Data Services Products: EMC-Cascade.ANT.Gao-Shen.2014 3D shear-wave velocity model of the Cascades from full-wave ambient noise tomography


Cascade.ANT.Gao-Shen.2014, Gao and Shen (2014), is based on a full-wave ambient noise tomographic method and the analysis of Rayleigh waves from ~1000 stations between 1995 to 2012, including the EarthScope USArray Transportable Array and many other permanent and flexible arrays.


Name Cascade.ANT.Gao-Shen.2014
Title 3D shear-wave velocity model of the Cascades from full-wave ambient noise tomography
Type 3-D Tomography Earth Model
Sub Type Shear-wave velocity (km/s)
Year 2014
Short Description   The model is based on a full-wave ambient noise tomographic method and the analysis of Rayleigh waves from ~1000 stations between 1995 to 2012, including the EarthScope USArray Transportable Array and many other permanent and flexible arrays.
Haiying Gao
Department of Geosciences
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Amherst, MA 01003, USA
Yang Shen
Graduate School of Oceanography
University of Rhode Island
Narragansett, RI 02882, USA
Previous Model
Reference Model None
Model Download (see metadata ), is the netCDF file for the model
Depth Coverage 0 to 200 km, (best resolution 20-120 km)
Area The Cascades (latitude: 36°/52°, longitude: 230°/254°)
Data Set Description [Gao and Shen (2014)] The dataset includes multi-frequency Rayleigh-wave phase delay times between the observed and synthetic waveforms from ~1000 stations.
Supplemental Information The supplemental information page for this model contains information on model resolution.

shear-wave velocity structure
Figure, Gao and Shen (2014), shear-wave velocity structure (in km/s) at multiple depths.

Citations and DOIs

To cite the original work behind this Earth model:

  • Gao, H., and Y. Shen (2014), Upper mantle structure of the Cascades from full-wave ambient noise tomography: Evidence for 3D mantle upwelling in the back-arc, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 309, 222-233,

  • Gao, H., and Y. Shen (2012), Validation of Shear-wave velocity models of the Pacific Northwest, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 102(6), 2611-2621,

To cite IRIS DMC Data Products effort:

  • Trabant, C., A. R. Hutko, M. Bahavar, R. Karstens, T. Ahern, and R. Aster (2012), Data Products at the IRIS DMC: Stepping Stones for Research and Other Applications, Seismological Research Letters, 83(5), 846–854,

DOI for this EMC webpage:


Model provided by Haiying Gao





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