Distributed Acoustic Sensing

Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) is a potentially transformative technology in the geosciences and engineering. The rapidly increasing interest in DAS arises from its use in continuous arrays that can be kilometers in length while providing spatial resolution of meters and frequency response from millihertz to kilohertz. This mailing list provides a forum for discussion on all topics related to DAS technology including: applications, installation, data acquisition, handling and processing of data, engineering and scientific technical development, and advertisement of upcoming events, workshops, meetings, or other opportunities in the DAS community.

For more information on the Distribution Acoustic Sensing Research Coordination Network, please go to: https://www.iris.edu/hq/initiatives/das_rcn

Email address
Moderated by
kasey.aderhold@iris.edu, Herb Wang
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Active Message Threads for April 2023

The DAS research group at the Géoazur <https://geoazur.oca.eu> research lab (France) is seeking to appoint two Postdoctoral Researchers and one Engineer to advance marine applications of Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS). DAS exploits the great sensitivity of optical fibres to thermo-seismo-acoustic perturbations to turn standard telecom cables into high-density seafloor sensor arrays. This ground-breaking instrumental approach has already demonstrated its potential on marine cables for the m… [more]
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2023-04-21 08:31:46
Dear Colleagues Please share the following position with students and postdocs. The research groups of William Wilcock and Shima Abadi in the School of Oceanography at the University of Washington (UW) are seeking a Postdoctoral Scholar to study the capabilities of distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) to record low frequency baleen whale vocalizations and to develop automated tools to detect and localize fin and blue whale calls with DAS. This opportunity is part of a growing effort at the UW … [more]
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Computational Intern role at Pioneer Natural Resources is now available starting August 2023. - Must have strong programming skills in Python. - Must have prior experience in Fiber Optics Data Processing (DAS/DTS) and Interpretation. - Must be a student pursuing MS/PhD in Geophysics, Petroleum Engineering or Computational Disciplines from US Universities. #fiberoptics #geophysics #petroleumengineering Please send your resume to Shuang.Zhang@pxd.com Get Outlook for iOS<https://aka.ms/o0ukef> … [more]
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Dear colleagues Please make your PhD students and postdocs aware of this position. The seismology group at GFZ Potsdam (German Research Center for Geosciences) in Potsdam in the Berlin area (Germany) is seeking a postdoctoral research associate in the EU-funded multi-disciplinary SUBMERSE project, which will leverage existing submarine telecom infrastructures to record Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) and State of Polarization (SOP) data for geohazard evaluation and monitoring. You wi… [more]
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The *2023 DAS RCN Workshop <https://www.earthscope.org/event/2023-das-workshop/>* will be held June 13 (all day) and June 14th (morning) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. *The deadline for the travel support application has been extended to April 12th. *Please use the link below to register and apply for travel support which includes lodging and up to $1500 in reimbursable expenses. Decisions on funding will be sent to participants by April 17th. *Register and Apply Here! <https://docs.g… [more]
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The *2023 DAS RCN Field Experience <https://www.earthscope.org/event/2023-das-field/>* will be held May 30-31 (all day) at the Colorado School of Mines in Golden, Colorado. This event will include hands-on experience with distributed acoustic sensing systems and installation techniques. We encourage all to apply; we plan to support participants with a range of education/career stages and previous DAS experience. This event will be held in-person. There is travel support available for selected … [more]
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Dear colleagues, Please share the following position with your students and postdocs. The geophysics group at the University of Michigan is seeking applicants for a post-doctoral research position in ocean-bottom geophysics to work on Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS). Research topics of interest include observational oceanography and ocean-bottom seismology (including environmental seismology). The candidate will have the opportunity to participate in DAS data collection and be involved… [more]
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