boschi, and S.P. Grand. 2010. “GyPSuM: A joint tomographic model of mantle density and seismic wave speeds.” J. Geophys. Res. 115:B12310.

To cite IRIS DMC Data Products effort:

  • Trabant, C., A. R. Hutko, M. Bahavar, R. Karstens, T. Ahern, and R. Aster (2012), Data Products at the IRIS DMC: Stepping Stones for Research and Other Applications, Seismological Research Letters, 83(5), 846–854,

DOI for this EMC webpage:


Model provided by Nathan A. Simmons


GyPSuM tomography model online
Unified depths of the GyPSuM kmps models.



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