Data Services Newsletter

Volume 11 : No 4 : Winter 2009

JWEED 3.13 Released

Announcing JWEED version 3.13, available for download from IRIS DMC. You can get to the JWeed installer, movie tutorial, and online manuals through the following links:


JWeed is a Java client that allows seamless access to events, stations, and waveforms from any institution that implements Data Handling Interface (DHI) services. Using WMS mapping tools, a user can find desired earthquakes, locate responding stations, and download event-oriented waveforms directly to their computer. Data can be plotted on screen and saved to SAC, miniSEED, and ASCII data files. Station response information can also be accessed through this tool. This tool can also be used to generate and email BREQ_FAST and NetDC requests using earthquake travel time windows.

JWEEDv3.13 changes

  • Increased the number of help buttons providing documentation on the application tools
  • IRIS_BudDataCenter server listing removed in favor of IRIS_DataCenter
  • Support for custom events. The user can now enter an event into the system by hand.
  • Virtual networks are now supported when querying stations.
  • Extra space around the map has been eliminated. Smaller screen size.
  • The Email Request “email to” selections were made easier to understand.
  • Downloading of response files in the RESP file format is now supported.
  • Simple ASCII output format is introduced: a text file representation of seismogram data.
  • Group seismograms by different criteria when selecting start and end times in the plot window.
  • When downloading seismograms, JWEED will reconnect if it loses the connection.

by Chris Laughbon and Rob Casey (IRIS Data Management Center)

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