Data Services Products: EMC-ak135-f A velocity reference Earth model


ak135-f is a variant of the ak135 velocity model, Kennett, Engdahl & Buland (1995) , which is obtained by augmenting it with the density and Q model of Montagner & Kennett (1996) .


Name ak135-f
Title ak135-f velocity model, ak135 full model (spherical average)
Type 1-D Reference Earth Model
Sub Type full model
Year 1995
Short Description   ak135-f is a variant of the ak135 velocity model, Kennett, Engdahl & Buland (1995) , which is obtained by augmenting it with the density and Q model of Montagner & Kennett (1996).
Brian L. N. Kennett
Past President, IASPEI
Research School of Earth Sciences
Australian National University
Canberra, Australia
E. Robert Engdahl
Past President, IASPEI
Department of Physics
University of Colorado
Boulder, Colorado, USA
Raymond Buland
National Earthquake Information Center
Boulder, Colorado, USA
Base Model ak135
Referenced by GyPSum , SAW24B16 and as PREM500 by SAW642AN and SAW642ANb
Model Download  
in comma separated value (CSV) file format (AK135F_AVG.csv ) with columns left to right representing depth (km), density (Mg/m3), P vel (km/s), S vel (km/s), Qκ, and Qμ
in IDV CSV file format (AK135_AVG_IDV.csv )

A Note on the Upper Mantle Density Model

According to the model’s website , the upper mantle density model should be treated with caution and may well change with further work. Please check the model’s website for any additional updates.

A Note from Philip Crotwell on Qkappa vs. Qalpha

The paper that is the reference for this model, Montagner and Kennett, says:

“We did not attempt to invert for Q_kappa ,which is
known to be poorly resolved. To a first approximation, 1/Q_kappa
is very close to zero except in the core.”

and then says in eqn 2.6 that:

1/Q_alpha = (4/3)(beta/alpha)^2 (1/Q_beta)
where Q_beta = Q_mu.

Checking the given values versus values calculated by this formula shows that the Q_kappa column to actually be Q_alpha (within +-0.03) for all values except fluid layers, where Q_alpha is set to a generic large value of 57822.0, which is about the same default value used in PREM. So I think this column should be labeled Q_alpha and not Q_kappa. Likely this is not a big deal and would not cause problems unless someone thought they needed to calculate Q_alpha from this value and effectively applied the conversion twice. Hopefully everyone just assumes this is Qp.

For comparison, the PREM model here does in fact have Q_kappa as the last column in PREM_1s.csv and all of the values are 57823
except in the inner core where it is 1327.7, which jives with the 1/Q_kappa being approx. zero except in the inner core.

My understanding is that Q_beta = Q_mu, and so it could be labeled either.

Model Homepage
Depth Coverage 0 to 6371.0 km
Area spherical average Earth model

ak135-F average model
ak135-F average model

Citations and DOIs

To cite the original work behind this Earth model:

To cite IRIS DMC Data Products effort:

  • Trabant, C., A. R. Hutko, M. Bahavar, R. Karstens, T. Ahern, and R. Aster (2012), Data Products at the IRIS DMC: Stepping Stones for Research and Other Applications, Seismological Research Letters, 83(5), 846–854,

DOI for this EMC webpage:


  • Montagner J.P. & Kennett B.L.N. 1996. “How to reconcile body-wave and normal-mode reference Earth models?” Geophys. J. Int. 125:229-248.
  • Philip Crotwell, Earth Ocean and Environment College of Arts and SciencesUniversity of South Carolina


  • B.L.N. Kennett, E.R. Engdahl and R. Buland





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