Data Services Products: EMC-SAM4_P_2017 Regional finite-frequency teleseismic P-wave tomography model for central Chile and Argentina


SAM4_P_2017 is a regional finite-frequency teleseismic P-wave tomography model for central Chile and Argentina. It uses relative arrival time residuals from 678 earthquakes recorded at 394 stations of a variety of temporary and permanent seismic deployments in Chile and Argentina.


Name SAM4_P_2017
Title Regional finite-frequency teleseismic P-wave tomography model for central Chile and Argentina
Type 3-D Tomography Earth Model
Sub Type Relative P-wave velocity (%dVP)
Year 2017
Short Description   This model uses relative arrival time residuals from 678 earthquakes recorded at 394 stations of a variety of temporary and permanent seismic deployments in Chile and Argentina. Residuals are measured in four frequency bands and inverted in a finite-frequency tomographic inversion.
Daniel Evan Portner
Department of Geosciences
University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ USA
Susan Beck
Department of Geosciences
University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ USA
George Zandt
Department of Geosciences
University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ USA
Alissa Scire
IRIS PASSCAL Instrument Center
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
Socorro, NM USA
Previous Model None
Reference Model IASP91
Model Download
The above model expressed as P velocity in percentage with respect to the reference iasp91: (see metadata ), is the netCDF file for the model
Depth Coverage From 60 km to 1010 km (best resolution 200-900 km).
Area Central Chile and Argentina (latitude: -48° to -17°; longitude: -85° to -53°)
Data Set Description This model uses relative arrival time residuals from 678 earthquakes recorded at 394 stations of a variety of temporary and permanent seismic deployments in Chile and Argentina.
Supplemental Information Please see the supplemental material that comes with the reference.

Tomography results in map view
Tomography results in map view. P wave velocity perturbations of SAM4_P_2017 are shown in map view at 200 km, 320 km, 455 km, and 605 km depth.

Citations and DOIs

To cite the original work behind this Earth model:

  • Portner, D.E., Beck, S., Zandt, G., & Scire, A. (2017) The nature of subslab slow velocity anomalies beneath South America, Geophysical Research Letters, 44,

To cite IRIS DMC Data Products effort:

  • Trabant, C., A. R. Hutko, M. Bahavar, R. Karstens, T. Ahern, and R. Aster (2012), Data Products at the IRIS DMC: Stepping Stones for Research and Other Applications, Seismological Research Letters, 83(5), 846–854,

DOI for this EMC webpage:


Model provided by Daniel Evan Portner





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