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Active Message Threads for April 2018

Kuntal Chaudhuri
2018-04-20 03:40:40 - 2018-04-20 17:42:05
Hi Mam/Sir, I have been trying to get some data from the TW network for the first couple of months of 2010. However some of the stations are active during the time period but they dont seem to have their data in IRIS/mda so is there a way that I can get the data or I can contact someone who can provide me access to it? -- Yours Sincerely Kuntal Chaudhuri PhD student Department of Earth Sciences University of California Riverside
2018-04-19 23:14:16 - 2018-04-20 17:21:53
Hello, I'm Ridho from ITB. Now I'm doing the thesis on The Ambient Noise Tomography for Sumatera Island. So I need some of the waveform data from the stations located at Malaysia ( Malaysian National Seismic Network). How can I get it? Thank you regards,
02:51:59 v.af9cd46b