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Active Message Threads for August 2020

SZ4D is hosting an International Webinar this Friday by Dr. Shuichi Kodaira of JAMSTEC on exciting new developments in megathrust science in Japan Uncovering fault slip behavior in the Japan Trench and the Nankai Trough - Results from 10-year studies and future research strategies Shuichi Kodaira - Institute for Marine Geodynamics, JAMSTEC, Japan August 28th, 2020 at 9 AM PDT / Noon EDT Zoom Webinar Register Now ⟶ <https://washington.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcod-yrpjwjE9U5DG7v_AqcRPAJPZWmS… [more]
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Stefan Lisowski
2020-08-15 01:51:20
Hi All - At the request of some students in different time zones, ISTI is offering an online English language SeisComP course in September. 12:30pm to 5pm Eastern Daylight time (with 1/2hr break mid-course). Students have already signed up, but there are still spaces available if you find this course time convenient. Here’s some info from the blurb on our web site: In the course, we will focus on the latest open source modules of SeisComP; free for non-commercial uses. You’ll be taught … [more]
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Dirk Roessler
2020-07-24 10:04:40 - 2020-08-10 06:46:36
Dear SeisComP users and everyone interested, We are again announcing our Basic Training for the OpenSource SeisComP - the popular software for automatic and interactive earthquake analysis in real time. This training will be our first chance for you to learn about SeisComP in version 4. The version 4 has been recently released and this new generation will be the future of SeisComP replacing SeisComP3. The Beginner Course is perfect for new SeisComP users who wish to get quickly started with … [more]
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