Data Services Products: EMC-Cascade.ANT.Gao-Shen.2014-Supplemental Supplemental information on Earth model Cascade.ANT.Gao-Shen.2014


Cascade.ANT.Gao-Shen.2014, Gao and Shen (2014), is based on a full-wave ambient noise tomographic method and the analysis of Rayleigh waves from ~1000 stations between 1995 to 2012, including the EarthScope USArray Transportable Array and many other permanent and flexible arrays. This page contains supplemental information on this model’s resolution.


The following images provide information on resolution of the Cascade.ANT.Gao-Shen.2014 Earth model.


Resolution test for the low-velocity anomalies

Resolution test for the low-velocity anomalies along the back-arc imaged in this study. (Upper panels) Input model is our preferred tomographic model; (Lower panels) Recovered velocities at the corresponding depths. Note that the amplitude of the velocity perturbation is not fully recovered partly because of the damping and smoothing factors used in the inversion.


Vertical resolution test

Vertical resolution test along three W-E profiles that cross the back-arc low velocity anomalies. (Upper panels) Input model is our preferred tomographic model. The velocity perturbation varies within a range of ±10%. (Lower panels) The recovered velocity models along the corresponding vertical profiles.


3D checkerboard resolution test (cell dimensions: ~200 km by 150 km )

3D checkerboard resolution test. (Upper panels) The velocity perturbation within each checkerboard cell is a cosine function with a cell dimension of ~200 km horizontally and 150 km vertically. The velocity perturbation varies within a range of ±10%. (Lower panels) The recovered velocity models at the corresponding depths.


3D checkerboard resolution test (cell dimensions: ~150 km by ~120 km )

3D checkerboard resolution test. (Upper panels) The velocity perturbation within each checkerboard cell is a cosine function with a cell dimension of ~150 km horizontally and ~120 km vertically. The velocity perturbation varies within a range of ±10%. (Lower panels) The recovered velocity models at the corresponding depths.


3D checkerboard resolution test (cell dimensions: ~100 km by ~90 km )

3D checkerboard resolution test. (Upper panels) The velocity perturbation within each checkerboard cell is a cosine function with a cell dimension of ~100 km horizontally and ~90 km vertically. The velocity perturbation varies within a range of ±10%. (Lower panels) The recovered velocity models at the corresponding depths.


Citations and DOIs

  • Gao, H., and Y. Shen (2014), Upper mantle structure of the Cascades from full-wave ambient noise tomography: Evidence for 3D mantle upwelling in the back-arc, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 309, 222-233,
  • Gao, H., and Y. Shen (2012), Validation of Shear-wave velocity models of the Pacific Northwest, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 102(6), 2611-2621,


  • H. Gao and Y. Shen


Haiying Gao
University of Massachusetts



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