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Active Message Threads for June 2018

Please consider attending an IRIS-organized Seismic Instrumentation Technology Symposium on October 30-31, 2018 in Tucson, Arizona. This symposium will be a forum to share and discuss instruments and technologies for making seismological and complementary geophysical observations, including magnetotelluric, geodetic, atmospheric, and meteorologic. It will explore the capabilities that scientists and engineers are seeking, highlight technologies that are currently available from industry … [more]
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Dear 2018 IRIS Workshop Attendees: Please consider attending a Special Interest Group on "Educational and Citizen Science Seismology" Tuesday, June 12, 4:30-5:15 pm, in the Acoma Room Description Scientists and education specialists have been supporting and developing educational seismology networks in the US and globally for decades. Citizen seismology has been developing and expanding on a parallel track over the same time period. While the approaches to engage students and the pu… [more]
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7 June 2018 Dear 2018 IRIS Workshop Attendees: Please consider attending a Special Interest Group on Organizing for the Preservation of Analog Seismic Data 13 June 2018, 5-6pm, in the Zuni room Description Over a century of analog paper and film seismic recordings acquired in the pre-digital era (1880’s - 1990’s) are at risk. Decades of analog seismic data are physically deteriorating, and the institutional knowledge regarding these collections and how to use them is slowly fading as a gene… [more]
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Dear attendees of the 2018 IRIS Workshop: Please consider attending a Special Interest Group meeting on “Connecting with different audiences: From the podium to the pub(lic)" Wed., June 13th from 5-6pm Conveners: Bath Bartel, Maite Agopian, Wendy Bohon ABSTRACT: Come out from behind the podium and into the limelight to share your science with an audience outside your field and possibly even your comfort zone. With the rising popularity of public science talks like science cafes, Nerd… [more]
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Dear attendees of the 2018 IRIS Workshop: Please consider attending a Special Interest Group meeting on “*Community Input to the Working Group on Long-Term Seafloor Seismographs*". *Wednesday, June 13th from 2:30-3:30pm in the Zuni room * *Conveners*: Monica Kohler and Jeffrey Park *Purpose*: To provide input to the Working Group on Long Term Seafloor Seismographs (WGLTSS) ( on the first steps towards developing a pilot project for in… [more]
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Dear 2018 IRIS Workshop Attendees, Please consider attending the Special Interest Group Meeting on *Seismic Background Noise* at the 2018 IRIS workshop next week. When: Wednesday, June 13th, 2:30-3:30 pm Where: Acoma Room Conveners: Robert Anthony, Keith Koper, Adam Ringler, and David Wilson *Abstract* Improving our understanding of the background seismic noise field could help to improve the resolution at which we are able to record transient signals (e.g. earthquakes and explosions). … [more]
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Dear attendees of the 2018 IRIS Workshop: Please consider attending a Special Interest Group meeting on "*Recent Modernization of the Global Seismographic Network (GSN)"*. *Tuesday, June 12th from 4:30-6pm in the Picuris room* Conveners: Katrin Hafner, David Wilson, Pete Davis & Jeffrey Park ABSTRACT: Using supplemental funding recently provided by the DOE and the USGS, the GSN has been stimulating the development of new VBB sensor technologies as well as incorporating the latest method… [more]
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Dear attendees of the 2018 IRIS Workshop: Please consider attending a Special Interest Group meeting on EarthScope synthesis. Wednesday, June 13th from 5-6pm in the Taos room Title: Contribute to EarthScope’s Finale Conveners: Jeff Freymueller and Carl Tape Aim: to discuss synthesis opportunities for EarthScope science Description: As EarthScope draws to a close in 2019, the EarthScope National Office (ESNO) will be working with researchers over the next year to synthesize and… [more]
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Dear attendees of the 2018 IRIS Workshop: Please consider attending a Special Interest Group meeting on High-Performance Computing for data processing and modeling in seismology. Wednesday, June 13th from 2:30-3:30pm in the Taos room Conveners: Carl Tape and Lorraine Hwang Aim: to share progress from the HPCWG ( and to get feedback from the participants Description: As the volume of archived seismic data increases, the need to h… [more]
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Attendees of the 2018 IRIS Workshop who are interested in explosive source processes and time-dependent seismic structure should consider attending the Special Interest Group (SIG) meeting described below, which will take place from 4:30–6:00 pm on June 12 (Day 1 of the workshop). Resolution of Explosion Induced Damage Using Noise Correlations at a Dense 3-Component Array The SIG meeting will introduce the motivations, goals, and preliminary plans for an experimental study of explosion in… [more]
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